(logo)  Autosearch


Autosearch is a feature that enables you to use your favourite search engine in a very easy way. Instead of going to the search page, or going to the search engine itself, you just type in the search argument in the URL field at the top of the browser window.

You cannot use a colon (:), a dot (.) or a slash (/) in an autosearch argument. These characters are used to distinguish an autosearch argument from a normal URL.

You can disable the autosearch feature if you don't like it.

Search engines

The default search engine is set to AltaVista, but you can configure any other search engine.

Some example URLs for common search engines:
AltaVista http://altavista.digital.com/cgi-bin/query?pg=q&what=web&fmt=&q=%s
Yahoo! http://search.yahoo.com/bin/search?p=%s
Lycos http://lycos11.lycos.cs.cmu.edu/cgi-bin/pursuit&query=%s&minterms=1&minscore=0.01&terse=on
Excite http://www.excite.com/search.gw&search=%s
Magellan http://www.mckinley.com/mckinley-cgi/iopcode.pl&query=%s

You can easily find the URL for your favourite search engine if it isn't listed above. Just do a search with the engine, then copy the URL of the resulting page. Locate the search string you entered, it should appear somewhere in the URL. Replace this search string by "%s" (without quotes).

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