
Installing Bigby's Helping Hand - IV is rather simple, and if you follow the steps described below there should be no trouble.

  1. Find a place to unpack the BHHIV.lha file. The 'where' is not important, nor is the name. Into this 'place' will go the BHH Drawer.
  2. Add the system ASSIGN BHH: to the drawer BHH.
  3. Copy the fonts to your system Fonts: assign. Rember to update any cache you might have installed.
  4. Double click on the BHHIV icon. A note about the icons. I am useing the NewIcons patch and as shuch the normal icons will appear as a small square. Sorry for all the MagicWB fans, but I have no MWB icons. Feel free do design you own.

The window should open on your WB screen and shortly after it's own screen should appear. Unfortunatly this and other windows that open on the WB screen can look a little strange, this is because I use 'sysihack' to modify the borders of the windows on my system. I feel that the 2 point borders look silly and wimpish. A nice even 4 points all around looks much nicer. But hey, thats just my opinion, it need not be yours.