

The Players Assemble

Chapter 1

The Storyteller rJis


(Begun on November 24th at 9:37 PM, Central time
Des Plaines, IL - 9324 Home Court)

(Revised Edition begun on December 31st,
at 4:22 AM, near Sao Paulo, U.S. Central time)

( First part completed (Act I-IV) on January 24th, 1997
Des Plaines, IL … started at 3:37 PM Central Time )

by Crystal Skull Explorer

( The following information was transcribed from a data crystal
recorded on April 17, 2037 -- The 25th year of the New Dawn )

GREETINGS TO THE VIEWER of these chronicles as I call them. My name is rJis and I am your guide and host … I am 82 years old and live in the part of the New Earth that was once called Brazil (in the city of Alto Paraiso {which means High Paradise in the old tongue of Portuguese}. As in many places today, the old names of the cities are maintained but without a country designation). Today is my birthday and of course I expect the traditional celebration later this evening with family and friends. I am a citizen of the United Earth, a time of absolute peace and harmony on our planet. I am here to share with you, my brothers and sisters, the incredible story of the transformational shift of our world moving into an era of where finally, the people and all living beings on the New Earth are living in joy and absolute contentment.

I am recording this data crystal using a simple technology we possess which automatically records my thoughts directly into the crystal. We obtained this technology from our friends from other worlds, but I will discuss all of this later. I can not explain exactly why I am doing this recording. Perhaps it is just for posterity or to ensure that the remarkable events that occurred at the end of what used to be called the 20th century and then moving into the early 21st century are not forgotten. Excuse me for using these terms from our former time … but you see I was a witness to such matters, which is why I can clearly record these details now.

Truthfully however, this recording is a compilation of various talks I have given to the young children of this Era … as this is one of my favorite things to do. I sense that even though our world does not share the conflicts and challenges of the 20th century, it is vital that our children understand the story of how our world came to be as it is. And of course, by not forgetting our history, it is my hope and desire that humanity should never repeat some of the mistakes of our past. As a result of the powerful events of the Time of Transformation, we live in a world of total cooperation and harmony which includes at the cornerstone the philosophy of life that our true essence is spirit. We do know from our special sensitives who can read the akashic records (the dimensional records of the New Earth's history) as easily as a person can read a computerized book, that the Earth has gone through past Golden Ages of Peace only to fall into a time of sleeping and ignorance.

BUT FIRST, LET ME BEGIN BY describing how the world of 2037 is. We no longer have any countries, hunger, greed and none of our citizens are in need or lack any of the basic needs to live comfortably. To our children these aspects of the Pre-Dawn times are completely foreign. Since we do not use any form of money or currency --- all products and services are offered freely. The famous 20th century musician composer, John Lennon, was truly having a vision of this time (his future) as is described in his song "Imagine", which is still sung even today. I use the year 2037 in the beginning of this narrative so that for those who view this account*, they can better understand how past events relate to today which we refer to as the 25th year of the New Dawn.

(* -- Editors Note: A data crystal recording is a visual and audio presentation and also can include 3 dimensional aspects similar to the VRML that is being implemented on the Web on the Internet. )

What else can I share with you? Well, today people just use one name. This name is in alignment with the essence of their soul and the sound and pronunciation of the name is a way to express this essence in physical earthly terms. All the people of our world live together as if we are one family with all the adults acting as parents to all the children. There is no longer a struggle for survival, which is one of the reasons why the concept of the immediate family was developed in Earth's past. If we could define how the family of 2037 exists, it would be based more on people living in the same city or community, and of course each person has a choice to decide which community is right for them. Our communities or cities are normally based upon a theme such as communities for artists, technicians or spiritual philosophers. I recall in the Pre-Dawn days each city was filled with a random grouping of people with no discernible common theme to connect them. The people in our communities live and work together and usually host at least once or twice a week what we call "Celebrations of Life", that gives the citizens of the community a chance to commune and joyously share with their other people there.

Thus, such concepts of jealousy and ownership are unheard of. As all of our children are our love and joy, we all feel a responsibility to help and support each one as no child is more special than another. If a child comes through a natural mother or father, the actual parents initially help this child come into the world but these small dear ones receive total support from their community for their spiritual growth and education. Thus no child ever feels alone or abandoned. The world of 2037 is filled with a joy that just can not described in words … a feeling of tremendous belonging and oneness. A person can only know such a feeling by living this experience.

WE HAVE CONTACT WITH PEOPLE WHO live in the Inner Earth (Editors Note: Please see our pages about the Hollow Earth ) as well as Galactic Beings from other worlds. The New Earth is now a member of a Federation of many planets, we were accepted into this Federation in 2017 …. a few years after our world completely shifted its frequency to more of what we call a 5th dimensional consciousness. After the Time of Transformation was completed, the off-world visitors were welcomed as friends and were invited to walk amongst us without any fear what-so-ever by all people on the New Earth. After this contact, we discovered that many of our new brothers from the Stars had been watching us silently for many years, constantly sending us positive energies during our challenge times as we moved into the 21st century. We are very grateful for this non-interfering assistance. Now, many people work with our Space Friends who have also become our teachers. (Although they tell us that our world is unique in many ways and that they are learning things from us!!!).

