Now, how to use it

Opon loading you will be presented with the Bigby's Helping Hand - IV screen. In the middle of this will be the 'About' window. Click on it and you are left with the screen. It probably has already loaded the D&D.Party.

The screen is devided into three parts. The party information is at the top, in the middle we have the control section and below this the monster section.

The party and monster sections differ only in apperance, so I shall cover them togeather. The controls will be dealt with later. Now lets tour the menus.

The 'Project' menu


Adds a single Character from one of the saved parties to the current party.

Load into
Adds an encounter to the existing encounter, alows for extra troops to arrive after the start of combat.

Loads in custom calendar files.

Adds an events file to the current events list.

Saves either the Party or Encounter. When saving an Encounter do not include the .Encounter extension. (lazy programmer has not fixed it yet)

Backup A
Backup B
At the end of every combat 'round' Bigby's Helping Hand - IV saves the HP of every Player Character and Monster. The file it is saved in is writen to the BHH_(date) file in T: Should the computer crash or there is an interuption to the power supply, simply load up the party, load the encounter and select the correct Backup and all the HP will be restored as at the end of the last round.

The 'Edit' menu


The 'Tools menu


The 'Game' menu

Share Remaining XP
When a monster is 'killed' Bigby's Helping Hand - IV adds the XP to the players total, when the DM decideds that an encounter has been defeated but some monsters still remain he may select this item and share the XP of the remaining monsters with the party.

Add XP...
This brings up a requester, enter the total amount of XP for the party. This is then shared by the whole party.

The 'Options' menu

The options are fairly self explanitory, and are saved when you Quit Bigby's Helping Hand - IV. Only the first two might need an explination.

KO PC's Share XP
When this option is checked any PC who is between 0 and -10 HP will still gain XP for monster that die or when either of the XP items from the Game menu are chosen.

PC's Share Monster Kills
When this item is checked PC's gain experence when a monster kills another monster. Why? I actually have no idea! But it's there if you want it.