In this directory we meet: |
-4000.jpg (86K)
The description for this picture says "picture of A4000 using Reflections" which
would probably lead most of us to believe that it was a picture of an actual A4000, but it's
not. All this is is the word "A4000" above a checked floor, which of course isn't even half
as impressive. For me, an instant let down this one. Okay, so it isn't an actual A4000, but
even then the quality isn't skyhigh either. I hate starting off with low marks, but this is just
begging me, twisting my arm for one. Here you go: 3.
This, unsurprisingly, is a picture of a chip. A PPC chip, apparently. But it's not
detailed at all. It sits on this motherboard, which is obviously just a floor with a picture of a
motherboard mapped onto it. The chip and the board don't seem to fit eachother at all, the
chip's just been plonked on. I'd expected more of this, really. Even I could knock this up in
about all of half an hour. It seems this directory is having I really bad start, because this is
inevitably going to be another bad mark. It deserves a 4, just.
bathroom.jpg (75K)
I wouldn't mind having Maciej Gembara's bathroom myself. It's got a nice toilet, a
roomy bathtub to soak those old bones in, a painting on the wall and a realistic mirror. In
fact, all of those are highly realistically drawn, have good textures, and a nice colour
scheme. Everything you'd expect there to be in a bathroom is there, and the overall polish
in this picture is high. Here we finally have a good render, that well deserves the 8 I'm
giving it.
benettonformul.lha (182K)
This is a picture of a model of the Benetton Formula One car of a few years ago,
sitting on a wooden base. Initially this is very impressive, with all the ads being on the car,
etc. However, if you look at it for a bit you can't help but notice that the front of the car is a
bit bulky, and the actual shape of the car is slightly questionable. This gripe apart, however,
this is still a class bit of rendering. If only the artist had rendered the car on a racetrack or
something in stead of on a wooden base, this would have scored even higher: 7.
bkr.a5000.jpg (57k)
This is a render of an imaginary A5000. It's a futuristic desktop model, with two
floppy drives, and two CD-Rom drives. It also features a nice LCD display, as in the CU
Amiga impression of the A/Box. The picture itself is of a reasonable quality, but it's really
the design of the thing we've got to look at here, and there it scores very highly. The case
is very pleasing to the eye, and I certainly would like one to be sitting underneath my
monitor right now, but alas it's not. Amiga International could pick up a thing or two from
this design, as a medium-range desktop model this case would do well. Mark: 8
bottleboat.jpg (132K)
Well, this pictures' author, Iain Inglis, must have felt his Amiga didn't have enough
to do, because what we have here is reflections galore. In the positive sense. Basically,
there's a boat in a bottle, floating above a checked floor, with two marbles, a diamond, and
a sky. There's reflections in the bottle, on the two marbles and ofcourse the diamond. The
result is quite spectacular, and probably pretty spectacular rendering times too. Looks like
an overnight rendering job, does this one. Fortunately the effort has paid off: it would have
been nice to see some more objects actually related to the boat in a bottle rather than
those marbles and a diamond, though. Hence a thoroughly deserved 8.
crater.lha (140K)
Funnily enough, this is a picture of a crater landscape, created in Scenery Animator.
You have water, hills and trees. Nothing special, you might think, and that's exactly what it
is. It's certainly not bad, but it ain't good either. Hence a 5.
This picture is pretty much what you'd expect from a "city at dawn" picture: there's
a nice misty, moody street with some buildings and a doorway from which comes some
light. However, there's lots of detail troughout this picture, which makes this a high quality
render. It's just a shame there's nothing exciting going on and this picture for me leans
slightly on the boring side: 7.
eagle.jpg (117K)
No renders directory would be complete without some spacey pics, and here's one.
The eagle in this case is a big mothership, from whose wings come two daughterships.
There appears to be some incredible detail on those daughterships, unfortunately they're
both far away from the camera and so the author hasn't done them justice at all. That for
me is laziness, since camera and object positioning make a render what it is. Therefore a
mere 6 for what should have scored a 7 or 8.
enterprise-A.jpg (252K)
There's just no avoiding those Trekkie/Trekker renders, is there? Here we have
what must be a typical one, of (ofcourse) the Enterprise. Fortunately, this Trekkie artist
knows exactly what makes a render special. Here we have a nice, detailed Enterprise
model, set in an absolutely fabulous space backdrop, with ofcourse that finishing touch, a
lovely bit of lens flare. Good 8.
metrodream.jpg (101K)
This is a render of a futuristic subway station, with ofcourse a metro, some benches
to wait for your train on, etc. Sadly, words can't really convey the class in this render:
author Francesco Gambino has obviously done this before. For example, the floor of the
station is of the iron lattice type, which produces lots of lovely patterns; the lighting,
shadows and reflections are absolutely superb too, producing a really good moody
futuristic atmosphere in the picture. What can I say, apart from see it for yourself? The
only thing I can say is that this is worth a wopping 9.
This render is ofcourse one of the author's house. However, the house is rather
unspectacular, what was much more interesting was the vegetation in this render: there's
some good realistic plants in the garden. It's a shame that's the only strong point in this
picture: 6.
sea2.jpg (200K) |
This render is quite an interesting one: there's a reasonably realistic sea, with a
dolfin and probably two sharks, but the good thing in this picture is the sky: it's absolutely
gorgeous to look at, and the lens flare adds a finishing touch to a render of a very high
quality overall: 8.