The Speccy CD 1996 CD

Price £ 19.95


Around 3,000 all-time classic Spectrum games files on one CD-ROM. Emulators are included for the Amiga & PC.

Some of the games included are... Manic Miner, Jet Set Willy, Skool Daze, Monty Mole, Star Trek, Thrust, The Hobbit, Strip Poker, Danger Mouse, The Sentinel, Micro Olympics, Under Wurlde, Uridium, Atic Atac, River Raid, Barbarian, Hunchback and also around 3,000 more games.

Also included on the compact disc is hundreds of 'speccy' related documents containing instructions for tonnes of games as well as hundreds of speccy game cheats.


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Copyright © 1996 Weird Science Ltd.
Last modified: December 31, 1997