Roswell Film Airs Everywhere

News posted on the Net about showings in August

In this page we want to show that the interest in the film is world wide and the best way is to share the various places that are planning to air special programs all over the world. So, for those who are curious please read on (messages shown in no special order).

Also we have added a few early opinions of the film shown and we will have a couple of pages that will share other views given around the world. You will find a link to these new pages below.


Comments From Around The World

World Wide Opinions of the Film:

| Page 1 | Page 2 | Page 3 |

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Date: Tue, 22 Aug 95 21:44:50 -0700
From: "R. Leland Lehrman"
Organization: The Gate
Subject: HONG KONG AUG 28 Roswell Showing (Ken Watson) wrote:

> (vantonia) wrote:
>>We in Hong Kong here are gonna have a TV program on August 28 about
>>some supposedly shocking truth about extraterrestrials. 
>>Does anyone out there know anything about the US government's plan to
>>release previously classified info on UFO's or ET's?
>Sounds like the Roswell footage will be on Honk Kong tv too!
>This is a claimed film of autopsies of aliens that crashed near
>Roswell, US in 1947.
>It;s being aired on UK & US tv on that date, so I assume it's the same
>in Hong Kong.
>Plenty of info about it in these newsgroups and refs to the web pages.
>Ken Watson
>Reeuwijk,The Netherlands

From: (Angus Wong)
Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: worldwide release of UFO info Aug 28th 1995
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 1995 17:34:27 +0800


In Hong Kong there has been TV coverage and major announcements of a worldwide release of UFO information, with focus on the Roswell incident, by the world governments. UK, USA, and Japan in particular, are involved.

The TV and printed media in this country say there will be a world release and TV conference held on the issue. The slated date is 28th August, 1995, around 7pm Hong Kong time. I don't know if this is delayed transmission, or concurrent since it is going to be initiated by Japan (and their time is similar to Hong Kong time).

These are no rumours. The TV and media have been VERY ACTIVE in the Far East region lately, on this matter.

Any information on this very significant event is appreciated. I have heard nothing from the North American or European side.



From: Joe Chu
Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: Re: TV show: alien autopsy
Date: 21 Aug 1995 17:10:13 GMT
Organization: Hong Kong Star Internet Limited

Joe Chu wrote:

>According to a recent claim by Dr. Jiang, a consultant of the MUFON, a 
>more shocking film is going to be released on March 1996. 
>The film is produced in the U.S. during the 70's with colour images and 
>sharper than that of *Roswell's, but the exact location and date are still unknown. 
>If you have any information about the above-mentioned, please let me 
Joe Chu



Date: Fri, 25 Aug 95 22:11:29 -0700
From: Kevin Mol
Subject: Roswell film in Holland


Just a short notice to keep you posted. On 27 Aug 1995 there be a documentary on Dutch T.V. about Roswell with clippings of the Roswell film ( 6 Min. ). Premier in Europe I believe.

Regards Kevin


From: (Ralph Moonen)
Subject: Dutch TV has Roswell Premiere before Channel IV!!!
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 1995 11:44:41 +0200

Dutch TV station Veronica will air the Roswell footage saturday the 27th of August, at 20:05.

Channel IV has reacted furiously and has accused Santilli of breaking his contract with them.

But we get to see it first :-)


Ralph Moonen
The Netherlands


From: (jeremy)
Subject: Autopsy film on Dutch and German TV
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 1995 16:27:31 GMT

For people living in the Netherlands,

Here are the times and channels:

Sunday 27 August
Nederland 2
20:05 to 21:00
Roswell autopsy film

Monday 28 August
RTL (german)
9:40 to 23:00
Same thing but in German<
Plus: Tuesday 29 August
22:00 to 22:30
sbs6 (new Amsterdam channel)
Program about current wave of UFO's over Holland



