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Miami Registration is £29.99
General Information
Features List

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Weird Science are the Official UK Registration Site for Miami, the superb easy to use Internet connection tool. We accept credit and debit card orders and can email you a Registration Key upon receipt of payment. Just fill in the form below and press the submit button.

Please remember to fill in your email address.

If you do not wish to send your credit card details over the Internet please see the 'Contacts' section for other ways of contacting us.

You can also download the latest files for Miami directly from our UK server.

The latest version available here is Miami 2.1p (4th January 1998)

Miami 2.1p Main Archive Download Miami
Evaluation Program Binary Download Miami
68000/010 Program Binary (for Registered Users) Download Miami
68020+ Program Binary (for Registered Users) Download Miami
Miami SSL 1.1 Main Archive (No Encryption Code) Download Miami
German Docs & Locale 2.1 Download Miami

Note that you need both the Main Archive and a Program Binary

There is also a beta version 2.9 available

Beta Version 2.9 for Evaluation of Version 3 Download Miami

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Miami Registration Order Form

Credit card
Cardholder name
Card number
Expiration date Issue
Street address
Address (cont.)
Postal code/Zip

You will be shown an 'ACCEPTED' page if successfull.

Please note we must have a name and address for Credit Card Orders and you must fill in the email address or we cannot email back the key.

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Send mail to the with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 1996 Weird Science Ltd.
Last modified: January 04, 1998