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About JavaScript

JavaScript is a scripting language, invented by NetScape. It was originally named LiveScript. After the introduction of the Java programming language by Sun Microsystems, NetScape changed its name to JavaScript. Despite the confusing name similarity, JavaScript has nothing to do with Java whatsoever.
Java is a full, standalone programming language that needs a compiler. Java programs can run on any hardware platform (that supports the Java environment). Often Java applets, small programs with limited functionality, are included on a web page. These applets need to be downloaded separately, much like images on a page.
JavaScript on the other hand, is a scripting language. It needs an interpreter, not a compiler. Javascript "programs" are often included within the source of a web page.

More and more pages on the World Wide Web use JavaScript. Often it is used to create dynamic effects on pages, or to add complex functionality to data-entry forms.

Although JavaScript has a basic protection scheme against privacy violation, many people think this scheme isn't watertight.

Enabling JavaScript

You can configure AWeb to use JavaScript or to ignore it. If you are concerned about your privacy, you should disable JavaScript usage. Note that many pages will not look or work the way they were designed if you disable JavaScript usage.

Breaking JavaScript programs

You might want to break a JavaScript program if it seems to run too long. The Control / Break JavaScript menu item allows you to do so. It will also cancel all outstanding timeout events, these are often used to create a running text on a page.


If you like to add JavaScript to your own pages, AWeb offers you two bonus features. There is a standalone JavaScript interpreter, and there is the unique debugger.

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