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STRATEGO (the computer version) may be freely distributed and reproduced by any means (solely for Amiga computers) provided no more than a minimal fee (of $2US) is charged.

The related documentation, icons, and any other files related to the digital (Amiga) version of STRATEGO provided by the authors may ONLY be reproduced or distributed as a complete and unmodified archive as provided by the authors. The original archive should contain the following files:

     HTMLdocs (dir)
       a.gif                            attack.htm
       authors.htm                      back.gif
       backgrnd.gif                     bullet.gif
       credits.htm                      disclaim.htm
       distrib.htm                      fonts.htm
       game.gif                         george.htm
       history.htm                      home.gif
       hotkeys.htm                      INDEX.htm
       INDEX.htm.info                   install.htm
       intro.htm                        mailware.htm
       menus.htm                        newgame.gif
       next.gif                         open.gif
       play.htm                         prefs.htm
       prefs1.gif                       prefs2.gif
       require.htm                      rules.gif
       samples.htm                      save.gif
       screen.htm                       setup.htm
       stratego.htm                     stratego.jpg
       tips.htm                         trevor.htm

     Samples (dir)
       EndTurn.iff                      Explosion.iff
       Fight1.iff                       Fight2.iff
       GameWon.iff                      Intro.iff
       KilledMarshall.iff               MoveFoot.iff
       MoveHorse.iff                    NewGame.iff
       RemoveBomb.iff                   Rescue.iff
       SpyKilled.iff                    SpyKilledMarshall.iff
       War1.iff                         War2.iff

     Fonts (dir)
       Stratego (dir)

     Graphics (dir)
       about16.gfx                      about256.gfx
       bluesetup16.gfx                  bluesetup256.gfx
       bluewins16.gfx                   bluewins256.gfx
       boardcursor16.gfx                boardcursor256.gfx
       def_Stratego.info                endbutton.gfx
       panelcursor16.gfx                panelcursor256.gfx
       pieces16.gfx                     pieces256.gfx
       redsetup16.gfx                   redsetup256.gfx
       redwins16.gfx                    redwins256.gfx
       replaybutton.gfx                 request16.gfx
       request256.gfx                   screen16.gfx
       screen256.gfx                    startbutton.gfx
       waiting16.gfx                    waiting256.gfx

     Saves (dir)
       rescue.game                      test.blue
       test.game                        test.red

    HTMLdocs.info                    sound.support
    Stratego.guide                   Stratego.guide.info
    Stratego                         Stratego.info

SYSOPS: If you post this archive, it must be named Stratego.lha. This is to avoid anyone downloading the same archive repeatedly. Thank-you for your cooperation.