Sadeness Software have just announced that they will be Publishing Forgotten Forever a realtime strategy war game like Dune II or Command & Conquer by Charm Design and Dafel:Bloodline (formly called Child of Darkness) which mixes the old Zelda type game to modern Beat-em-ups with good old RPG characters, speech puzzles, etc. This is being developed by Desktop Corruption.
From the new screenshots of Forgotten Forever, I am sure you feel the same way about this game as I as do - I want to play it right now. But we will all have to wait for it sometime in 1998.
Sadeness Software without a doubt have some of the creme of the Amiga Games Market including their two other games - Foundation and OnEscapee. OnEscapee will be released by Christmas with Foundation following in the new year.
Below is a Press Release from Sadeness Software on this announcement:-
Sadeness Software signs Forgotten Forever and Dafel:Bloodline!
Sadeness Software have signed 2 more games to their publishing
label, the first, for those of you who haven't seen it is Forgotten
Forever, is a realtime strategy war game like Dune II or Command & Conquer.
Dune II was released on Amiga and was the best realtime strategy war game
ever. Some time later Command & Conquer was born, but unfortunately it was
PC only. At last we have the answer for Amiga owners.
The Second of their new signings is a superb RPG called Dafel:Bloodline,
Dafel:Blodline (originally known as Child of Darkness), mixes the old Zelda
type game to modern Beat-em-ups with good old RPG characters, speech puzzles
thrown in for good measure. The game runs on any AMIGA with AGA chipset
the graphics in glorious 128 colours. All the characters in the game are
controlled by sophisticated AI routines, so the game will always play
differently, even if you completed it once before.
Not forgetting, Sadeness Software have already signed the fantastic Foundation
and onEscapee, they are certainly going strong in the publishing industry.
onEscapee will be released just in time for Christmas, although Foundation
will not be ready until Jan/Feb 98.
They have said to be 95% of completing the signing of what they said is one
of the most advanced Amiga games they have seen, but will not as yet release
anymore information until things have been finalised.
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