From Hans V. Kampen, via Compuserve, August 27th

Between 20:15 and 21:00 hrs Central European Time (GMT+2) the Dutch broadcast corporation VERONICA (V.O.O.) released its version of 'the' 'worldwide' 'Roswell' documentary. I will refrain from revealing much of the contents at this moment, but concentrate on the reactions of some viewers. My bureau held a telephone survey and asked (until now) 50 persons in The Netherlands for their reactions. Although a true media-hipe (newspapers and magazines writing about 'Roswell' prior to the broadcast) had aroused great interest, the most significant reaction now is: confusion... The V.O.O. showed insignificant and unclear debris (wreckage) of sorts and for laymen an incomprehensible autopsy (the one we all know about by now) mixed with pro- and con-interviews, leaving the central question(s) and the Roswell Connection open to judgement by the public. A cheap way to circumvent later debates. The sun may shine, but also not - it may freeze, but it also may not... This sort of stuff. The general concensus surfacing now is: *confusion*.

Question were: "Do YOU know if it was a hoax? They (the makers, hvk) suggest a hoax...!" and "These were humans no aliens, aliens look different or don't they?" etc. etc.

Dutchmen are not very suggestible - they like hard facts and here it surfaced, that many found the presentation of the facts to *doubtful*. In the documentary the aspect of a 'hoax' was slightly accentuated and this added obviously to the doubts and the confusion. Some were even disappointed.

Tomorrow RTL-Germany shall broadcast its documentary at 22:10-23:00 hrs CET. I am curious to see where they come up with.

The Dutch presentation was apparently not convincing.
I would like to share the reactions from elsewhere if possible.

Hans v. Kampen



Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 21:41:57 +0200
From: (Kevin Mol)
Subject: Roswell Film


It' s impossible to became a Holland reporter, due to my tight schedule.

The documentary on Dutch T.V. was a compilation of Channels 4 docu. It consisted of a build up from the event at Roswell 1947 ( a crash, militaire involvment, harresment) Interviews with some local people of Roswell, the daughter of the sheriff, the son of Jesse Marcel whom claimed his dad took home some debris from the crash site with funny markings on it. ( In the clips they show of the Santille film there was some debris with marking which were simular Marcel said)

There was a pice of home video with Mr. DuBois who was second in command at Roswell Mil. base who said in this video that his superior had said ' I' ve never seen something like it'. A former ( secret ) agent came forward for the first time a Mr. Kaufmann, who claims to have been on the crashsite, saw two bodies outside, and three in the craft. One was still alive.

Clips of the Santilli film consisted of the same scene as the foto's and a few autopsie scenes. The film was amateur style and blurred quit often. All in all I didn't find the document convincing.

Kevin Mol


From: (Ken Watson)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,
Subject: VIDEO TV Roswell symbols
- - (was:Re: Santilly (footage) on Dutch TV, impression).
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 17:23:53 GMT
Organization: Euronet Internet (Jan van der Knaap) wrote:

>-The Debris footage was less dissapointing than I suspected it to be. The
>panels looked better. The heiroglyps appeared to form the words 'VIDEO
>TV', but if this
>was not told up front lots of folks would not have noticed the resemblance.
I'd like to add comment here.

I've studied this section of the film and can categorically state that it does *NOT* form the word "TV"

The symbol for the "E" in the 'word' VIDEO is the same symbol as the supposed "T" in the word TV. What is more, there is between the words VIDEO and EV (TV?) an extra symbol, resembling - but not exactly the same as - that forming the "O" in VIDEO.

This "E" symbol, icidentally, is actually two E's back to back ie:

(Hope that can be seen by your newsreaders)

The fact that this does *NOT* form clearly the words VIDEO TV, VIDEO EV or even "VIDEOOEV" (the closest) has not been brought out clearly in all reports. This was especially true in "Kevin O'Crean's" report of the film presentation in Sheffield last week. Whoever was writing that report (under the name Kevin O Crean) clearly left us with the impression that these words were in simple plain letters. I even read somewhere that this may have been an artefact of having copied the original film onto video.

