How to Order the Roswell Film Video

From our experience of the increased traffic to our Web Site, it is quite apparent that people from all over the world are very interested to see portions of the purported Roswell Film, more so than just the still images that have been shared via Internet or Compuserve. In this section, we share with you information about how you can order your own copy of a video that Merlin Productions is making available to the general public, starting after August 28th. We share information how to order this video from Paragon Computers, which is considered the official Web Site representing Merlin Productions and also from the Encounters Forum on Compuserve in the MUFON section. Again, if people do order this video, we are interested to share on this web site, people's responses to it.

Happy Hunting ...........


From Paragon Computers

The original uncut raw footage Available on video for a limited period only. This video tape contains all the viewable material taken from the reels of film we received from the man we believe was the Roswell cameraman, the tape is protected by Macrovision and may not be copied.

There has been much controversy about the existence of the material, its content and its quality. A great deal of authorisation research has been completed details of which are also contained on the tape. We ask you to consider the evidence carefully and then draw your own conclusions.

Please note there are limited copies of this video available please order early to avoid disappointment. All orders placed by July 31st will be guaranteed delivery by the 28th August. Thereafter delivery will be within 28 days of receipt of order. This does not affect your UK statutory, which applies in UK only. We may contact you with other interesting and related products/information. If you do not wish to be contacted, please indicate on the web form below.

We must however draw your attention to the following:

1. Whilst the film stock has been verified as manufactured in 1947, we cannot currently warrant that the contents were filmed in 1947.

2. Although our medical reports suggested that the creature is not human, this is impossible to verify.

3. Although we have been informed that the footage emanates from the Roswell incident, this is impossible to verify.

4. Please note due to the origins of the film, the footage is not up to broadcast quality.

The Roswell Footage video is protected by Macrovision to prevent unauthorised copying which is strictly prohibited. ORDER YOUR COPY NOW!


Link to the Video Tape Order Form on Paragon. They recommend that you use Netscape Naviagor as the Web Browser.

Instructions for the Form or Alternative Contact Point:


This form is designed for use by customers using Netscape Navigator who wish to order by credit card, you can submit your order using this system at the moment, however the transmission will not be secure untill the 1st of July 1995. Customers who do not wish to order by way of the Internet should complete and Print out this form and fax it to:(01202 299955 from within the UK) +44 1202 299955 from else were.

Please note, there is currently a two-week lead time for processing orders.

Simply select which format you require your video to be in, fill in the rest of the form as well as inserting your credit card details and click submit.

UK Price: incl. P&P & VAT £33
Overseas Price: incl.P&P £35
Video Formats: -- PAL -- NTSC -- SECAM


Encounters Forum, MUFON Section

1st Message:

Section: Mutual UFO Network [15]
From: Ray Santilli . . . . . . 100612,2261
To: THERESA/SL/MUFON, . . . 70571,1735
Date: 06-Jul-95 19:11

If you are having problems getting through to the web site the raw footage film can be ordered by telephone.

IN ENGLAND: (44) 1628 487287

For the US, people should request NTSC copies

2nd Message:

Subj: Santilli Film / Buy it
Section: Mutual UFO Network
To: Everyone
Date: July 1995 06:09:23
From: MARK L. CENTER, 76016,2242

Roswell Film Flash!!!

The UFO Audio-Video Clearing House has been named the only Officially Authorized North American distributor of the Ray Santilli "Alien Autopsy Footage" which is thought to be actual footage of the Roswell Crash of 1947. This exclusive mail-order contract has been confirmed by Dave Aaron, director of the UFO Audio-Video Clearing House, on July 12th 1995.

On August 28th 150,000 copies will be made available to the American public exclusively through the UFO Audio-Video Clearing House. The tape will consist of 30 minutes of footage and it will be accompanied by documentation describing the footage.

All tapes will be sent out following the simultaneous worldwide release of 5 to 7 minutes of the footage which will be seen on various TV programs in many different countries on August 28th, 1995. Please be aware that you will not be able to get this footage before August 28th.

The cost of the VHS tape and documentation is $59.95, post paid. Please allow 30 days for shipping after the August 28th worldwide release. The UFO Audio-Video Clearing House accepts Master and Visa cards, personal checks will be cleared through your bank before the tape is sent to you. Best way of payment is by Money Order of by Cashiers Check. You can also contact Mr. Don Ecker at the UFO Magazine, Sunland, California.

Feel free to pass this information along to anyone who might be interested.

Thank you

UFO Audio-Video Clearing House
P.O. Box 342-Comp
Yucaipa, California 92399
24 hour Phone # 909-795-3361

Designed for the exclusive use of VJ Enterprises © 1997