Amiga MakeCD Support Page
The readers of the German printed Amiga magazine Amiga Plus rated MakeCD being the best CD writer software for the Amiga: MakeCD won the Amiga Plus Award 1997.
The English documentation for MakeCD 3.1 does not yet exist. Get the German documentation, if you speak German. We have included the English MakeCD 2.5 documentation in the archive.
And here is the MakeCD 3.1a archive. It already includes a CD_Toshiba.driver which fixes the previously broken CDDA reading, but this driver is also available separately here.
The workaround for fixation with cybppc.device older than V44.36 didn't work with all drives (Yamaha CDR200/400 didn't tell clearly when fixation was done, resulting in SCSI errors for following commands). If you have a recent cybppc.device then you can use these drivers instead of the ones included in the V3.1a archive and fixation will work again, because the workaround has been removed again.
Do you speak German? Then get the German catalog and documentation, too.
These catalogs are finished, too:
The catalogs for the other languages are not yet finished, however, you can download catalogs that are mixed (English with one other language) from this temporary archive.
Update your original MakeCD disks:
MakeCD V3.1a (DMS, international version)
MakeCD V3.1a (DMS, deutsch)
MakeCD V2.5 (LhA) - download main package (includes English manual)
History - information about all changes upto V2.5.
Language specific parts:
Rock Ridge Amiga Specific Attributes - Information for Programmers Angela's public key to check binaries IDEfix97.lha ATAPI-Support+Multivolume CD-ROM filesystem amicdfs240.lha Excellent CD-ROM filesystem cdromemu.lha Test ISO image without using any CD-R HWGCTRLscsi.lha Control reselection in scsi.device V39/40 NSDPatch.lha (V43.17) Useful tool to enhance devices Brik.lha Brik - useful to test data CDs tri20b2usr.lha Triton preferences (GUI layout system)
This is a very useful CD-R FAQ:
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