All of that is misinformation. The symbols are carved into the metal fragments. In fact, we do not even know which way up the symbols should be read.

Ken Watson
Reeuwijk, The Netherlands


From: (Jan van der Knaap)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Subject: Santilly (footage) on Dutch TV, impression.
Date: 28 Aug 1995 11:28:19 GMT
Organization: PublishNET Netherlands BV

Yesterday, Sunday august 27 a documentary was shown on Dutch TV "The Roswell UFO mystery". The one hour (not too sensationalized) docu opened with about 35 minutes of background information on the incident, showing various interviews with first and secondhand witnesses. Furthermore some of the controversial footage was shown, some 5 minutes (total) of the 'autopsy' and a few minutes of the 'debris'. Ray Santilly was interviewed, and some 'expert opinions' from a coroner and a SFX man were shown.

My impressions-

-The witnesses are still very impressive. No 'flaky' people IMHO.
-Ray made (as expected) a very *honest* impression.
-The autopsy footage was hardly surprising.
-The Debris footage was less dissapointing than I suspected it to be. The panels looked better. The heiroglyps appeared to form the words 'VIDEO TV', but if this was not told up front lots of folks would not have noticed the resemblance.
-The expert-coroner's (name unknown) impression was '98% chance that this is a man-made hoax, 2% it isn't. The expert-coroner based his statement on a mere 'feeling' however, not on expertise.
-The footage is mostly inconsistent with the claims of various witnesses.
-The film is absolutely worthless without the cameraman backing up the story. The possibility remains that he doesn't even exist.



From: (Menno vd Leden)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Subject: Roswell film opinion after seeing it
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 1995 20:39:25 GMT
Organization: Knoware Internet

I just saw the Dutch premiere of the Roswell documentry. I must say I had high expectations about the alien cut into pieces, but it was a bit of a dissapointment.

Bad quality film, most of the time out of focus, over exposure. The skin of the alien didn't seem to react "natural", nor did the organs look very confincing. Ofcourse if it WAS an alien, how would *I* know how it should react and look like ;)?

Roswell is a mystery, and the alien-film looks a bit like an hoax, a good one though.

True evolution is the revival of the misfits

From: (Anton Futselaar)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Subject: Re: Roswell film opinion after seeing it
Date: 27 Aug 1995 22:33:58 GMT
Organization: Dieren / The Netherlands

In article <41QHQO$7RF@NEWS.KNOWARE.NL>, wrote:

> I just saw the Dutch premiere of the Roswell documentry. I must say I
> had high expectations about the alien cut into pieces, but it was a
> bit of a dissapointment.
> Bad quality film, most of the time out of focus, over exposure. The
> skin of the alien didn't seem to react "natural", nor did the organs
> look very confincing. Ofcourse if it WAS an alien, how would *I* know
> how it should react and look like ;)?
> Roswell is a mystery, and the alien-film looks a bit like an hoax, a
> good one though.
Yes, I must agree. It looks like a fake to me.

Anton's FreeHand Page (


From: (Jaap_Tamminga)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Subject: Re: Roswell film opinion after seeing it
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 1995 22:18:26 GMT
Organization: Euronet Internet (Menno vd Leden) wrote:

>I just saw the Dutch premiere of the Roswell documentry. I must say I
>had high expectations about the alien cut into pieces, but it was a
>bit of a dissapointment.
>Bad quality film, most of the time out of focus, over exposure. The
>skin of the alien didn't seem to react "natural", nor did the organs
>look very confincing. Ofcourse if it WAS an alien, how would *I* know
>how it should react and look like ;)?
>Roswell is a mystery, and the alien-film looks a bit like an hoax, a
>good one though.

Like Menno I just saw the Roswell footage, and like Menno I was disapointed about it. But there were enough leads to suspect that there is something being covered-up, the film might be a hoax but there was something going on at Roswell air base in 1947... I don't think we wil ever know what (crash)landed near Roswell.

