in a meditation position,
of the 'Virgins of the Sun'

The Pachacamac Ruins are at km 31 of the South Pan-American Highway, in the Lurin Valley. Dedicated to the Pachacamac god ("the maker of the universe"), it was the most famous sanctuary of the central coast, and before the Incas, a popular center of pilgrimage in the 8th century A.D., . It has vestiges of adobe temples and buildings with plastered walls, decorations of human and fish figures, and wooden idols. In Pachacamac we have many temples such as the Temple of the Sun, Moon and Women.

Picture taken in the National Museum of Peru,
illustrating how the Temple used to look like.

Pachacamac today

Close-up view of the Mamacunas Temple

View of the Mamacunas or "Women" Temple
Mamacunas were special women designated to teach the 'Virgins of the Sun'.

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