Amiga Flame - News - Pulstar - Similar To The Legendery R-Type

Pulstar - Similar To The Legendery R-Type

(Pulstar)Pulstar is a new shoot'em up by Fullspeed Creative Development, similar to the legendery R-Type. With the lost of Enigma this could be the game that fills the gap.
You must pilot your spacefighter through many stages with every world including a lot of different levels and a super big enemy at the very end of each world. For some stages they have enemies that are bigger than the whole screen.

But Pulstar is said to offer the biggest weapon system ever to deal with anything that comes into your path. Special effects include Water-Wabble effect, Fog effects, Flashing, Rain effects, Light effects and Shadow effects.


A special CD-Rom version will be available with extra features such as animated Movie sequences, more levels, complete new worlds, Music direct from CD (16 Bit) and plenty more.

Their web site is at:-


E-mail - philip (@)

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