Amiga Desktop Video CD

(Volume 2 by Almathera)

Price £ 14.99


A great follow up to the original best selling Amiga Desktop Video CD from Almathera. The compact disc contains original textures and backgrounds in Jpeg in overscan IFF and Video Creator formats, (over 100 megs). Over 200 colour anti-aliased fonts in sizes up to 200 points, in Amiga colour and postscript formats. 3D objects data for Lightwave / Imagine / Sculpt, over 150 objects in each format. Current Desktop utilities - Image Studio, Viewtek, PP Show, Main Actor, NetPBM, Ham Lab, FractInt, Anim Players, Titling and Morph utilities, object convertors and many more. The contents are completed with high quality Video Titling clipart.



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Copyright © 1996 Weird Science Ltd.
Last modified: December 31, 1997