PC Version Pages
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Due to the thousands of requests from ex Amiga users
who have now moved over to the PC, we are making it
available for users of Win95/Win98 & NT4/NT5™
and it should be completed and on sale by very late 97.
It will, of course, still be tracker oriented, however due
to the better availabilty for MIDI support and source,
the new PC prog will also have a lot more
functionality than was available within the Amiga version.
A Big Welcome To The

Click picture for more info on this new version.
- The following sites are worth a visit -

The site for all classical mod enthusiasts K-Club

The Official site for the Australian Recording Group Yummy Fur

Allister Brimble Web Site
CU Amiga
* Visit the CU Amiga Web Site *
Amiga Format
* Visit the Amiga Web Site at Futurenet *
Amiga Magazin
AMIGA-Magazin, Germany`s most popular Amiga-Magazine
Delfina DSP
- Info about the Delfina Soundcard Supported by OctaMED Soundstudio -
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