The Child of Darkness is a new top-down RPG game with georgous graphics and full Manga style animated film sequences in development by Desktop Corruption who are a group of dedicated Amiga coders spread about the world (UK, USA, Sweden) who have banded together on the internet to form a new coding group.
Their first game, The Child of Darkness mixes the old Zelda type game to modern Beat-em-ups with good old RPG characters with speech and puzzles. This will be a very interesting mix.
Its characters features are controlled by sophisticated AI routines, so the game will always play differently, even if you completed it once before. It runs along a detailed story with each level viewed as a chapter of which you can read the prologue, the script for the animated introduction in the game.
Requirements for the game have not be fully available but it will support Aga.
You can e-mail your support to:-
rick rhodger.demon.co.uk

Visit their web site at :-