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Level 1. BATTLES 1,2&3. These are good levels for learning some of the basic principles of warfare and dont really need advice as they are very straight forward. BATTLE 04. The tip here is to send most of your troops across the bridges quickly, leaving at least four of them behind to guard the base, do not engage enemy troops on the way across, otherwise you will find all the bridges have been blown and won't be able to complete the level. BATTLE 05. Ignore the Generals advice, he's an idiot! or an enemy agent! Keep your troops behind to eliminate the hit squads that the enemy sends across to attack your base before sending your boys over there, LISTEN TO THE GENERAL AND YOU WILL DIE!! Though it is a good idea to protect your transports by sending them straight across to the other side, not too close to the enemy base though. BATTLES 06-12. These are also very straight forward levels that dont really need advice. BATTLE 13. Don't bother with the transporter, it's not worth the effort, just select a standard foot soldier instead, the extra firepower will help you end this level quicker. BATTLE 15. Easy enough this one, the "thermals" are created by attacking one of the trees to the right of the players base, then getting your glider to fly over it and across to the other side of the lake. Next you must shoot the switch that controls the train to switch it off though this must be done when the train is near the control box, then your troops will be able to travel along the tracks towards the enemies side. The next step should be to take over the first pillbox and lure the enemy towards it by sending one of your troops into the enemies base then immediately back to the pillbox. BATTLE 16. Another easy one, just look after your base and let them come to you. BATTLE 17. For the first few minutes of this level it is best to barricade the bridge near your base with your tank and a few grenadiers until the enemies second attack wave has been eliminated. Next send your transporter with two grenadiers on board down to the bottom of the map to the south of the pillbox (the enemy pillboxes on this level are programmed to only fire upwards) they will be safe there. Then attack the bottom pillbox from underneath with the two grenadiers, when this one has been destroyed send them up the screen to attack the next one. Once this one has been knocked out send your gliders over to join them. Kill the enemy troops that will attack them, to make this easier you can send your troops upscreen to lure the enemy in front of the pillbox you have just destroyed, and take it over. Next send these troops left and over the bridge and down to come up underneath the enemy pillbox and destroy it, then hit the Armageddon button! Some of your troops will run in front of the remaining pillbox and get themselves wiped out, so knock this out and take it over before allowing your troops to attack the enemy base. To speed up the destruction of the base, use the pillbox to attack it as well. BATTLE 18. Ignore the Generals advice, he isn't the military genius that he tries to make out! Firstly send the transporter with two foot soldiers on board to land just behind one of the pillboxes (again they are programmed to only fire upwards) and set them to attacking it, while this is going on, send the transporter back over the railway track and reload it with two more footsoldiers and do the same to the other pillbox. Then take over both pillboxes and let them wipe out the enemy troops. Next send the transporter with another two footsoldiers on board towards the train control box, hit the switch to turn it off, send all your troops over to kill the remaining enemy soldiers, and finally hit the Armageddon button, total victory! You will also only need one transporter to complete this mission. BATTLE 19. This level can be completed just by letting the enemy troops come to you again, blockade the bridge next to your base and let him run into your troops. Or you could send your troops down to the first pillbox and take it over if you wish to end the level quicker, and then maybe move onto the next pillbox and take that one as well either way is just as effective. BATTLE 20. First action should be to take over the pillbox then send a troop to fire a shot at the enemy tank, and then make him run towards the pillbox to lure the tank onto it, the rest of this level is easy. BATTLE 21. Use your footsoldiers to take out the enemy troops on your side of the tracks (not forgetting to waste the enemies grenades while doing this). Next stop the train between the two far right pillboxes, hide two grenadiers behind the train where they will be protected from the pillboxes fire, and throw grenades over the top of the train to knock out both pillboxes. Take over the far right pillbox then after clearing some of mines lure the remaining enemy troops towards it and finally press the Armageddon button. BATTLE 22. Send your troops diagonally down to the right to fill the gap near your base, wipe out the troops that the enemy sends against you then move all your troops down towards the bridge to attack the enemy there. Next Armageddon, simple. BATTLE 23. Quite a hard one this, I found the best troop combination for this level was three gliders, both grenadiers, the troop transporter and four footsoldiers. The first step is to send your four footsoldiers to the right to take care of the four enemy grenadiers that fly over in the transporters, take out the top two first after sending one troop on ahead of the others to waste their grenades. Next send your three gliders up the cliff, landing them right on the ledge so they don't stay in the air too long and get shot down, use them to take out the anti- aircraft gun. Send the rest of your troops over to join them in the transporter also taking the opportunity to repair any damaged troops, though leave the grenadiers behind for now, then move all your troops to the far left of the map. When the enemy