Thats what happens in countries where the military/government decides what is the truth and wat realy happend, and start to lie (every department a different lie)

I am not sure what to think of all of this, I would like to see the proof that the whole Roswell incident is either true or false, the very short film fragments i have seen do not convince me either way.


From: (Eelco Zwart)
Subject: Roswell documentary
Organization: Eastgate Systems; Groningen, The Netherlands
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 1995 21:21:27 GMT

Tonight (Sunday) the Brittish Channel 4 documentary on the Roswell-incident was showed on the Dutch television. I have to say that the documentary was made very well. The facts and evidences of the withnesses were all the same as I know them from the books on the subject. But I am not convinced that the Santilli-film is real. Although the images looked very real, the film was not taken very profesionnally. A bit strange IMHO. Further a part of the wreckage was showed. In the unknown language that was printed on it, it was not difficult to recognize the word 'VIDEO'..?! For me it's almost clear that the film is a hoax. But I am sure that the American Government is hiding something for us and I'm still hoping that this film and documentary helps to reveal the Roswell-mystery. I think we have the right to know, what happened there fifty years ago!



From: (Frank_van_Geloven)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Subject: Re: Roswell film opinion after seeing it
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 13:39:24
Organization: Euronet Internet

>In article <41QHQO$7RF@NEWS.KNOWARE.NL>, wrote:

>> I just saw the Dutch premiere of the Roswell documentry. I must say I
>> had high expectations about the alien cut into pieces, but it was a
>> bit of a dissapointment.
>> Bad quality film, most of the time out of focus, over exposure. The
>> skin of the alien didn't seem to react "natural", nor did the organs
>> look very confincing. Ofcourse if it WAS an alien, how would *I* know
>> how it should react and look like ;)?
>> Roswell is a mystery, and the alien-film looks a bit like an hoax, a
>> good one though.

>Yes, I must agree. It looks like a fake to me.

Hoi Anton,

I must agree too. The documentry was excellent (I think), but Santilli's images were very clear ----> fake.

i.e. Why was the doctor in the other room, behind the glasses, wearing a mouth-cap? He wasn't in the room with the 'alien' and still wearing a cap. It seems to me that he didn't want to show his face.

i.e. Why was the debris in the same room where the autopsy was taking place? Bit strange, don't you think?

i.e. Why didn't Santilli give a piece of the film for examination? He said: 'I've to ask the collector who purchased the first part of the movie. Which collector? And why didn;t he give a part of thesecond movie? There are fifteen parts, if Santlli's statements on the net were correct.

But......some witnesses were very convincing. Something took place over there, but we will never know what.

The autopsy-film will do its job I'm sure. It will close the cover-up.




From: (jeremy)
Subject: Autopsy film on Dutch and German TV
Date: Wed, 23 Aug 1995 16:27:31 GMT

For people living in the Netherlands,

Here are the times and channels:

Sunday 27 August
Nederland 2
20:05 to 21:00
Roswell autopsy film

Monday 28 August
RTL (german)
9:40 to 23:00
Same thing but in German<
Plus: Tuesday 29 August
22:00 to 22:30
sbs6 (new Amsterdam channel)
Program about current wave of UFO's over Holland

H. Kampen - RTL Broadcast in Germany

FROM: Hans v. Kampen, 100544,1761
TO: Joshua Shapiro, 74217,1412
DATE: 8/28/95 4:21 PM

Re: Roswell on RTL Germany

This evening between 22:25 and 22:40 CET the Luxembourg based satellite TV station 'RTL' (German dept.) broadcasted some 'Santilli-Roswell' filmmaterial in their TV-Special programme 'Extra'. In the newspapers 'Extra' was announced as showing exclusively THE documentary about extra-terrestrials and the secret of Roswell - the viewers were confronted however with several items, one of which was a short one about the 'Santilli' films.

