Crystal Skull Comparison

(from the book:
"Mysteries of the
Crystal Skulls Revealed")

In this section, we will take a look at the Illustration done by Michael Abbey for our crystal skull book, in order to compare some of the known (purportedly -- "ancient") human size and shaped crystal skulls, in their appearance and style.

Above we see a schematic comparison of various
ancient crystal skulls showing both the
front and side profiles, scaled to size.

On the drawing to your left, from Top to Bottom: Here we see the Mitchell-Hedges Skull, the British Skull and the Paris Skull. The Mitchell-Hedges Skull is different from the others presented, because the jaw is a separate piece. The Paris Skull's style and cut of crystal is similar to smaller Aztec skulls that have been found and has a hole cut into it from the top.

Note: Look at how the Mitchell-Hedges and British Crystal Skull have some similarities from a side profile. It is my feeling that the British Skull was an attempt to duplicate the Mitchell-Hedges Skull and that could come fairly close but the facial features were difficult to duplicate ..... Joshua

On the drawing to your right, from Top to Bottom: Here we see the Mayan Skull and the Amethyst Skull. Note the similarity in shape and size. With these Crystal Skulls we find a different style of modeling, including cranial elongation and ovoid indentations.

Note: Both of these skulls were brought to the United States via the same Mayan Shaman from Mexico. Although it is claimed they were discovered in different locations, I would speculate that the same culture created them. What the circular indentation is an indication of, is difficult to say, could it have been the skull of an actual race of people that existed one, is it Extraterrestail or just stylized? Your guess is as good as anyone ..... Joshua


Visual Communications
Michael Abbey,
P.O. Box 357
Santa Cruz, CA 95061; USA

Mysteries of the
Crystal Skulls Revealed
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VJ Enterprises
Attn: Joshua & Vera Shapiro
9324 Home Court
Des Plaines, IL 60016
TEL : (847) 699-8240
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