Advertise WebFX
If you are going to use WebFX to create the graphics for a Web site,
please, consider adding this little logo, made by Zoltan, somewhere on
your site.

with a link to the official WebFX Home Page, the address is:
Please, follow these Guide-lines:
- Don't change GIF name
Please, leave it as it is: useWebFX.gif, so I can track down the sites
looking with a Web searcher for this gif image.
- Link the Official WebFX Home Page
This GIF should point to offical WebFX Home Page.
- Notify your Site to me
If you will advertise official WebFX Site on your own site, please
notify it to me, sending me also the URL of your site, and I'll add
it to the list of sites using WebFX!
Here there is an example of the HTML code you should include on your Web Page:

I use WebFX, and you?