NOTE: The operations do not alter your animation! Under SIMULATION, the 2nd environment of PPAINT is used (hence it DOES destroy anything you have in the 2nd environment--thus make sure the 2nd environment is not being used. Also any brushes or animbrushes present dissappear, so store any active brushes away before activating WAD).
The simulation is designed for complex designs where no-dispose and transparency create unusual situations. It is also useful for understanding the optimization occurring, to enable you to design the best optimization (smallest file size) possible. If the 'show frame rectangles' checkbox is checked, you will see via rectangles both the overall area of the animated gif, and the area of the current frame. This will let you see what is actually happening, and perhaps see ways of further optimizing the animgif, before saving.
USAGE: WAD is designed around this simulation (the saving part is actually added on later by simply incorporating SaveAnimGif into it). Its usage is very clever. By constructing the simulation in the 2nd environment, the user can work on the source anim in the first environment and be able to flip (hit 'j') to the second environment to refer to the LAST simulation. After doing some work on the source animation, the user wants to see what effect the changes had. So you hit the rx button in the toolbox and run the simulation operation again, to get a FRESH simulation. Once again you can check what is happening, and have the simulation on hand as you modify your source anim further. By going bacck and forth between source anima and last simulation, and refreshing the simulation, the web artist has complete control over even the most complex designs (with no dispose, transparency , varying frame sizes, and varying frame positions!) that would be nearly impossible to develop in the normal way.
Cloanto's SAVEANIMGIF was incorporated into this program for two reasons--if the user used the simulation, he or she would already have defined all the settings (the rectangle, the transparency, the delays, etc.); thus instead of the user having to define them again separately, why not simply pass the info to SaveAnimGif (and eliminate its requesters). Secondly, SaveAnimGif is not designed for exotic effects. It's intention is to pick up a normal animation in a most optimal way. If you selected 'transparency'=checked in the regular SaveAnimGif, you basically got a Boundaries optimization with dispose. If you selected 'transparency' = NOT checked, you got a Deltas optimization with dispose = off. Thus in the regular Saveanimgif you had only TWO options. With some info from Oscar Sillani of Cloanto, I modified the SaveAnimGIf script so that each optimization mode could use all possible settings of transparency and dispose. Thus instead of one way of optimizing with Boundaries, there are 4 (trans=on dispose=on; transp=off dispose=off; transp=on dispose=off; transp=off dispose=on); similarly instead of one way of optimizing with Deltas there are 4 too. Thus instead of 2 conventional ways, there are 2 conventional ways plus 6 exotic ways of creating animated gifs. With the addition of a NO OPTIMIZATION setting too, there are an additional four ways, giving a grand total of 12 ways of creating animated gifs via WAD versus the 2 of the original SaveAnimGif. Frankly, though, often the two original ways is what you'll use most often. Also in many cases there is no visible effect between one way or another--it all depends on the nature of tha anim. The exotic options are for the advanced user who can see ways of achieving maximum effects for minimum of filesize, by creating the animgif in various different ways.
USAGE: Mainly it is intended to duplicate all the settings established when you were using the SIMULATION. It is useful in that YOU DON'T HAVE TO REMEMBER. All requester settings were sent to the Arexx cliplist last time and are available now for the SAVE operation. Thus when you get the SIMULATION working right, you can immediately leap to the SAVE operation without worring about your settings. But you can also use the SAVE operation independently (wihout first using the SIMULATION). You have to enter the various settings, and establish the global rectangle, tho. Since the regular SaveAnimGif requires an animbrush to begin, WAD is useful in that you can SAVE directly from an animation. After setting the timings, seeing it run properly, it is very convenient to just set the 'define global rectangle' to 'user-define with mouse', and watch the animgif be created automatically right from a section of your anim. In actual fact, WAD lifts an annotated animbrush (just like DefineAniGif.pprx does), before it saves. But this action is automatic and hidden--although after it is done, you will see the animbrush hanging from your pointer. (Which is useful if you want to save that annotated animbrush, or even to save it via the regular SaveAnimGif.pprx)