Define Device ( Manufacturer "Oberheim" Device "Matrix-6R" Channel 1 CharSet ( az2AZ Disable ( #! ## #% #& #( #) #: #; #? #@ #[ #] #^ #` #{-#~ ) Remap ( #< to #( #> to #) ) ) Checksum NybbleLM Sum Updates Final ) Define Font "Numbers" ( Name "Helvetica.font" Size 9 ) Define Font "Topaz2" ( Name "Topaz2.font" Size 8 ) Define Font "Topaz2p" ( Name "Topaz2p.font" Size 8 ) Define Window "Page_Select" ( Position 0 14 Size 640 24 ) Define Window "DCOs" ( Position 0 41 Size 640 359 ) Define Window "VCF-VCA" ( Position 0 41 Size 640 359 ) Define Window "Ramps-Port-Track-FM" ( Position 0 41 Size 640 359 ) Define Window "Envelopes" ( Position 0 41 Size 640 359 ) Define Window "LFOs" ( Position 0 41 Size 640 359 ) Define Window "MatrixModulations" ( Position 0 41 Size 640 359 ) Define Data "Destinations" ( Type Cycle_MX Data ( "NONE" "DCO 1 Frequency" "DCO 1 Pulse Width" "DCO 1 Waveshape" "DCO 2 Frequency" "DCO 2 Pulse Width" "DCO 2 Waveshape" "Mix Level" "VCF FM Amount" "VCF Frequency" "VCF Resonance" "VCA 1 Level" "VCA 2 Level" "Envelope 1 Delay" "Envelope 1 Attack" "Envelope 1 Decay" "Envelope 1 Release" "Envelope 1 Amplitude" "Envelope 2 Delay" "Envelope 2 Attack" "Envelope 2 Decay" "Envelope 2 Release" "Envelope 2 Amplitude" "Envelope 3 Delay" "Envelope 3 Attack" "Envelope 3 Decay" "Envelope 3 Release" "Envelope 3 Amplitude" "LFO 1 Speed" "LFO 1 Amplitude" "LFO 2 Speed" "LFO 2 Amplitude" "Portamento Time" ) ) Define Data "ENV_Modes" ( Type Cycle_MX Data ( "Normal" "Delay-Attack-Decay-Release" "Freerun" "DADR + Freerun" ) ) Define Data "ENV_TriggerModes" ( Type Cycle_MX Data ( "Single" "Multiple" "Single Reset" "Multiple Reset" "External Single" "External Multiple" "External Single Reset" "External Multiple Reset" ) ) Define Data "Levers" ( Type Cycle_MX Data ( "OFF" "Bender" "Vibrato" "Bender + Vibrato" ) ) Define Data "LFO_TriggerModes" ( Type Cycle_MX Data ( "OFF" "Single" "Multiple" "External Single" ) ) Define Data "LFO1_Triggers" ( Type Cycle_MX Data ( "Normal" "LFO 1" "Gate LFO 1 Trigger" ) ) Define Data "LFO_Waveforms" ( Type Cycle_MX Data ( "Triangle" "Positive Sawtooth" "Negative Sawtooth" "Square" "Random" "Noise" "Sampled" ) ) Define Data "OFF_ON" ( Type Cycle_MX Data ( "OFF" "ON" ) ) Define Data "Ramp_Triggers" ( Type Cycle_MX Data ( "Single" "Multiple" "External Single" "External Single Gated" ) ) Define Data "Samples_Inputs" ( Type Cycle_MX Data ( "Envelope 1" "Envelope 2" "Envelope 3" "LFO 1" "LFO 2" "Vibrato" "Ramp 1" "Ramp 2" "Keyboard" "Portamento" "Tracking Generator" "Keyboard Gate" "Velocity" "Release Velocity" "Pressure" "Pedal 1" "Pedal 2" "Lever 1" "Lever 2" "Lever 3" ) ) Define Data "Sources" ( Type Cycle_MX Data ( "NONE" "Envelope 1" "Envelope 2" "Envelope 3" "LFO 1" "LFO 2" "Vibrato" "Ramp 1" "Ramp 2" "Keyboard" "Portamento" "Tracking Generator" "Keyboard Gate" "Velocity" "Release Velocity" "Pressure" "Pedal 1" "Pedal 2" "Lever 1" "Lever 2" "Lever 3" ) ) Define Data "Tracking" ( Type Cycle_MX Data ( "OFF" "Keyboard" "Portamento" ) ) Define Link "Pages" ( Type Windows ( Data ( "DCOs" "VCF-VCA" "Ramps-Port-Track-FM" "Envelopes" "LFOs" "MatrixModulations" ) ) ) 'Define Midi "Quick Edit" ( ' Data ( ' F0H ' 10H 'Oberheim ID ' 06H 'Matrix 6 / 6R ' 05H 'Opcode: Select Quick Patch Edit Mode ' F7H ' ) ' Send ') Define Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( F0H 10H 'Oberheim ID 06H 'Matrix 6 / 6R 06H 'Opcode: Change Parameter Byte 'Parameter # Byte 'Value F7H ) ) Define Midi "Patch" ( Loadable DataFile "definitions/Oberheim/" Midi ( Data ( 273 CHECKSUM 5 271 ) ) ) Window "Page_Select" ( Border ( Position 0 0 Size 640 24 Fill 3 ) Text "OBERHEIM - Matrix 6R" ( Position 473 14 Color 2 Shadow ) Gadget "Page" ( Position 8 5 Type Cycle ( Data ( "DCO 1 / 2" "VCF / VCA" "Ramps / Portamento / Tracking / FM" "Envelope 1 / 2 / 3" "LFO 1 / 2" "Matrix Modulations" ) Link "Pages" ) ) Gadget "PatchName" ( Position 355 5 Font "Topaz2" Type String ( MaxChars 8 ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 5 VALUE NybbleLM ) Send ) ) ) Window "DCOs" ( Border ( Position 0 0 Size 640 147 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 0 145 Size 640 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "DCO 1" ( Position 301 156 ) Text "Frequency" ( Position 49 17 ) Gadget "DCO1_Frequency" ( Position 33 33 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 0 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 23 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Frequency" ( Position 49 58 ) Text "Modulation by LFO1" ( Position 17 68 ) Gadget "DCO1_FreqModLFO1" ( Position 33 84 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 177 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Pulse Width" ( Position 211 17 ) Gadget "DCO1_PulseWidth" ( Position 199 33 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 3 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 27 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Pulse Width" ( Position 211 58 ) Text "Modulation by LFO2" ( Position 181 68 ) Gadget "DCO1_PulseModLFO2" ( Position 199 84 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 179 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Sync DCO2" ( Position 148 116 ) Gadget "DCO1_SyncDCO2" ( Position 143 120 Type Cycle ( Data ( "OFF" "Soft" "Medium" "Hard" ) ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 2 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 55 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Wave Shape" ( Position 363 17 ) Gadget "DCO1_WaveShape" ( Position 352 33 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 5 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 25 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Wave