srcdir = @srcdir@ VPATH = @srcdir@ prefix = @prefix@ exec_prefix = @exec_prefix@ bindir = $(exec_prefix)/bin libdir = $(exec_prefix)/lib incdir = $(prefix)/include guidedir = $(prefix)/guide INSTALL = @INSTALL@ INSTALL_PROGRAM = @INSTALL_PROGRAM@ -s INSTALL_DATA = @INSTALL_DATA@ SHELL = /bin/sh CC = @CC@ AR = ar RM = rm -rf CP = cp -a MAKEINFO = makeinfo LHA = lha -mraxe MV = mv STRIP = strip TAR = tar -vz RANLIB = @RANLIB@ AWK = @AWK@ DEFS = @DEFS@ LIBS = @LIBS@ CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ LDFLAGS = @LDFLAGS@ PROTECT = /c/protect # Used when building fd2inline, and the archives. VERSION = 1.11 FD_DIR = $(prefix)/os-lib/fd OS_INC_DIR = $(prefix)/os-include OUR_CFLAGS = $(DEFS) -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes '-DVERSION="$(VERSION)"' -resident $(CFLAGS) # Pseudo-targets. BUILD_INLINES = stmp-built-inlines BUILD_PRAGMAS = stmp-built-pragmas BUILD_PROTOS = stmp-built-protos BUILD_LIBS = stmp-built-libs BUILD_PPCINLINES = stmp-built-ppcinlines BUILD_PPCPRAGMAS = stmp-built-ppcpragmas BUILD_PPCPROTOS = stmp-built-ppcprotos # List of linker libraries to build. Each entry is INCBASE!LIBBASE (see below). NONSTD_LIBS = muimaster!mui ums!ums dospath!dospath \ screennotify!screennotify wbstart!wbstart # Archive names. SRC_ARCHIVE_LHA = fd2inline-$(VERSION)-src.lha SRC_ARCHIVE_TGZ = fd2inline-$(VERSION)-src.tgz BIN_ARCHIVE = fd2inline-$(VERSION)-bin.lha # Used when building archives TMP_DIR = /tmp TMP_SUBDIR = fd2inline-$(VERSION) # Flags to pass to submake. FLAGS_TO_PASS = "CC=$(CC)" \ "AWK=$(AWK)" \ "RM=$(RM)" \ "AR=$(AR)" \ "RANLIB=$(RANLIB)" \ "OS_INC_DIR=$(OS_INC_DIR)" \ "FD_DIR=$(FD_DIR)" all: fd2inline $(BUILD_INLINES) $(BUILD_PRAGMAS) $(BUILD_PROTOS) $(BUILD_LIBS) $(BUILD_PPCINLINES) $(BUILD_PPCPRAGMAS) $(BUILD_PPCPROTOS) guide fd2inline: fd2inline.c $(CC) $(OUR_CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o fd2inline $(srcdir)/fd2inline.c $(LIBS) if [ -f $(PROTECT) ]; then $(PROTECT) fd2inline +p; else true; fi install: all $(INSTALL_PROGRAM) fd2inline $(bindir)/fd2inline if [ -f $(PROTECT) ]; then \ (cd $(bindir); $(PROTECT) fd2inline +p); \ else true; \ fi if [ -d $(incdir)/inline ]; then true; else mkdir $(incdir)/inline; fi $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/include/inline-src/*.h $(incdir)/inline $(INSTALL_DATA) include/inline/*.h $(incdir)/inline if [ -d $(incdir)/pragmas ]; then true; else mkdir $(incdir)/pragmas; fi $(INSTALL_DATA) include/pragmas/*.h $(incdir)/pragmas if [ -d $(incdir)/proto ]; then true; else mkdir $(incdir)/proto; fi $(INSTALL_DATA) $(srcdir)/include/proto-src/*.h $(incdir)/proto $(INSTALL_DATA) include/proto/*.h $(incdir)/proto libs=`echo lib/lib*.a` ; if [ "lib/lib*.a" != "$${libs}" ]; then \ $(INSTALL_DATA) lib/lib*.a $(libdir); \ else true; fi libs=`echo lib/libb/lib*.a` ; if [ "lib/libb/lib*.a" != "$${libs}" ]; then \ $(INSTALL_DATA) lib/libb/lib*.a $(libdir)/libb; \ else true; fi libs=`echo lib/libb32/libm020/lib*.a` ; if [ "lib/libb32/libm020/lib*.a" != "$${libs}" ]; then \ $(INSTALL_DATA) lib/libb32/libm020/lib*.a $(libdir)/libb32/libm020; \ else true; fi $(INSTALL_DATA) $(guidedir) dist: all # Create a temporary location. if [ -d $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR) ]; then true; else mkdir $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR); fi if [ -d $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/include ]; then true; else mkdir $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/include; fi if [ -d $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/lib ]; then true; else mkdir $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/lib; fi # Copy the source directory to it. ( \ cd $(srcdir); \ $(CP) include/inline-src $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/include; \ $(CP) include/proto-src $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/include; \ $(CP) lib/ lib/splitasm.awk $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/lib; \ $(CP) manifests patches configure* COPYING fd2inline.c \ fd2inline.texi \ makepragmas.awk Product-Info \ $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR) \ ) # Create the source archives. ( \ cd $(TMP_DIR); \ $(LHA) a $(SRC_ARCHIVE_LHA) $(TMP_SUBDIR) \ ) $(RM) $(SRC_ARCHIVE_LHA) $(CP) $(TMP_DIR)/$(SRC_ARCHIVE_LHA) . $(RM) $(TMP_DIR)/$(SRC_ARCHIVE_LHA) $(TAR) -cf $(SRC_ARCHIVE_TGZ) -C $(TMP_DIR) $(TMP_SUBDIR) # Reorganize the temporary location. ( \ cd $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/include; \ $(MV) inline-src inline; \ $(MV) proto-src proto; \ $(RM) ../lib/* \ ) # Copy the build directory to the temporary location. $(CP) include/inline include/pragmas include/proto $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/include if [ -d $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/bin ]; then true; else mkdir $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/bin; fi $(CP) fd2inline $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/bin $(STRIP) $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/bin/fd2inline if [ -f $(PROTECT) ]; then \ (cd $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/bin; $(PROTECT) fd2inline +p); \ else true; \ fi $(CP) lib/lib*.a $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/lib if [ -d $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/lib/libb ]; then true; else mkdir $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/lib/libb; fi $(CP) lib/libb/lib*.a $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/lib/libb if [ -d $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/lib/libb32 ]; then true; else mkdir $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/lib/libb32; fi if [ -d $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/lib/libb32/libm020 ]; then true; else mkdir $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/lib/libb32/libm020; fi $(CP) lib/libb32/libm020/lib*.a $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/lib/libb32/libm020 if [ -d $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/guide ]; then true; else mkdir $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/guide; fi $(CP) $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR)/guide # Create the binary archive. ( \ cd $(TMP_DIR); \ $(LHA) a $(BIN_ARCHIVE) $(TMP_SUBDIR)/ bin guide include lib COPYING \ ) $(RM) $(BIN_ARCHIVE) $(CP) $(TMP_DIR)/$(BIN_ARCHIVE) . $(RM) $(TMP_DIR)/$(BIN_ARCHIVE) $(RM) $(TMP_DIR)/$(TMP_SUBDIR) $(BUILD_INLINES): fd2inline if [ -d include ]; then true; else mkdir include; fi if [ -d include/inline ]; then true; else mkdir include/inline; fi for fd in $(FD_DIR)/*.fd; do \ rootname=`basename $$fd .fd | sed "s:_lib$$::"`; \ if [ "$${rootname}" = "mathffp" -o "$${rootname}" = "mathtrans" ]; then \ continue; \ fi; \ echo "making include/inline/$$rootname.h..."; \ ./fd2inline $$fd $(OS_INC_DIR)/clib/$${rootname}_protos.h -o include/inline/$$rootname.h; \ done touch $(BUILD_INLINES) $(BUILD_PPCINLINES): fd2inline if [ -d include ]; then true; else mkdir include; fi if [ -d include/ppcinline ]; then true; else mkdir include/ppcinline; fi for fd in $(FD_DIR)/*.fd; do \ rootname=`basename $$fd .fd | sed "s:_lib$$::"`; \ if [ "$${rootname}" = "mathffp" -o "$${rootname}" = "mathtrans" ]; then \ continue; \ fi; \ echo "making include/ppcinline/$$rootname.h..."; \ ./fd2inline $$fd $(OS_INC_DIR)/clib/$${rootname}_protos.h -powerup -o include/ppcinline/$$rootname.h; \ done touch $(BUILD_PPCINLINES) $(BUILD_PRAGMAS): $(srcdir)/makepragmas.awk if [ -d include ]; then true; else mkdir include; fi if [ -d include/pragmas ]; then true; else mkdir include/pragmas; fi for fd in $(FD_DIR)/*.fd; do \ rootname=`basename $$fd .fd | sed "s:_lib$$::"`; \ if [ "$${rootname}" = "mathffp" -o "$${rootname}" = "mathtrans" ]; then \ continue; \ fi; \ echo "making include/pragmas/$${rootname}_pragmas.h..."; \ $(AWK) -f $(srcdir)/makepragmas.awk -v PRAGMAS=$$rootname >include/pragmas/$${rootname}_pragmas.h; \ done touch $(BUILD_PRAGMAS) $(BUILD_PPCPRAGMAS): fd2inline if [ -d include ]; then true; else mkdir include; fi if [ -d include/ppcpragmas ]; then true; else mkdir include/ppcpragmas; fi for fd in $(FD_DIR)/*.fd; do \ rootname=`basename $$fd .fd | sed "s:_lib$$::"`; \ if [ "$${rootname}" = "mathffp" -o "$${rootname}" = "mathtrans" ]; then \ continue; \ fi; \ echo "making include/ppcpragmas/$${rootname}_pragmas.h..."; \ ./fd2inline --pragma --powerup $$fd $(OS_INC_DIR)/clib/$${rootname}_protos.h -o include/ppcpragmas/$${rootname}_pragmas.h; \ done touch $(BUILD_PPCPRAGMAS) $(BUILD_PROTOS): fd2inline if [ -d include ]; then true; else mkdir include; fi if [ -d include/proto ]; then true; else mkdir include/proto; fi for fd in $(FD_DIR)/*.fd; do \ rootname=`basename $$fd .fd | sed "s:_lib$$::"`; \ if [ -f $(srcdir)/include/proto-src/$$rootname.h ]; then \ continue; \ fi; \ echo "making include/proto/$$rootname.h..."; \ ./fd2inline --proto $$fd -o include/proto/$$rootname.h; \ done touch $(BUILD_PROTOS) $(BUILD_PPCPROTOS): fd2inline if [ -d include ]; then true; else mkdir include; fi if [ -d include/ppcproto ]; then true; else mkdir include/ppcproto; fi for fd in $(FD_DIR)/*.fd; do \ rootname=`basename $$fd .fd | sed "s:_lib$$::"`; \ if [ -f $(srcdir)/include/proto-src/$$rootname.h ]; then \ continue; \ fi; \ echo "making include/ppcproto/$$rootname.h..."; \ ./fd2inline --proto $$fd --powerup -o include/ppcproto/$$rootname.h; \ done touch $(BUILD_PROTOS) $(BUILD_LIBS): fd2inline for bases in $(NONSTD_LIBS); do \ incbase=`echo $$bases | sed "s:!.*$$::"`; \ libbase=`echo $$bases | sed "s:^.*!::"`; \ if [ -f include/inline/$$incbase.h ]; then \ echo "making lib$$libbase.a..."; \ (cd lib; $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) INCBASE=$$incbase LIBBASE=$$libbase); \ else true; fi; \ done touch $(BUILD_LIBS) guide: $(srcdir)/fd2inline.texi if [ -f version.texi ]; then true; else echo "@set version $(VERSION)" >version.texi; fi $(MAKEINFO) $(srcdir)/fd2inline.texi -o # Make a linker library with stubs, if for some reason one can't use # inline headers. This requires two arguments on "make" commandline: # # INCBASE: base name of the includes (muimaster for MUI etc). # LIBBASE: base name of the library (mui for MUI etc). alllib: fd2inline if [ "$(INCBASE)" = "" -o "$(LIBBASE)" = "" ]; then \ echo "Require two arguments: INCBASE and LIBBASE"; \ else \ (cd lib; $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) INCBASE=$(INCBASE) LIBBASE=$(LIBBASE)); \ fi clean: $(RM) version.texi *.o *~ *! (cd lib; $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) clean) clobber: clean $(RM) fd2inline \ include/inline include/pragmas include/proto \ $(BUILD_INLINES) $(BUILD_PRAGMAS) $(BUILD_PROTOS) $(BUILD_LIBS) \ $(SRC_ARCHIVE_LHA) $(SRC_ARCHIVE_TGZ) $(BIN_ARCHIVE) (cd lib; $(MAKE) $(FLAGS_TO_PASS) clobber)