1997 |
History of Amiga Events |
IPISA '97 Seventh Edition - November 29 and 30, 1997 - Milan, Italy |
IPISA'97 at the Conference Hall in Milano, Italy - International Developer Conference for Alternative Computing, http://bilbo.di.unipi.it/ipisa/
Mr. Petro Tyschtschenko at the developers converence at Computer97 Mr. Jeff Schindler (right side), head of Amiga Inc. USA at developers converence at Computer97 |
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Our booth at Computer 97 in Cologne |
The red tables were the sales area. The green ones were the big PageStream presentations area, where Volkmar Funke
gave all visitors a perfect demonstration of the power of PageStream and its additional programs.![]() |
This side (brown tables) was for the presentation of the latest versions of the ClassX products - FontMachine and
X-DVE v3.![]() We also had 3 displays at the booth of Amiga International were we showed ArtEffect 2.5, all new Tornado3D and NetConnect. The layout of the booth was done with DrawStudio and made smaller with ArtEffect. |
Mr. Mike Tinker of Index UK showed his new BOXER motherboard. The motherboard of the BOXER of Index UK. There is also a connector for a small and inexpensive PowerPC board on it. |
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The motherboard of teh A5000 of DCE. |
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14.-16 Nov World of Amiga 97 in Cologne (Germany)
Die Computer '97 - die erfolgreiche und seit Jahren etablierte Verbrauchermesse für den privaten Anwender, Freiberufler und professionellen Nutzer. Sie bietet wie immer die Möglichkeit, sich über neueste Technik, Trends, Zubehör und aktuelle Hard- und Software zu informieren. Die Computer '97 ist aber mehr als nur eine Messe: Sie ist Unterhaltung für die ganze Familie. Zahlreiche Wettbewerbe mit attraktiven Gewinnen, Prominenten-Autogrammstunden sowie weitere Aktionen machen den Messebesuch zu einem Event der ganz besonderen Art. www.computer97.de 18-Nov-97: Computer 97 Was A Big Success! 18-Nov-97: Computer 97 extrem erfolgreich!
Cologne Computer '97 Show Report By Jeroen T. Vermeulen |
Cologne Computer '97 Show Report By Jeroen T. Vermeulen From: jtv@xs4all.nl
(Jeroen T. Vermeulen) Okay, looks like not a lot of news has leaked out of the Cologne show yet, or at least not a lot of it has leaked into my news server. For those who missed out and want to know just what they missed, here's what I remember. Call it "Computer 97, a view from under the table"... In article <3472A369.76D8@zeta.org.au> David Meiklejohn <meikled@zeta.org.au> writes: Actually, one problem I had with the devcon was that there was just too much to remember a significant fraction of it (okay, I was also numb from exhaustion). I did make some notes, like most others, but gave up halfway through the presentation--or about one page of notes. Here's some of what my sheet says. It's semantically decompressed, so don't expect it to be literal or 100% reliable.