After a lengthy discussion of the current ice-parlor quailty in Hamburg (don't eat an icecream there!), 'Roswell' was announced. The anker-woman of 'Extra' mentionned that the 'exclusive material that was shown worldwide by RTL as number one' (untrue, because yesterday the Dutch 'Veronica-TV' had the honour!) was said the have been 'filmed by the US Space Agency in 1947' (no mistake!). What Agency was not mentionned....

Next some footage was shown of the (obviously for the media) one and only 'shot-to-pieces Rossie' autopsy. From Munich the pathologist Dr. Eisenmenger was interviewed about what he thought to see and a Dr. Giesen, filmexpert, was introduced. The latter wondered himself, why no static camera was used or colour material, which was commonly used by Army cameramen, the first (Dr. Eisenberger) wondered why the obduction table had no gutter for fluids or blood to be drained away... Some 'in-between' shots of Mr. Santilli appeared, filmed at the Sheffield Bufora exhibition, where he told the now wellknown story of the origin of the material. The general attitude of RTL was, that hte material represents a gross misinterpretation of sorts or a hoax. Mr. Santilli answered on the Kodak material questions (1927,1947,1967, well-known) and the (for me new!) fact, that cameraman J. BARRET (sic) had to work under great stress, 'because the Army was in panick...' This, according to Mr. Santilli, explained the bad quality of some shots.

What amazed me was the extremely poor quality of the material in this 'news item' of RTL-Extra, which was far, far worse than I personally had seen in Ray's office in London!

Dr Eisenmenger complained about the 'dark fluid' from the neck-cut by the surgeon, which could hardly have been blood. Nevertheless Dr. E. found the technique of the autopsy OK and genuine. Dr. Giesen, seeing the corpse opened, produced the Latex-skin of a 'Ghostbuster-II' puppet and claimed that a hoax could be possible, since equal creatures appeared in this movie... RTL even claimed, that Steven Spielberg had interest to buy the rights of the 'Santilli' film to use it later in a new Ufo-film...

Some intermediate shots were shown from Sheffield, where some visitors appeared to be skeptic about the 'Roswell' film. The German SF-author Johannes von Buttlar was angry about Mr. Santilli to have told him, that the reels were 10 minutes, whereas they now appeared to be only 3 minutes - he thought the material to have been tampered with...

Nextly Walt Andrus, announced as 'America's greatest Ufologist', appeared, expressing his reservations. Walt thought it might be a hoax and in a second sequence he plainly said, the creatures could suffer from a chromosomal disease. This also concluded Dr. Eisenmenger from Munich. END of 'RTL-EXTRA news item', that was earlier announced as 'THE Roswell film'...

RTL wrapped up with the statement, that it will keep viewers posted on later developments...

My overall impression was very bad. RTL had poorly screened the material, poorly documented it and presented it between items about the quality of icecream at various Hamburg icestands and an item about sex-thearpies. Anyway: no 'special spectacular' we (and certainly I) had hoped for after the equally poor presentation of the material a day before in the Benelux by Veronica.

It now appears that broadcasters like Veronica (Holland) and RTL (Germany) are highly skeptical about the nature of the (poor) material and both think it's fraud or a hoax.

Viewers will be left in the dark and shoulders shaking about it. Confused, at most.

Hans v. Kampen



Date: Fri, 25 Aug 1995 14:54:02 -0400 (EDT)
From: The Gate
Subject: Autopsy Film

There's an analysis as well, at 1:00, don't know exactly when/where, but assume it'll be on Fox on August 28th at 1:00pm eastern.

Please verify

((TV GUIDE -ED.)listing, pg. 120 &122): "ALIEN AUTOPSY: FACT OR FICTION (CC) -- Speculation 1:00. Analysis of a film that allegedly shows a medical procedure performed on an extraterrestrial, a survivor of a reputed UFO crash in New Mexico in 1947. Included: opinions from special-effects experts who've viewed the film, as well as Government officials and pathologists."

