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Network CD Volume 2


The very best in CD32 and Amiga Networking has just got so much better. This CD is an absolute must have for all Network CD owners. The concept and operation has been improved in every possible way.

The CD32 boots in about 45 seconds,
more memory available and fake fast ram to improve speed.
One button press on the Amiga can set-up any program to run on both machines, including the entire Sernet set-up at the speed of your choice on both machines.
No more difficult set-up routines.
Sernet now runs at various speeds and is now the fastest ever.
A keyboard and mouse can be emulated on the CD32. Twin Express can now be controlled from DOpus.
Serlink allows easy downloading of data.
Plus so much more.

The best way to join a CD32 to an Amiga, just got better.

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Copyright © 1998 Weird Science Ltd.
Last modified: January 01, 1998