tanks start heading towards your troops send the grenadiers over in the transporter to land just past the pillbox near the enemy base and attack the pillbox. Once the pillbox is destroyed, send any remaining troops up towards the enemy base by pressing the Armageddon button, taking over the pillbox on the way. The remaining enemy troops should chase your troops and get wiped out by the pillbox, though if they don't it doesn't matter as the mission objective is to destroy the enemy base. BATTLE 24. As the General said, no advice really needed, though don't send your troops straight across, attack the enemy as he flies over to your side of the tracks. LEVEL 2 BATTLE 26. Ignore the crab, it isn't a threat, just let them come to you, protect your base, then Armageddon. BATTLE 27. Protect your base while using one of your foot soldiers to lure enemy troops towards your forces, and wipe them out. Next send all your ground forces up past the crab (being careful to avoid it of course) and take out the anti-aircraft gun. The sonic boom is designed to be used as a decoy for the anti-aircraft gun to shoot at while you send your flying units towards it, but this is unnecessary as the whole level can be completed with ground units. Ignore the pillbox it isn't important, then just hit the Armageddon button. BATTLE 28. This level can be completed in less than a minute, simply send the mine layer down to the door of the castle, when the door blows, click on the p.o.w. and then click on the repair icon to send him back to tour base, should any enemy vehicles attack the mine layer or the p.o.w. just set the rest of your troops onto them. BATTLE 29. I found the best troop combination for this battle was to select all the tanks, both trucks and the flame-thrower. First step is to intercept the convoy, you must hit the lead truck before it gets to the base, or the mission will be a failure, send all the tanks and the trucks to attack the lead truck. keep your flame-thrower back for a moment then use him to attack the enemy flame-thrower. The rest is easy, try to take out the convoy before it reaches the enemy base, that way you won't have to face the troops that the enemy has there, though you should have enough troops to be able to face them as well. Next use the trucks to get the pods and tow them back to your base to finish. BATTLE 30. Take all your fast troops (cars and foot soldiers) to the right to attack the enemy troops that will position themselves there, leaving your tanks behind to protect the base. Then wait for the enemy mines to detonate before sending your fast troops down the right hand edge of the map towards the enemy base, attacking any enemy troops you encounter along the way then wipe out the enemy base, easy. For extra satisfaction your four tanks (should you select them on the troop selection screen) are quite capable of taking out the stompers that the enemy will send against your base. BATTLE 31. Firstly use your trampoline to send your flame thrower and foot soldiers over the rocks to the right and kill the two enemy foot soldiers and grenadier. next send these same troops up the map to attack the enemy pillbox from the right (this one is programmed to only fire to the left). Wipe out the rest of the enemy troops by luring them towards the pillbox, then free the p.o.ws. and return them to your base. BATTLE 32. You don't need the trampoline for this mission, Firstly wait by your base and destroy the enemy troops that will attack it, though move your grenadiers away from the battle so that they don't waste their grenades. Next use one of your grenadiers to push the rock up to the pillbox, being careful to avoid the crab, send your other grenadier up to join him and use them both to attack the pillbox from behind the rock. Once this is accomplished send your other troops up to join them and use a foot soldier to take over the pillbox, lure the rest of the enemy troops into range of your pillbox and destroy them, then send your foot soldiers up and around the castle, then to the right of the enemy base and down to attack the other pillbox from the right. when this is done use a truck to get the pod and return it to your base, again being careful to avoid the crab. BATTLE 33. Only one transporter is needed for this mission. Firstly load your flame thrower and a foot soldier onto your transporter and send them to attack the enemy missile launcher. Then reload them back onto the transporter and return them back to your base, while you are doing this, send one foot soldier to attack the pillbox from the small gap just to the left of it then take it over. Finish the level by luring the rest of his forces towards the pillbox. BATTLE 34. Forget about flying troops or transporters, just select grenadiers and foot soldiers. First get all of your troops into a nice tight formation then send them up the map so that they are parallel with the right hand enemy pillbox, next storm the pillbox, just get your troops to attack it, you will lose a few of your troops but who cares? they are expendable. Next take over the pillbox and let it wipe out most of the enemy troops and then lure the rest of them towards it. you can then finish this level quickly by taking over the left-hand pillbox and setting it to attack the enemy base. BATTLE 35. Protect your base and let them come to you again, move your troops into a tight formation in the narrow passage just above your base, send out foot soldiers to lure the enemy towards your main forces then attack the pillboxes from above, next retrieve the pods to complete the level, remember to look after your trucks if they die then the level can't be finished. BATTLE 36. Very difficult to explain without drawing a diagram but I shall try. After killing the enemy troops that attack your base, send your troops one at a time so that they don't get tangled up with each other and get shot by the pillbox to the bottom right of the map. Next use a foot soldier to push the rock up towards the crab. Once the crab has