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WebAnimDesigner is created so it can be called up via the arexx toolbox button whenever required. It will operate on the current animation, and the frame timing should be defined too (do not leave at 0), as it will be used by WAD. WAD will not affect your animation at all because the simulation will be drawn on Ppaint's 2nd environment. (Thus you will lose anything you have on the second environment). The simulated anim gif or saved anim gif will always be a section of the screen not the whole screen since in web use they are always relatively small. Although you can define the portion of the screen (global rectangle) anywhere, including the upper left corner, it is best if you create your source animation in the central region. A special operation will also allow you to load an animbrush, and this animbrush will be nicely centered.
READ THIS: This script is very very complicated as it was built up little by little. It was designed on and works on an A4000/30 with 18 megs ram, and a cybervision display card. I normally run PPaint on an 800x600 screen. Its operation on other Amigas, such as low memory, small screen ones, is untested. Also, due to the complexity of the script, it may still contain flaws, so use at your own risk. Do not do expensive work with it, until you have tested it and have confirmed it will work for you. Notably--the way browsers treat the results may vary. Browsers have implemented the animated gif options to varying degrees. Some may not recognise loop counts. Finally, note that WAD is essentially a simulator. The Gif format requires liscencing. The inclusion of animated gif saving in WAD is presumed to be covered by Cloanto's liscence for PPaint. The saver is in fact a very lightly modified SaveAnimGif.pprx (Cloanto's copyright declared in that section of the script) . WAD cannot operate at all without PPaint, so it is an extension of PPaint 7+. and any copyright specific to me, applies basically to my work on creating the simulator operation script. it is free and I believe it gives the Amiga-PPaint user the most powerful animated gif creation tools of any platform. However, send me an email so I know who is using it, and so I can email you is any flaws are discovered or improivement made.--A.Paabo 1/98------email