TheFRAG News
The CyberGL/ViRGE Question.
Added a clanlist, updated the info section.
For those of you wondering if Quake will support the 3D chip in your CV64/3D
The answer is, it won't, it's impossible with the original ViRGE chip.
If you want more info please take a look at: S3 Planet
Apparently, the ViRGE chip used in the CV64/3D is the slowest one, and
too slow to run Quake with CyberGL.
Updated the info with clans. Added a clanlist.
It's not much, but it'll hopefully grow with time and Amiga Quake.
Goto Clanlist
I've also changed the server list. Goto Server list
Very small updates.
Added the 8bit and 16bit-difference screenshots. Goto Screenshots
Changed the counter graphics.
Added a counter.
Very small changes in the Quake info, thanks to Oliver Sprenger for the info.
Small visual changes, links and screenshots added.
Added a CUCUG link. Goto Links
Added some new screenshots directly from Clickboom. Goto Screenshots
Changed TheFRAG logo.