(logo)  AWeb ARexx Port Names

Port name

Every AWeb window has its own ARexx port. This port is named AWEB.#, where # is a unique number.

The About requester shows the actual name of the ARexx port for the window from which you selected the About menu item.

Note that the first window can be closed while later windows are still open, so it is not guaranteed that the port AWEB.1 exists. Use the following code fragment to determine a valid AWeb port:

   ports = SHOW('P')
   PARSE VAR ports dummy 'AWEB.' portnr . /* note the trailing period! */
   ADDRESS VALUE 'AWEB.' || portnr

Once you have a port, you can use the GET ACTIVEPORT command to get to the active window:


Preferred extension

AWeb uses "awebrx" as its preferred extension when running ARexx scripts. If you ever run a script name without extension from within AWeb, the Rexx host will look for a file ending in this extension, not the default "rexx".
^ARexx   ->Commands