There was more reason for this secrecy than just to avoid the Osborn Syndrome (announced vapour competing with your existing product); one of the AI people put it privately as "Microsoft is the problem. We don't want Microsoft to know". Most people were convinced that some of the mishaps that have befallen the Amiga so far were coordinated acts of sabotage; there were a lot of stories of people who fought the Amiga tooth and nail, not just within Commodore. In fact I was surprised by how easily these cases would pop up in conversations. You'd mention a name and somebody would say, "hey, here's what that guy pulled on me". Some of the stories had never been put together yet, but confirmed each other in great detail. There was also a lot of other news on the show, some of which really deserved more attention IMHO: One machine had a PCI graphics board in it. I don't think it had a fully-functional RTG driver yet (it used CyberGraphX IIRC), but this is certainly a promising development. Phase 5 said they had temporarily taken some resources off the A\Box project to give the PowerUp boards a performance boost (the 64-bit memory interface makes the board faster than previous accelerators even on the 68060 side), and will soon make some important decisions about hardware and software development to ensure "conceptual continuity" from PowerUp towards the A\Box. There was also a certain degree of detente towards Haage & Partner w.r.t. the conflict over the alternative software solutions for these boards; Wolf Dietrich and Juergen Haage had a friendly and seemingly quite relaxed chat about this on saturday. There was also a lot of fairly new, but not quite hot-off-the-presses stuff: During an AI dinner on saturday night, one of the Cloanto people demonstrated Amiga Forever by running Personal Paint on an IBM Thinkpad using their improved version of the UAE emulator. They added in a lot of tricks to speed up often needed tasks, eg. a filesystem that ran natively on the PC side and an Intel version of PPaint's blit library. The claim that "no really, it's a real Amiga!" (this is formally correct because Amiga Forever has been licensed to use the "Powered by Amiga" logo) caused some heated debate, which was silenced by a quick demonstration of Amiga screen dragging. You could change the colours of the mouse pointer on one screen, then drag it halfway down and position the pointer over the transition between the two screens. Just like with the real Amiga chipsets, the two halves of the pointer appeared in the two screens' different palettes with a couple of pixels left blank between them. Haage & Partner showed a PowerPC version of Quake that ran very smoothly. Unfortunately there is no license yet for any Amiga port of Quake as far as I know, so this was no more than proof that it could be done. The author of Class-X gave me an impressive demonstration of his animation compression format, which could play complex animations smoothly even from disk. Apparently it made very effective use of the Amiga chipset for both its video-compatible output and its very effective motion compression; when the same machine played the same animation on CyberGraphX, it looked like a demented slide show. The central AI booth sported products from lots of different Amiga companies, as well as a transparent vertical tube with a small Boing ball floating up and down in it. The A5000 was on display there (made by recently licensed Amiga cloner DCE and distributed by Power Computing Ltd.), which apparently includes MPEG 1 support but is otherwise a fairly low-end model by today's standards. High-end users may provide the more powerful A6000. The booth had HiQ's Siamese system displaying its Amiga screen on an adjacent PC. According to a sign put up between the machines, the Amiga side was not using a graphics card. Right next to this, at least on friday and sunday, was the new Boxer motherboard (from Index Information Systems IIRC), a PPC module for which has apparently been announced. Bloody shame I lost my leaflet about it. There were Amiga mugs on sale on the booth right next to it, and lots of other paraphernalia to be had. There were free Amiga mouse mats after the show, which was very fortunate: My old mat had a Wintel PC shop logo on it, so I had to use it upside down. Many celebrities were to be found at the Amiga booth at one time or another: Dr. Peter Kittel, Angela Schmidt, NASA's Chris Greene, Heinz Wrobel, Holger Kruse, the AI people, and naturally Petro Tyschtschenko himself. One visitor, who was also there last year IIRC, had gotten Petro (and perhaps some others as well) to autograph the back of his Boing shirt. All in all, I thought the show was pretty good. Lots of ideas were exchanged, and lots of developers
discussed product plans or possible product plans with Petro and with each other. Lots of shop talk over lots of
