The Player & Monster editors

A Guide to this wonderful and truly useful tool.

The player editor sould be fairly intuitive I hope! Most of the string gadgets at least sould be obvious. The less obvious being the NP penalty, these values can be found in players hand book sections on weapon proficiencies.

A note on the stats, when entering a new character, or any time when the Max points field is 0 entering a value in the Hit Points gadget will also place this in the Max Points field.

Both the Hit Points field and the XP field have limited support for math functions, so that you may enter +5 to add five points, or -20 to subbtract 20. This can either be placed in the gadget after the current value (ie: 35+5) or on it's own. It is not possible to set the Hit Points field above the Max Points value.

Bigby's Helping Hand - IV is ©1993-1997 by Primitive Software.
This Document, and all related documentation is ©1997 R.Brown-Bayliss
Bigby's Helping Hand - IV is still under construcion.