From: Henry Dakin
Subject: Alien Autopsy film August 28
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 1995 16:39:28 -0700 (PDT)

3220 Gallery, in association with physicist Jack Sarfatti and UFO film-maker Yin Gazda, invite you to a public showing, on LCD video projection equipment and high-fidelity sound, of the Fox Broadcasting Company program:


Monday, August 28, 7:30 to 10:00 pm
Broadcast time: 8:00 to 9:00 pm
Discussion and refreshments, 9:00 to 10:00 pm
(Please arrive between 7:30 and 7:50 pm)

3220 Gallery
3220 Sacramento Street, San Francisco
(415) 931-2593 Fax (415) 931 0948

ALIEN AUTOPSY: FACT OR FICTION is an unprecedented one-hour special documentary presentation featuring what Fox Broadcasting Company calls "the most startling film footage ever shown on tele- vision ... either an extremely elaborate hoax or the first-ever documented evidence of an alien being."

The program will air Monday, Aug. 28, at 8:00 to 9:00 pm, on Fox Broadcasting Company network affiliates (KTVU-Channel 2 in the San Francisco-Oakland area).. Jonathan Frakes of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" will host the program.

As part of a comprehensive and objective investigation, ALIEN AUTOPSY: FACT OR FICTION delves into the famous purported 1947 crash of a UFO near Roswell, New Mexico, and the alleged subse- quent government cover-up. ALIEN AUTOPSY: FACT OR FICTION intro- duces the man responsible for finding the controversial film, who claims he obtained it from a cameraman who worked for the military and filmed the autopsy as it took place.

The special presentation investigates the man's credibility and his claims about the film and then searches for the cameraman him- self. Dissecting the film from many angels, ALIEN AUTOPSY: FACT OR FICTION speaks with experts from a variety of fields in the hope of coming closer to the truth. Pathologists, camera and film ex- perts, government officials and Hollywood's top special effects artists give their expert takes on the film as it is revealed. The technical qualities of the film itself are analyzed, followed by an examination of the alien, whose humanoid features would require tremendous skill to create.

Is this purported government autopsy of an alien visitor for real? If so, what does this tell us about the Roswell incident and the involvement of the U.S.Government? After gathering as much infor- mation as possible, ALIEN AUTOPSY: FACT OR FICTION asks the view- ers to make up their own minds.

Robert Kiviat ("Unsolved Mysteries, ENCOUNTERS; THE HIDDEN TRUTH") is executive producer and Peter Greene is Producer for Kiviat Greene Productions.

Additional Information:
Yin Gazda, an Austrian film maker, with astonishing videos of UFOs and some weird alleged "antigravity experiment" using Frankenstein-like Tesla stuff out of Transylvania will be there. Skeptics are particularly encouraged to attend to figure out how these videos could have been faked.



From: Archangel
Subject: Roswell in australia
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 1995 12:06:45 +1000

There is a documentary on the Roswell crash/autopsy being screened in australia (victoria) this monday. The blurb roughly says that it is based on film uncovered at the start of this year. Is there any legitimacy whatsoever to the Roswell crash and the autopsy film?



From: (David Lyons)
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Subject: SANTILLI FILM IN AUstralia ON AUG28 7.30 pm ch7
Date: Sun, 27 Aug 1995 10:28:12 +1100

Hello everyone,

I Hope this is posted to the correct group! For all teh Australian entusiests out there in Pranormal activity. The ROSWELL Film footage (7 mins only tho) will be shown on channel 7 at 7.0 on aug 28th!

I assume its the same program screening from England.



From: (Jorgen Lundman)
Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: Roswell Autopsy in New Zealand
Date: 27 Aug 1995 23:52:11 GMT
Organization: Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.

Heh just saw an ad for it on TV and it flashed by pretty quickly but I believe this is when it's on, correct me if I'm wrong, please.

Aliens Revealed, 7:30 Tuesday 29th on TV2.




