I especially wish to thank:
- Osma Ahvenlampi ("Tau")
for the TCP stack-adaptive design
- Josef Faulkner
for writing many useful ARexx add-ons
- Jeroen Oudejans
for creating and maintaining the AWeb FAQ
and for creating the postscript printable version of the docs
- Thomas Tavoly ("aTmosh")
for enhancing the logo and creating the Workbench icons
- Dan Murrell Jr.
for giving me example FTP code
- Jason G Doig
for writing the WidgetImage system, and the WidgetImage plugin module for AWeb
- Gabriele Favrin
for writing HTTX, the HTML to ASCII/ANSI conversion utility
I thank for their translations and/or proofreadings:
- Rúben & Joel Alvin (Portuguese)
- Thomas Andersson (Swedish)
- Anders Bakkevold (Norwegian)
- Frederico Borges (Portuguese)
- Gabriele Favrin (Italian)
- Jaques Foury (French)
- Ole Friis (Danish)
- José Roberto González Rocha (Spanish)
- Ulf Holm (Swedish)
- Magnus Holmgren (Swedish)
- Pantelis Kopelias (Greek)
- Sigurbjörn B Lárusson (Icelandic)
- Mika Lundell (Finnish)
- Richard Marti (German)
- Veronika Monell (German)
- Marcin Orlowski (Polish)
- Lasse Pedersen (Danish)
- Thomas Schnabel (German)
- Oleg Sergeev (Russian)
- Miloslaw Smyk (Polish)
- Atrhur Steinmann (German)
- Teemu Toivola (Finnish)
- Julien Wilk (French)
Some of the above people are member of the
Amiga Translators' Organization (ATO)
(Although some did the translation after a direct contact with me, not as member of ATO.)
I also wish to thank my beta testers, without them AWeb would never have
become the great program it is.
My special thanks are for Steve Krueger for his continued support of the SAS/C compiler.
AWeb-II was written by Yvon Rozijn.
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