Select" ( Position 360 68 ) Gadget "DCO1_WaveSelect" ( Position 337 72 Type Cycle ( Data ( "OFF" "Pulse" "Wave" "Pulse + Wave" ) ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 6 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 31 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Levers" ( Position 397 116 ) Gadget "DCO1_Levers" ( Position 339 120 Type Cycle ( Data "Levers" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 7 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 29 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Tracking" ( Position 517 17 ) Gadget "DCO1_Tracking" ( Position 489 21 Type Cycle ( Data ( "Keyboard" "Portamento" ) ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 8 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 47 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Click" ( Position 538 68 ) Gadget "DCO1_Click" ( Position 524 72 Type Cycle ( Data "OFF_ON" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 9 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 49 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Border ( Position 0 169 Size 640 147 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 0 314 Size 640 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "DCO 2" ( Position 301 325 ) Text "Frequency" ( Position 49 186 ) Gadget "DCO2_Frequency" ( Position 33 202 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 10 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 33 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Frequency" ( Position 49 227 ) Text "Modulation by LFO1" ( Position 17 237 ) Gadget "DCO2_FreqModLFO1" ( Position 33 253 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 181 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Pulse Width" ( Position 211 186 ) Gadget "DCO2_PulseWidth" ( Position 199 202 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 13 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 37 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Pulse Width" ( Position 211 227 ) Text "Modulation by LFO2" ( Position 181 237 ) Gadget "DCO2_PulseModLFO2" ( Position 199 253 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 183 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Detune DCO1" ( Position 207 285 ) Gadget "DCO2_DetuneDCO1" ( Position 199 301 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -31 31 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 43 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Wave Shape" ( Position 363 186 ) Gadget "DCO2_WaveShape" ( Position 352 202 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 15 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 35 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Wave Select" ( Position 360 237 ) Gadget "DCO2_WaveSelect" ( Position 337 241 Type Cycle ( Data ( "OFF" "Pulse" "Wave" "Pulse + Wave" "Noise" ) ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 16 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 41 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Levers" ( Position 397 285 ) Gadget "DCO2_Levers" ( Position 339 289 Type Cycle ( Data "Levers" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 17 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 39 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Tracking" ( Position 517 186 ) Gadget "DCO2_Tracking" ( Position 489 190 Type Cycle ( Data "Tracking" DataValues ( %00 %10 %01 ) ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 18 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 51 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Click" ( Position 538 237 ) Gadget "DCO2_Click" ( Position 524 241 Type Cycle ( Data "OFF_ON" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 19 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 53 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) ) Window "VCF-VCA" ( Border ( Position 51 0 Size 524 147 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 51 145 Size 524 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "VCF" ( Position 309 156 ) Text "Frequency" ( Position 100 17 ) Gadget "VCF_Frequency" ( Position 84 33 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 21 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 57 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Frequency" ( Position 100 58 ) Text "Modulation by ENV1" ( Position 67 68 ) Gadget "VCF_FreqModENV1" ( Position 84 84 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 185 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Resonance" ( Position 274 17 ) Gadget "VCF_Resonance" ( Position 258 33 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 24 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 59 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Frequency" ( Position 274 58 ) Text "Modulation by Pressure" ( Position 224 68 ) Gadget "VCF_FreqModPress" ( Position 258 84 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 187 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "DCO Mix" ( Position 187 116 ) Text "DCO1" ( Position 126 128 ) Text "DCO2" ( Position 268 128 ) Gadget "VCF_DCOMix" ( Position 162 132 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 20 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 45 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Levers" ( Position 463 89 ) Gadget "VCF_Levers" ( Position 405 93 Type Cycle ( Data "Levers" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 25 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 61 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Tracking" ( Position 458 42 ) Gadget "VCF_Tracking" ( Position 430 47 Type Cycle ( Data "Tracking" DataValues ( %00 %10 %01 ) ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 26 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 63 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Border ( Position 119 172 Size 381 104 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 119 274 Size 381 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "VCA" ( Position 309 285 ) Text "VCA1 Volume" ( Position 180 190 ) Gadget "VCA1_Volume" ( Position 170 206 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 27 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 67 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "VCA1" ( Position 205 230 ) Text "Modulation by Velocity" ( Position 141 240 ) Gadget "VCA_VCA1ModVel" ( Position 170 256 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 189 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "VCA2" ( Position 392 230 ) Text "Modulation by ENV2" ( Position 338 240 ) Gadget "VCA_VCA2ModENV2" ( Position 356 256 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 191 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) ) Window "Ramps-Port-Track-FM" ( Border ( Position 0 0 Size 219 88 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 0 86 Size 219 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "Ramp 1 Generator" ( Position 54 97 ) Text "Rate" ( Position 94 17 ) Gadget "Ramp1_Rate" ( Position 58 33 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 40 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 169 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Trigger" ( Position 84 56 ) Gadget "Ramp1_Trigger" ( Position 9 60 Type Cycle ( Data "Ramp_Triggers" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 41 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 171 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Border ( Position 0 112 Size 219 88 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 0 198 Size 219 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "Ramp 2 Generator" ( Position 54 209 ) Text "Rate" ( Position 94 130 ) Gadget "Ramp2_Rate" ( Position 58 146 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 42 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 173 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Trigger" ( Position 84 168 ) Gadget "Ramp2_Trigger" ( Position 9 172 Type Cycle ( Data "Ramp_Triggers" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 43 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 175 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Border ( Position 228 0 Size 205 211 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 228 209 Size 205 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "Portamento" ( Position 292 220 ) Text "Portamento Rate" ( Position 272 17 ) Gadget "PortamentoRate" ( Position 280 33 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 44 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 69 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Portamento" ( Position 292 59 ) Text "Modulation by Velocity" ( Position 250 69 ) Gadget "Port_ModVelocity" ( Position 280 85 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 203 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Portamento Mode" ( Position 273 109 ) Gadget "Port_Mode" ( Position 262 113 Type Cycle ( Data ( "Constant Rate" "Constant Time" "Exponential" ) ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 46 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 71 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Keyboard Mode" ( Position 281 146 ) Gadget "Port_KeyboardMode" ( Position 266 150 Type Cycle ( Data ( "Reassign" "Rotate" "Unison" "Reassign Rob" ) ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 48 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 21 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Legato Portamento" ( Position 265 182 ) Gadget "Port_Legato" ( Position 301 186 Type Cycle ( Data "OFF_ON" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 47 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 73 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Border ( Position 444 0 Size 196 146 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 444 144 Size 196 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "Tracking Generator" ( Position 473 155 ) Text "Track Input" ( Position 501 17 ) Gadget "TrackInput" ( Position 453 21 Type Cycle ( Data "Samples_Inputs" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 33 Byte 5 VALUE Offset 1 Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 157 VALUE Offset 1 NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Track Points" ( Position 498 50 ) Text "1" ( Position 480 63 ) Gadget "Track_Point1" ( Position 493 54 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 34 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 159 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "2" ( Position 479 80 ) Gadget "Track_Point2" ( Position 493 71 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 35 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 161 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "3" ( Position 479 97 ) Gadget "Track_Point3" ( Position 493 88 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 36 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 163 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "4" ( Position 479 114 ) Gadget "Track_Point4" ( Position 493 105 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 37 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 165 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "5" ( Position 479 131 ) Gadget "Track_Point5" ( Position 493 122 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 