beer (oh Heavens, the beer!). As for me personally, I bought the *entire* Aminet on 21 CD's, which means I'm ready
to get into the second-hand floppy business. When I went to Cologne my trusty polyester weekend bag felt like half
empty; when I returned it felt like half a ton. In fact I swear it was so full that the fabric started ripping
loose of the zipper during the ride home. And it didn't end there: Even back in Amsterdam I met up with some developers
returning from the show (image: Droves of Amigans spreading across Europe, leaving trails of Boing stickers and
black-white-red logos) and got a free copy of their product. |
October + November |
CompUser 97: Der CompUser Club Mainspitze e.V. veranstaltet auch in diesem Jahr die CompUser Messe '97 - die größte Veranstaltung dieser Art im Rhein-Main-Gebiet. Rüsselheim ist auch in diesmal wieder Treffpunkt der Computer-Szene sein. Die Messe wird am 2. November 1997 durch die Rüsselsheimer Oberbürgermeisterin Otti Geschka um 10.00 Uhr eröffnet. 1-2. November: The 1997 Midwest Amiga Exposition, Ohio, US, http://www.amicon.org/mae.html October 25th and 26th: AmiExpo New York 11. October 97: Australian Amiga Gathering, Melbourne |
We (Enigma Amiga Run) are pleased to present a new Amiga-Only oriented show in Italy: It's called "PIANETA
AMIGA" and we hare very happy to support it. NonSoLoSoft (the Italian distributor of Haage & Partner) will be at Italian WOA in Florance to introduce ArtEffect 2.1 in a full Italian version. There customers will be able to interact with H&P directly to discover any tricks on the products. At WOA Jürgen Haage and Michael Rock will do demostrations all days. |
8. - 14. Sep.: AMIGA-BIT
(findet nicht statt!!!) Vereinsmesse der AMIGA User Group in der "SAAR-GALERIE", Saarbruecken, Deutschland August 21st - 24th California Computer Expo San Diego, California, USA |
19. July | PowerPC Convention in Montreal, CA On the 19th of July, in Montreal, the first annual PowerPC Convention will take place! This convention will gather the PPC community together from all across the world to show its support for the various PowerPC platforms - The BeBox, PIOS/1, A/Box, Amiga/PowerUP, PowerMacs & Clones, IBM and Motorola... Please have a lot at: http://www.moebius.qc.ca/PowerCon97/ |
28.+29. June | Australian Amiga Gazette Show in Sydney AAG is a forty page magazine devoted to the Amiga. We are a monthly publication which is distributed throughout Australia. Currently our magazine is sold over the counter at all Amiga dealers or via subscription. Since our first issue in December of '96 response to our magazine has been good. Due to this we have decided to show further support for the Amiga in Australia by hosting an Amiga expo. The show will be a two day event to be held on the 28th and 29th of June of this year. The location will be Sydney showground. A well known place which has been the location of the Royal Easter Show for over a hundred years. Our show will feature dealers, distributers, demo competitions and a Amiga User Group conference. Contact: Michael Gruber at mgruber@fl.net.au Australian Amiga Gazette: www.pnc.com.au/~mother/AAG.html (for details) Western District Amiga User Group (Penrith, Oz) / www.pnc.com.au/~mother/amigauser.html |
Some impressions of the summer fest of Magnamedia, the publisher of German Amiga Magazine. |
The Fest was in the "Reiterhalle" in Munich (left). Rene Beaupoil and Leo Burkert (left). Mr. Petro Tyschtschenko, Jürgen Haage (not seen on this picture, because he is the photograph) and Markus Nerding are talking about the one and only Amiga. |
17.-18. May | World of Amiga in UK Location: Novotel Exhibition Centre, Hammersmith, London Organisation: World of Amiga Ltd., AITEC House, Tel: +44 (0) 161-477 7151 |
25.-27. April | Amiga Show in Scandinavia For more information have a look at the homepage of AmiTech. |
19.-20. April | Magische Tage Trier (MTT) in Germany For more information have a look at the homeapge of MTT We will show StormC PPC, StormC p.OS, DrawStudio and ArtEffect 2.0. There will also be a workshop about writing programs for PowerUP PPC and p.OS. Mr. Tyschtschenko will also attend this meeting on Saturday. |
Germany | Some pictures of Amiga Mazed II Meeting in Germany![]() ![]() Mr Tyschtschenko, now head of new Amiga International attended the meeting to talk to Amiga people. ![]() |
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Swizerland Germany USA |
5.-6. April 97: AUGS Meeting in Zofingen (Switzerland) More information can be found on the AUGS Homepage. 4.-6. April 97 : Amiga-Mazed II in Heilbronn (Germany)For more information have a look at the homepage of Computer Club 86 e.V. 15.-16. March 97: Amiga 97 in St. Louis (US)For more information have a look at the homepage of Gateway. |
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