An agreement has been reached with Amiga International Inc which licenses DCE Computer Service GmbH to manufacture and distribute its own range of Amiga Motherboards and Computers. Power Computing have acquired world-wide distribution of DCE Power A5000 and A6000.
The new Amiga's from DCE will be called Power A5000 and A6000 of which the Power A5000 specs are listed below:-
- 68030 50 MHz (full version, including MMU)
 - Socket for optional 50 MHz 68882 FPU (Math co-processor)
- AGA chipset
- 2 MB Chip Ram on-board
- 2 sockets for standard 72-pin SIMM, for up to 64MB of Fast Ram
- Sockets for either a standard Amiga 4000 keyboard or a PS2 keyboard
- 1.76MB or 880KB floppy disk drive
- Adapter for up to four IDE devices
- 1.7 GB hard disk
- From 10x to 24x speed CD-Rom drive
- Scandoubler on-board
- Socket for optional MPEG level 1 player
- Optional HF modulator
- Battery backed-up clock
- Zorro II/III and CPU slots
Visit their web site at :-