38 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 167 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Border ( Position 444 171 Size 196 154 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 444 323 Size 196 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "FM" ( Position 532 334 ) Text "VCF FM Amount" ( Position 490 187 ) Gadget "FM_VCFAmount" ( Position 490 203 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 30 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 65 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "FM" ( Position 532 230 ) Text "Modulation by ENV3" ( Position 472 240 ) Gadget "FM_ModENV3" ( Position 490 256 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 205 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "FM" ( Position 532 280 ) Text "Modulation by Pressure" ( Position 458 290 ) Gadget "FM_ModPressure" ( Position 490 306 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 207 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) ) Window "Envelopes" ( Border ( Position 0 0 Size 640 117 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 384 100 Size 256 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "Envelope 1" ( Position 479 111 ) Text "Delay" ( Position 45 13 ) Gadget "ENV1_Delay" ( Position 13 29 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 50 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 105 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Attack" ( Position 160 13 ) Gadget "ENV1_Attack" ( Position 131 29 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 51 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 107 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Decay" ( Position 282 13 ) Gadget "ENV1_Decay" ( Position 251 29 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 52 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 109 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Sustain" ( Position 38 49 ) Gadget "ENV1_Sustain" ( Position 13 65 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 531 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 111 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Release" ( Position 156 49 ) Gadget "ENV1_Release" ( Position 131 65 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 54 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 113 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Amplitude" ( Position 94 85 ) Gadget "ENV1_Amplitude" ( Position 74 101 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 55 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 115 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Amplitude" ( Position 272 75 ) Text "Modulation by Velocity" ( Position 223 85 ) Gadget "ENV1_AmpModVel" ( Position 252 101 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 193 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Envelope Mode" ( Position 464 15 ) Gadget "ENV1_Mode" ( Position 390 19 Type Cycle ( Data "ENV_Modes" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 58 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 119 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Trigger Mode" ( Position 472 45 ) Gadget "ENV1_TriggerMode" ( Position 406 49 Type Cycle ( Data "ENV_TriggerModes" DataValues ( %000 %010 %001 %011 %100 %110 %101 %111 ) ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 57 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 103 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "LFO 1 Trigger" ( Position 472 73 ) Gadget "ENV1_LFO1Trig" ( Position 431 77 Type Cycle ( Data "LFO1_Triggers" DataValues ( 0 2 3 ) ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 59 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 117 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Border ( Position 0 121 Size 640 117 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 384 221 Size 256 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "Envelope 2" ( Position 479 232 ) Text "Delay" ( Position 45 134 ) Gadget "ENV2_Delay" ( Position 13 150 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 60 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 123 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Attack" ( Position 160 134 ) Gadget "ENV2_Attack" ( Position 131 150 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 61 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 125 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Decay" ( Position 282 134 ) Gadget "ENV2_Decay" ( Position 251 150 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 62 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 127 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Sustain" ( Position 38 170 ) Gadget "ENV2_Sustain" ( Position 13 186 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 63 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 129 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Release" ( Position 156 170 ) Gadget "ENV2_Release" ( Position 131 186 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 64 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 131 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Amplitude" ( Position 94 206 ) Gadget "ENV2_Amplitude" ( Position 74 222 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 65 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 133 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Amplitude" ( Position 272 196 ) Text "Modulation by Velocity" ( Position 223 206 ) Gadget "ENV2_AmpModVel" ( Position 252 222 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 195 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Envelope Mode" ( Position 464 136 ) Gadget "ENV2_Mode" ( Position 390 140 Type Cycle ( Data "ENV_Modes" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 68 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 137 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Trigger Mode" ( Position 472 165 ) Gadget "ENV2_TriggerMode" ( Position 406 169 Type Cycle ( Data "ENV_TriggerModes" DataValues ( %000 %010 %001 %011 %100 %110 %101 %111 ) ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 67 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 121 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "LFO 1 Trigger" ( Position 472 194 ) Gadget "ENV2_LFO1Trig" ( Position 431 198 Type Cycle ( Data "LFO1_Triggers" DataValues ( 0 2 3 ) ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 69 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 135 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Border ( Position 0 242 Size 640 117 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 384 342 Size 256 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "Envelope 3" ( Position 479 353 ) Text "Delay" ( Position 45 255 ) Gadget "ENV3_Delay" ( Position 13 271 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 70 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 141 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Attack" ( Position 160 255 ) Gadget "ENV3_Attack" ( Position 131 271 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 71 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 143 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Decay" ( Position 282 256 ) Gadget "ENV3_Decay" ( Position 251 272 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 72 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 145 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Sustain" ( Position 38 291 ) Gadget "ENV3_Sustain" ( Position 13 307 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 73 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 147 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Release" ( Position 156 291 ) Gadget "ENV3_Release" ( Position 131 307 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 74 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 149 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Amplitude" ( Position 94 327 ) Gadget "ENV3_Amplitude" ( Position 74 343 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 75 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 151 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Amplitude" ( Position 272 317 ) Text "Modulation by Velocity" ( Position 223 327 ) Gadget "ENV3_AmpModVel" ( Position 252 343 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 197 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Envelope Mode" ( Position 464 257 ) Gadget "ENV3_Mode" ( Position 390 261 Type Cycle ( Data "ENV_Modes" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 78 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 155 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Trigger Mode" ( Position 472 285 ) Gadget "ENV3_TriggerMode" ( Position 406 289 Type Cycle ( Data "ENV_TriggerModes" DataValues ( %000 %010 %001 %011 %100 %110 %101 %111 ) ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 77 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 139 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "LFO 1 Trigger" ( Position 472 315 ) Gadget "ENV3_LFO1Trig" ( Position 431 319 Type Cycle ( Data "LFO1_Triggers" DataValues ( 0 2 3 ) ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 79 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 153 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) ) Window "LFOs" ( Border ( Position 0 0 Size 640 146 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 0 144 Size 640 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "LFO 1" ( Position 290 155 ) Text "Speed" ( Position 78 15 ) Gadget "LFO1_Speed" ( Position 47 31 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 80 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 75 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Amplitude" ( Position 251 15 ) Gadget "LFO1_Amplitude" ( Position 230 31 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 84 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 87 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Speed" ( Position 78 56 ) Text "Modulation by Pressure" ( Position 14 66 ) Gadget "LFO1_SpeedModPress" ( Position 47 82 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 209 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Amplitude" ( Position 251 56 ) Text "Modulation by Ramp1" ( Position 209 66 ) Gadget "LFO1_AmpModRamp1" ( Position 230 82 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 199 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Waveform" ( Position 68 112 ) Gadget "LFO1_Waveform" ( Position 12 116 Type Cycle ( Data "LFO_Waveforms" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 82 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 81 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Lag" ( Position 412 67 ) Gadget "LFO1_Lag" ( Position 393 71 Type Cycle ( Data "OFF_ON" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 87 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 79 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Trigger Mode" ( Position 488 15 ) Gadget "LFO1_TriggerMode" ( Position 458 19 Type Cycle ( Data "LFO_TriggerModes" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 86 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 77 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Retrigger Point" ( Position 485 47 ) Gadget "LFO1_RetriggerPoint" ( Position 490 63 