Date: 28 Aug 1995 00:46:09 GMT

In article (Jorgen Lundman) writes:

>   Aliens Revealed, 7:30 Tuesday 29th on TV2.
>   Which would mean Kiwi Video Show and Seinfeld will not show?
Ahh (XXXX), so much for trustingmy memory. My friend told me it's actually on Thursday the 31st, and would replace double episode of Roseanne.




From: (Ronen Steiner)
Subject: Roswell crash film on U.K TV
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 1995 23:02:11 +0100

Hi all.

Please note that the roswell film will be shown on channal 4 in the UK on Monday evenning 28th August 95.

I shall make a video tape so I can transcribe it to all.

It apparently have a Doctor disecting the alians found and eye witness reports from that time. -of course it is in black & white.

Has the film been shown in the U.S. I heard that the film will be available for purchase in the UK.

please reply via e-mail



Subject: Re: Alien Footage on UK TV
Date: 23 Aug 1995 16:07:27 GMT

UK's Channel 4 9pm BST Monday Aug 28th
Secret History: The Roswell Incident.

The documentary last for an hour and is an investigation into what has become know as The Roswell Incident. The Producers of the documentary have had access to Santilli's footage and have rights to show some of it (15mins I believe).

Anyone out there with access to "Radio Times" mag they have a nice spread about it with one of the autopsy pics. Havn't checked "TV Times" yet. Channel 4 were filming at the BUFORA Conference over the weekend don't know if any will be in the documentary, I hope not I got VOX POP'd it was awfull, they point the camera and you enter imediate brain death mode.



Neil Morris. 
Dept of Physics.          
University of Manchester. 
Schuster Labs.            
Brunswick St.             

G8KOQ  E-mail:  
   or [ftp+gopher]


From: Craig Rich
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Subject: ***JUST SEEN C4 "Incident at Roswell"***
Date: 28 Aug 1995 21:41:32 GMT

Having just seen the Channel 4 documentary "Incident at Roswell", I was just interested to hear any one else's views or comments on "THE" footage.

I think the footage could be regarded as real, although the whole show seemed designed to confuse more than clear up any issues.

The residents' responses and commentary seemed genuine, but some of the US officials (ie the guy who was meant to be working covertly and was there at all the key points) seemed to be planted (possible disinformation ??).

It is getting more and more difficlut to separate the wheat from the chaff (to coin a phrase) when it comes to information - is this whole area being engineered that way ? What appears to be genuine to most people soon becomes debunked by some "official who was there at the time"

Any comments ?




From: James McGowan
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Subject: Roswell Programme (UK)
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 95 21:11:59 GMT
Organization: Planet Thaarg

Well, that was certainly something.

It was well balanced, to the extent that it refused to draw any conclusions at all. What seems clear is that there was a coverup at the time, for whatever reason, it's not clear.

The film looks like a hoax - in fact, it strikes me as something taken by a CCD video camera, not a film camera - the flares and contrast spikes look phoney - like something you put on later by fiddling the saturation knob on a video mastering system. The fuzziness looks as if it is in horizontal lines, like the tracking errors you get on video. Scoring on cinematographs is usually vertical, AFAIK.

To my mind, the film is a separate issue. When Marcel Jnr said that the hieroglyphs didn't look like that on the I-bars he saw - my gut feeling was that it was a hoax.



Date: Tue, 29 Aug 1995 10:20:47 +0100
From: (Pete McCready)
Subject: The Roswell Incident on Channel 4

Hi Joshua,

Caught a quick view the documentary on Channel 4 last night. Very interesting!

The various eye-witness descriptions were handled exceptionally well, conclusively proving that the military was indeed covering up something VERY big during July 1947, which was really nothing new to me, having read the various affadavits, but hopefully made a few of the general population think.

The rest of the show only featured a few minutes of the footage, which left me under the impression that it had a high hoax probability. The camera blurring every time an organ was closely inspected didn't help matters. One flap of skin exhibited a 'rubbery' motion when accidentally brushed by one of the individuals performing the autopsy. But hey, I've never actually seen a corpse before, nor attended an autopsy, nor do I wish to!