stopped moving take out the enemy soldiers nearby. To take out the next pillbox further up you will have to skirt your troops one at a time around it on the right hand side to get above it to the left. Next position your trampolines to enable your troops to get to the anti- aircraft gun, skirt them around the right hand side of the map so they don't get wiped out, then use the trampolines to send your men into the enemy base to take over the two pillboxes, wipe out the base to finish the level. BATTLE 37. Start by protecting your base from the first couple of waves that the enemy will send against you, then use foot soldiers to take out the mines, make sure all your troops are in a good state of repair then wipe out the rest of the enemy troops. You must keep an eye on your mine layer and the truck, if either of these are destroyed then you will not be able to complete the mission. Next use the truck to retrieve the pod and then the mine layer to blow the prison gate, send the p.o.w. back to base to finish the level. LEVEL 4 BATTLE 39. Very easy this one, send two troops immediately to take over both pillboxes, let the rest of your troops eliminate the forces that he will send against your base, then lure the rest of them towards the pillboxes. BATTLE 40. Protect your base for a while then send your troops round the top of the maze eliminating enemy troops as you go. Next send them into the maze one step at a time in small groups so they don't get tangled and start roaming around, kill whatever you find on the way. The green block needs to be pushed out of the way before you can send a troop to rescue the prisoner, then send the prisoner back to base, make sure he goes round the top of the map unless the pillbox near the enemy base has been destroyed. BATTLE 41. Protect your base and wait for the enemy to come to you, some of them will be killed while crossing the car track. Next push the block to just below and to the right of your base onto the track, then wait for the all the cars to run into it. Send all of your troops to the right or left of the map avoiding the pillbox which can fire in all directions then down to the bottom and finally Armageddon. BATTLE 42. You don't need to worry about moving the blocks, just protect your base and wait for them to come to you again, wasting the enemies grenades and repairing your troops as needed. BATTLE 43. Stay and protect your base and let the enemy soldiers push the block onto the car track. Once the first wave of enemy troops have been wiped out attack the ones that are guarding the prisoner while using one of your foot soldiers to free the prisoner, send the prisoner back to base. Ignore the troops that the enemy has guarding his base. BATTLE 44. Carefully send both of your trucks upwards across the track, then to the right across the track there, next use your tanks or other troops to block the path that is between the enemy trucks and their base, the enemy trucks will then try to go around your vehicles into the path of the cars on the track and get themselves wiped out. Get the cargo pods and return them back to your base. BATTLE 45. Only advice that can be given for this level is BE VERY CAREFUL! BATTLE 46. Forget about tanks for this level, you need to move quickly for this one. Firstly you must move your troops straight up to the top of the map using any objects along the way to protect your troops from the pillboxes, immediately attack the topmost pillbox from above, ignoring the enemy troops, take over the pillbox and direct it to attack the missile launcher, you must do this very quickly before the missile launches or you will lose. The rest is relatively easy, rescue the top left p.o.w., then send your remaining troops to attack any more enemy troops that may be left, send the p.o.w. down through the top of the maze along with another footsoldier to rescue the other p.o.w. inside the maze, then send both p.o.ws. back to base to finish the battle. BATTLE 47. Move your troops at least half a screen away from your base to protect them from the kamikaze attacks, wait till the main enemy invasion force arrives then retreat your troops back to the base, wipe out the enemy quickly before they destroy your base. Repair your troops then wipe out the rest of his army. BATTLE 48. Send one of your foot soldiers up to the enemy base carefully avoiding the cars when crossing the road, then carefully retreat him back to your base If you're lucky, most of the enemy troops will be wiped out while moving across the tracks, if you're not, your troops will be able to take care of them anyway, rescue the p.o.ws. and get them safely back to base and you're home free. BATTLE 49. Move your troops along the inside lane of the track, all the cars are running around the outside track, so your troops will be safe there. When you get near to the enemy base, leave most of your troops behind and just send one fast troop into the enemy base then back to your main forces, try to lure the enemy troops into the path of the cars to wipe out as many as possible and use your troops to take care of the rest of them, destroy the base to finish the level. BATTLE 50. Protect your base from the first wave of enemy troops making sure to take out the flame-thrower first, though try to save some grenades to take out the flame-thrower inside the maze. Next take out the two pillboxes attacking them from above though don't get too close to the flame-thrower near the left-hand one, then take over the left hand pillbox and set it onto the flame-thrower straight away and leave it to wipe out the rest of the troops around that area. Once this is done send any grenadiers into the maze to lob grenades over the wall at the flame-thrower inside, return all of your troops to base and carry out any necessary repairs on your troops before sending a footsoldier over the car track to lure the troops there back to your main forces at your base. Eliminate any troops that the enemy has left then retrieve the pods to finish the level.