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 83 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 83 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Sample" ( Position 513 111 ) Gadget "LFO1_Sample" ( Position 449 115 Type Cycle ( Data "Samples_Inputs" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 88 Byte 5 VALUE Offset 1 Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 85 VALUE Offset 1 NybbleLM ) ) ) Border ( Position 0 173 Size 640 146 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 0 317 Size 640 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "LFO 2" ( Position 290 328 ) Text "Speed" ( Position 78 188 ) Gadget "LFO2_Speed" ( Position 47 204 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 90 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 89 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Amplitude" ( Position 251 188 ) Gadget "LFO2_Amplitude" ( Position 230 204 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 94 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 101 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Speed" ( Position 78 229 ) Text "Modulation by Keyboard" ( Position 13 239 ) Gadget "LFO2_SpeedModKey" ( Position 47 255 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 211 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Amplitude" ( Position 251 229 ) Text "Modulation by Ramp2" ( Position 209 239 ) Gadget "LFO2_AmpModRamp1" ( Position 230 255 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 201 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Waveform" ( Position 68 285 ) Gadget "LFO2_Waveform" ( Position 12 289 Type Cycle ( Data "LFO_Waveforms" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 92 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 95 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Lag" ( Position 412 239 ) Gadget "LFO2_Lag" ( Position 393 243 Type Cycle ( Data "OFF_ON" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 97 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 93 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Trigger Mode" ( Position 488 188 ) Gadget "LFO2_TriggerMode" ( Position 458 192 Type Cycle ( Data "LFO_TriggerModes" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 96 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 91 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Retrigger Point" ( Position 485 219 ) Gadget "LFO2_RetriggerPoint" ( Position 490 235 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range 0 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace ABOVE ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 93 Byte 5 VALUE Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 97 VALUE NybbleLM ) ) ) Text "Sample" ( Position 513 284 ) Gadget "LFO2_Sample" ( Position 449 288 Type Cycle ( Data "Samples_Inputs" ) Midi "Parameter" ( Data ( 4 98 Byte 5 VALUE Offset 1 Byte ) Send ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 99 VALUE Offset 1 NybbleLM ) ) ) ) Window "MatrixModulations" ( Border ( Position 0 0 Size 210 96 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 0 79 Size 24 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "0" ( Position 9 90 ) Text "Modulation Source" ( Position 45 14 ) Gadget "Matrix0_Source" ( Position 18 18 Type Cycle ( Data "Sources" ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 213 VALUE NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Modulation Destination" ( Position 28 43 ) Gadget "Matrix0_Destination" ( Position 9 47 Type Cycle ( Data "Destinations" ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 217 VALUE NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Amount" ( Position 86 73 ) Gadget "Matrix0_Amount" ( Position 55 77 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 215 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Border ( Position 215 0 Size 210 96 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 215 79 Size 24 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "1" ( Position 224 90 ) Text "Modulation Source" ( Position 260 14 ) Gadget "Matrix1_Source" ( Position 233 18 Type Cycle ( Data "Sources" ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 219 VALUE NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Modulation Destination" ( Position 243 43 ) Gadget "Matrix1_Destination" ( Position 224 47 Type Cycle ( Data "Destinations" ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 223 VALUE NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Amount" ( Position 301 73 ) Gadget "Matrix1_Amount" ( Position 270 77 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 221 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Border ( Position 430 0 Size 210 96 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 430 79 Size 24 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "2" ( Position 439 90 ) Text "Modulation Source" ( Position 475 14 ) Gadget "Matrix2_Source" ( Position 448 18 Type Cycle ( Data "Sources" ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 225 VALUE NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Modulation Destination" ( Position 458 43 ) Gadget "Matrix2_Destination" ( Position 439 47 Type Cycle ( Data "Destinations" ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 229 VALUE NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Amount" ( Position 516 73 ) Gadget "Matrix2_Amount" ( Position 485 77 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 227 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Border ( Position 0 101 Size 210 96 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 0 180 Size 24 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "3" ( Position 9 191 ) Text "Modulation Source" ( Position 45 115 ) Gadget "Matrix3_Source" ( Position 18 119 Type Cycle ( Data "Sources" ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 231 VALUE NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Modulation Destination" ( Position 28 144 ) Gadget "Matrix3_Destination" ( Position 9 148 Type Cycle ( Data "Destinations" ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 235 VALUE NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Amount" ( Position 86 174 ) Gadget "Matrix3_Amount" ( Position 55 178 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 233 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Border ( Position 215 101 Size 210 96 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 215 180 Size 24 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "4" ( Position 224 191 ) Text "Modulation Source" ( Position 260 115 ) Gadget "Matrix4_Source" ( Position 233 119 Type Cycle ( Data "Sources" ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 237 VALUE NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Modulation Destination" ( Position 243 144 ) Gadget "Matrix4_Destination" ( Position 224 148 Type Cycle ( Data "Destinations" ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 241 VALUE NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Amount" ( Position 301 174 ) Gadget "Matrix4_Amount" ( Position 270 178 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 239 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Border ( Position 430 101 Size 210 96 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 430 180 Size 24 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "5" ( Position 439 191 ) Text "Modulation Source" ( Position 475 115 ) Gadget "Matrix5_Source" ( Position 448 119 Type Cycle ( Data "Sources" ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 243 VALUE NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Modulation Destination" ( Position 458 144 ) Gadget "Matrix5_Destination" ( Position 439 148 Type Cycle ( Data "Destinations" ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 247 VALUE NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Amount" ( Position 516 174 ) Gadget "Matrix5_Amount" ( Position 485 178 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 245 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Border ( Position 0 202 Size 210 96 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 0 281 Size 24 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "6" ( Position 9 292 ) Text "Modulation Source" ( Position 45 216 ) Gadget "Matrix6_Source" ( Position 18 220 Type Cycle ( Data "Sources" ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 249 VALUE NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Modulation Destination" ( Position 28 245 ) Gadget "Matrix6_Destination" ( Position 9 249 Type Cycle ( Data "Destinations" ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 253 VALUE NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Amount" ( Position 86 275 ) Gadget "Matrix6_Amount" ( Position 55 279 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 251 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Border ( Position 215 202 Size 210 96 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 215 281 Size 24 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "7" ( Position 224 292 ) Text "Modulation Source" ( Position 260 216 ) Gadget "Matrix7_Source" ( Position 233 220 Type Cycle ( Data "Sources" ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 255 VALUE NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Modulation Destination" ( Position 243 245 ) Gadget "Matrix7_Destination" ( Position 224 249 Type Cycle ( Data "Destinations" ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 259 VALUE NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Amount" ( Position 301 275 ) Gadget "Matrix7_Amount" ( Position 270 279 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 257 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Border ( Position 430 202 Size 210 96 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 430 281 Size 24 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "8" ( Position 439 292 ) Text "Modulation Source" ( Position 475 216 ) Gadget "Matrix8_Source" ( Position 448 220 Type Cycle ( Data "Sources" ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 261 VALUE NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Modulation Destination" ( Position 458 245 ) Gadget "Matrix8_Destination" ( Position 439 249 Type Cycle ( Data "Destinations" ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 265 VALUE NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Amount" ( Position 516 275 ) Gadget "Matrix8_Amount" ( Position 485 279 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 263 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Border ( Position 0 303 Size 640 39 Frame 3D-Recess ) Border ( Position 0 325 Size 24 17 Fill 3 Frame 3D-Recess ) Text "9" ( Position 9 336 ) Text "Modulation Source" ( Position 70 317 ) Gadget "Matrix9_Source" ( Position 43 321 Type Cycle ( Data "Sources" ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 267 VALUE NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Modulation Destination" ( Position 274 317 ) Gadget "Matrix9_Destination" ( Position 255 321 Type Cycle ( Data "Destinations" ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 271 VALUE NybbleLM ) Send ) ) Text "Amount" ( Position 516 318 ) Gadget "Matrix9_Amount" ( Position 485 322 Font "Numbers" Type Slider ( Range -63 63 Size 100 12 Direction HORIZONTAL LevelPlace RIGHT ) Midi "Patch" ( Data ( 269 VALUE Signed NybbleLM ) Send ) ) )