Each citizen of the New Earth offers to our world and their local communities exactly what they love to do. Thus our citizens happily offer these services which are not thought of a work but a scared trust. On most days, it is not uncommon to see people singing or dancing in our streets with almost daily celebrations (or parties) with friends and family in the evenings … People generally do not go to bed till late hours in the evening or in the early morning as they stay outside talking and sharing with each other. Time has no meaning to us .. there are no schedules to be met yet each person intuitively knows when their tasks must be completed. Our small communities all over the world are interconnected to each other via our various forms of communications devices. We are able to travel quickly throughout the world using extremely fast transport aerial ships and we are told within the next two years, we will have teleportation machines for almost instantly traveling to anywhere on the New Earth. We still have various communities who have chosen to honor and live the way of their ancestors in the 20th century, keeping the traditions of the old cultures (Editors Note: Such as a Japanese or French orientated city, one city even has an old Western Cowboy look … sounds interesting …?). We also have special centers where our citizens can learn about the member worlds of the Federation of planets that the New Earth belongs to.

Thus, through the combination of our wonderful technologies and the loving vibration surrounding our world, all physical needs of each citizen of the United Earth is taken care of …. A great deal of what we are living is very much in alignment with dramatizations that were given in the 20th century via the numerous number of science fiction (no longer) media productions and books (Editor's Note: Like Star Trek ….). By using our technology in harmony with the natural forces of Mother Earth, we are able to live a comfortable and peaceful life. Although it seems there are no challenges (as compared to the Pre-Dawn days) in our lives, this is not entirely true as we have more time to take inner explorations of the universe to become more consciously aware of the Creator and the consciousness of all living beings. Many people use their free time to learn more about the many wonders of the cosmos especially from insights given by our cosmic friends from the Stars. People can desire if they wish to live their lives on the New Earth or to travel to the Stars and learn about the incredible diversity between alien world and cultures.

OUR HOMES ARE VERY SIMPLY CONSTRUCTED using some of the new light materials given to us by our Space Friends taking on a domed shape or beautifully carved from pure absolute clear quartz crystal. The inside of our homes are designed to not only be simple in form and attractive but the geometry's of the home provide a healing and uplifting energy. We use specific combinations of colors in our rooms in combination with music. For over 20 years now, in coordination with this home design, we have been using color and sound therapies to help heal people of any type of illness or pain (which is not too frequently now). We even have flying crystal cities (which has just been incorporated recently and is pretty fascinating for us) which use a form of anti-gravity beams to hold the city in the sky. Temperature is moderated all over the planet to always be pleasant (never too cold or too warm) again using a simple form of weather control technology. Yes indeed, the people of the planet Earth have finally been able to create a Paradise which is absolutely amazing. When I think back to the events of the past several hundred some years, it is truly a remarkable story of how quickly our world changed from one of great challenges and conflict to one of total peace and calm. I can scarcely believe it myself.

What is a typical day like for us? For example, upon waking up this morning in my home, when I look outside my bedroom window, I am greeted by a beautiful scenic view of a green field and trees. No matter where one goes on the New Earth, you can feel a powerful invigorating energy of joy around you as well as always being surrounded by the beauty of nature. We have also developed our inner sensitivities so we can sense the feelings of others as well as some people have the ability to telepathically communicate with others. We have finally adopted a common language which all people on the New Earth speak (although some of us are nostalgic and will speak the old language of the Pre-Dawn days). When the Mother Earth shifted its vibration into this higher octave, many of the so-called psychic or spiritual gifts that only a few people demonstrated in the prior century, are now common place for us. We do not always need to speak words to communicate with each other. We also do not eat any type of meat (red meat, fowl or fish) … but are complete vegetarians. Some of our citizens who are able to enter deep levels of meditation require no food at all, as they have trained themselves to absorb the life force that is always around us.

Even though our life is wonderful and peaceful, we still continue to share the many lessons we learned from the Pre-Dawn years with our children. Since we have access to the akashic records, we are able to use special devices which permits us to experiences the lives of people who have lived before which provides incredible insights into the history of humanity. I recall very clearly the lessons learned in these Pre-Dawn time. We had many prophecies and different viewpoints of what was ahead of us. But we quickly learned not to allow our fear of change to control us but rather to trust in ourselves by working with our own inner gifts and intuitions in addition to helping each other. We understood completely that all people (or souls) who had incarnated onto the earth at that time, choose to do so for the incredible period of spiritual growth.

I WOULD LIKE TO USE THIS INTRODUCTION to not only share a bit about myself and the world of 2037 but also to discuss some of the key participants in helping to moving planet Earth into the New Dawn. The saga I am about to tell has it's focus through a specific period of time that includes the years 1996-2013 (of the old time calendar) which we call the Time of Transformation. However we will have to move a bit in time to get many aspects of this time-period in proper perspective. In addition, the main people who were involved with our story were mysterious and magically brought together surrounding an interesting chain of events connected with the sacred artifacts known as the crystal skulls. If you are unfamiliar with a crystal skull what I am referring to is a human type skull that is made from various type of quartz crystals. These so-called ancient Crystal Skulls began to be uncovered in various ancient ruins in the areas known as the Americas in the late 19th century and parts of the 20th century. These objects were one of the key activators for helping to raising individuals' consciousness and prepare for the New Dawn. There was a great struggle over control of these ancient power tools but fortunately in the end were used to help humanity.

So I welcome you the viewer to this tale … Thank you for your kind attention. And now if I may, it is my honor and pleasure to briefly introduce some of the main historic people who played a significant role in the bursting forth of the New Dawn …

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Act II
In a Far Far Galaxy

Story Table of Contents

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