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Artworx CD

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Artworx CD is a complete CD dedicated to art and images created on computers over the last few years. Every image has been painstakingly created by computer artists. Thousands of images have been collected together from many different computer platforms, categorised for ease of selection and put together on compact disc to form the worlds greatest collection of computer art ever seen.

Two versions of the CD have been produced one for the Amiga and one for the PC. As all of the art is computer generated it makes absolutely superb colour clip art and provides probably the largest collection of AGA images and colour clip art ever for the Amiga.

Although both compact discs will work on both platforms each CD has been specially prepared with the images in the correct formats for each machine, IFF for the Amiga and Windows BMP for the PC. This means that the images will load into most Word Processors and graphics programs.

(Remember to request the version for your computer)




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Copyright © 1998 Weird Science Ltd.
Last modified: January 01, 1998