Amiga Flame - News - Update: Lambda

Update: Lambda

Lambda is a 3D space combat game like X-Wing and Wing Commander which was covered on Amiga Flame in a Previous News article a few months back.

A Preview has now been released which shows the 3D Graphics Engine to be very fast and capable. The graphics are pretty impressive; when I was flying about I came across a few space ships and the detail of them was superb from the engines to even having writing on them. I got to try out the guns and missiles, according to the author the missiles will leave trails in the full game. This Preview can be downloaded from their web site and I think many readers will find it very interesting.

I'll be keeping a close eye on Lambda over the coming months
The full game will feature texture mapped Lambert shaded polygon objects with Gouraud shaded laser bolts and translucent mathematically generated bitmap explosions and flames for rockets and missiles. It will also have the interleaving of objects to allow flight through the structures of capital ships. It should have some really good special effects.

Lambda supports Aga, CyberGraphX and Picasso96.

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