Define Global Rectangle
WHY?: Because W.A.D. does not use the whole screen area, but uses a small section, the user has to define the area to be used.

Leave it at this setting if you have already defined the area and do not wish to change it

This is an automatic process which uses PPaint's 'Boundaries' -finding operation, which determines the smallest rectangle in which an object on the background field will fit. THIS OPERATION ONLY WORKS IF THE ANIMATION FRAME SHOWS THE ANIMATED OBJECT ON A PERFECTLY CLEAN BACKGROUND. It will 'read' each frame and in the end come up with the smallest area into which the entire animation will fit. This is best used if you have an object that moves all over the place and it is difficult to figure out how much an area is necessary to be sure nothing goes out of frame.

If this is chosen, you will be able to draw a rectangle on screen that will be taken as the global rectangle area. Note, with this approach you can deliberately create an animated gif from a PORTION of the anim. You can define the rectangle anywhere in the screen area.

NOTES:Whenever a global rectangle is defined, it will be 'remembered' until you reboot. The information is stored in the Arexx cliplist. Thus if you define the rectangle at 1 o'clock, and work for two hours on the animation, and then return to WAD at 3 o'clock, the rectangle will be still there to be used. Whenever you choose either method 1. or 2. , WAD will first go through the process of defining the new rectangle BEFORE proceeding with either the simulation operatio or the save-animgif operation. Thus you do not need to define the rectangle separately. It is tacked onto the front of the two possible Operations.