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Foundation Foundation £29.99 compact.gif (2300 bytes) Foundation is a new real-time strategy wargame for the Amiga. The game will mix the styles of The Settlers (1&2), WarCraft II, Command & Conquer, Populous and Mega-lo-Mania together with many new original ideas.
OnEscapee OnEscapee £29.99 compact.gif (2300 bytes) onEscapee is a new action adventure game for the Amiga and PC. The game will mix the styles of Flashback and Another World together with many new original ideas. onEscapee contains superb graphics, amazing atmospheric music and sound effects!
Take me to the order form page, I've just got to get hold of some of these.

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For independent reveiws on any of our Amiga titles please go to Paradise City
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Last modified: January 04, 1998