Sunday, 12th is the Birthday of Amiga Flame with it now being One year old.
Amiga Flame was started on the 12th of October 1996 at a time when the full potential of the Games Market had not been discovered and many Owners had unfortunately thought the Amiga was finished.
It wasn't and through the past year Amiga Flame has constantly proved that wrong showing some of the most amazing games to hit the Amiga. At first Amiga Flame only covered the News with it being text only but that was to change with new sections such as Demo of the Month which many of you have told me that you throughly enjoy and the advent of Screenshots and other graphics showing the quality of these games.
The Games Market used to be Disk only but then in April, Vulcan Software announced it was going CD-Rom only, this led many other Publishers to go the same way and we should be seeing the first wave of CD releases in the coming months.
Through the year Amiga Flame has reported on the arrival of New Publishers with such ones as Auraro Works, Sadeness Software, Titan Computer and Alive MediaSoft who will help build up the future of Amiga Games because they are the future along with the more older Publishers who increased there support dramatically over the years.
Through the next year of Amiga Flame, we will see increased News on Amiga Inc and Amiga International as they will be doing plenty and I'll be looking at getting even more Games News of which I have to thank the Amiga Flame readers who have helped to supply so much News - without your help I could not do this. I hope you will continue to help with finding Games News and if you do, just e-mail and tell me.
The Amiga is on the way back and with Amiga Inc and other companies making New Amiga's the future will be an exciting one. I look forward to the time when these New Amiga's hit the shops and with the proper advertising they will be a success. I believe firmly that Amiga Inc and Amiga International can do this.
But only with the Amiga Community working together can this be brought about.
philip amigaflame.demon.co.uk