There was also a rather irrelevant section where a press officer from White Sands missile base was asked if the crash was perhaps one of their missiles loaded with animal subjects for test purposes. "It wasn't us" he replied!

A new witness appeared who was part of an intelligence organization responsible for the recovery. He revealed documents purported to be copies of reports that he made concerning the crash recovery, complete with sketches.

Lastly, the narrator mentioned that a source close to the Pentagon had confirmed that secret documents had been revealed that would explain the mysterious bodies once and for all. "Perhaps it will be a cosmic Watergate after all" was the closing quote.

Oh no! Not ANOTHER lame excuse! First it's a flying disk aka saucer, then a weather balloon, next Project Mogul, etc. They're had 48 YEARS to develop a reasonable story yet have failed miserably every time! The bodies will probably be explained away as genetic mutations/genetic experiments.

Again all very interesting, although I doubt in the general public will remember any of it by the end of the week! Such is life!

If it is a hoax, why did the perpetrators not use four fingers instead of six? That would be a logical option given the fact that the Glen Dennis affadavit mentioned that the nurse saw only four fingers. Whatever the outcome, if it's a hoax, it will damage the credibility of many of the Roswell witnesses.

Interestingly, Fortean Times claims to have photographs depicting a make up artist touching up one of the alien heads!

Check out their claims...

BFN, and thanx for the service...


Pete McCready, School of Geosciences, The Queen's University of Belfast
Vodaphone: (0374) 839521  Tel: (01232) 245133 x3347  Fax: (01232) 321280
eMail:  URL:
PGP public key available



Subject: Santilli footage on Brazilian TV SUNDAY night
Date: 25 Aug 1995 02:07:37 GMT

Brazilian GLOBO Network announced tonight that on SUNDAY (27th) night will show THE FILM.



From: (Fabrizio Fiorucci)
Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: Re: Autopsy film on Dutch and German TV
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 1995 21:20:27 GMT
Organization: Italia Online (jeremy) wrote:

>For people living in the Netherlands,
>Here are the times and channels:
The same for people living in Italy:

Misteri, RAI2 - Sabato 26 Agosto, ore 20,40

 Fabrizio Fiorucci

 e-mail  :
 IRC     : _Dlee on channel #friends
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Personal_Name: Oeyvind Solheim
Subject: Images of Roswell Autopsy (Norway)

Thank you for your home page about Roswell. I've just seen a TV program on TV2 her in Norway, and I wanted to get some info on the project. Found lots of stuff, but the images from the Roswell autopsy is impossible for us Lynx users to read.


Greetings from Norway,
Oeyvind Solheim



From: (Joyce Culligan)
Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: TV Report: Alien Autopsy
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 1995 16:18:21 GMT
Organization: University of Manitoba

Tonight in Wpg. Mb. Canada at 8:00 p.m. on the Fox network there is a Report entitled Alien Autopsy being aired. It is information about the Roswell incident in 1947.





From: mk-tel@sik (Martin Keitel)
Newsgroups: alt.paranet.ufo
Subject: The famous film shown in Finland too
Date: 28 Aug 1995 14:21:40 GMT
Organization: Satakunnan internetkäyttäjät

Well, I was wrong when I said it wouldn't be shown in Finland. At least a part of it will be broadcasted in a news program. I just saw an advertisement of it in the telly, where a part of the autopsy was seen.

Must say it seemed much better than I expected (on the basis of the still images I've seen). It was the part, where this female humanoid with the cut-off leg was lying on the table, and there was a camera mowing kind off around the body.

This was at about 16.50 Finnish time (on monday).

Marty K



Date: 28 Aug 95 13:05:36 EDT
From: J MARC <100305.3504@COMPUSERVE.COM>
To: "Joshua Shapiro"
Subject: UFO Conference on Roswell on CIS

I have received your mail but it is nor readable

that news about ROSWELL mystery ??

french channel TV TF1 have promised too show a video ..