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A1200 + 1230scsi.device + Yamaha CDR-102

MakeCD version:
MakeCD 2.2
Amiga 1200, OS 3.0, Blizzard 1240 (68040)
SCSI device:
1230scsi.device 8.5 (using SoftSCSI)
CD writer:
Yamaha CDR-102 V1.01 (12/25/95)
CD-ROM drive:
Toshiba CD-ROM XM-3701TA 0236 (01/23/96)
Other devices at the same SCSI bus:
CD-ROM, DEC DSP3053LS X442000044087 hard disk

No SCSI problems. Reselection enabled for all devices, the hard disk used synchron mode. An EIDE hard disk (WDC 2.1gig) was also in use.

Tests performed:

Three coasters produced due to low quality CDRs. The buffer size used for all these tests was 8 MB. While writing a CDR the buffer capacity never dropped below 90% for direct writing, 99% when using an image file. Even old CD-players play Audio-CDRs perfectly.

Tested by Sven Hansen <hanss000@mail.uni-mainz.de>.

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