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Questions regarding support/registration

Question (A question ...):
I have a question for you...
Sure, but please make sure you have the following details:
Serial number
The serial number can be found in the About window. This is not the number that you type in for registration! We reserve the right to help registered customers only.
Version number
You can also find the version number of MakeCD in the About window.
Hardware configuration
This includes in particular the exact version numbers for your SCSI host adapter and CD burner.
Software configuration
This includes all the programs you have stated before encountering a problem with MakeCD, as well as programs in `SYS:WBStartup' and `S:User-Startup'.

Question (Hi authors, I'm stuck):
I purchased MakeCD from company XYZ and have the following problem: ...
Please direct your question to XYZ or to the support address under @xref{MSUPP, Support, Support}. Please do not try to contact the authors of MakeCD directly, since this takes up time that could otherwise be spent improving MakeCD.

Question (Registration number cannot be saved):
I have typed in my registration number and address and saved. But when I next run MakeCD, I'm asked for the registration number again. Why?
You are probably trying to register MakeCD on a partition with AFS (AMIGA File Safe) and are using a version of AFS that is older than 16.16. Update the AFS and the registration should work.

Question (Mailing lists):
Is there a mailing list for MakeCD?
Yes. You can read more about this under @xref{SMLLS, Mailing lists, Mailing Lists}.

Question (High serial number):
Wow! I have just registered and noticed how high the serial number is. You have a lot of registered users!
Appearances can be deceptive. We don't want our rivals to know how many (or how few) registered users we have, so the registration number is designed to hide this.

Question (Latest version of MakeCD):
I am a registered user of MakeCD and would like the latest version. Where can I get it from?
If you have Internet access, simply visit our home page: http://makecd.core.de/. If you do not have Internet access, please contact the company that supplied you with MakeCD. If you registered MakeCD directly from the authors, you can use the registration form to order a free demo version (you pay the postage and packaging only -- 5 DM within Europe, 10 DM outside Europe). This offer is limited to one floppy per letter. Enter your registration number in this demo version to turn it into a new, registered version. If you are not telling us which version you are actualy using, you will get the actual version. If you tell us which version you have, we will make sure not to send you the same version again. You can save yourself time by paying for updates in advance. For example, if you would like to be sent the next three updates, please send us three times the postage and packaging fee (in this case 15 DM within Europe, 30 DM outside Europe) with a covering letter stating that you would like to be sent the next three updates. Please don't take this to excesses - there may not be as many updates as you pay for! Incidentally, you do not have to be registered to order the demo version. The offer is open to all unregistered users too, who perhaps are using old versions of MakeCD and are interested to see what the latest version offers.

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