CLIVIA MINIATA Genus AMARYLLYDACAE -------------- HEIGHT 40cm CONDITIONS Semi-Shady-Moist FLOWERS Orange/Yellow EVERGREEN ---------- --------------------- -------------------- -------- STANDARD PEAT COMPOST. MINIMUM TEMPERATURE 40° to 45°Fahrenheit -------------------- --------------------------------------- Marvellous plant to grow if its few simple needs are met.A north window is ideal.Firstly you must remember this---A COOL PERIOD OF 3-4 WEEKS IS NEEDED TO INDUCE FLOWERING--.Ignore this and the plant will NEVER flower EVER. This is usually achieved by the cooler temperatures in AUTUMN or SPRING.Leave the central heating off till you see flower buds emerging from the base of the leaves.The plant also prefers to be pot bound and will flower better for it.You can lay off the watering a bit in winter,just giving enough to keep the plant ticking over,then as spring approaches start feeding with a high potash fertiliser like Phostrogen.Dont use Fertiliser intended for tomatoes,it's a bit too powerful. Being evergreen,the leaves can get rather dusty.Wiping with a damp tissue will remove this,and the plant will look much better. There are forms of this plant that can go up to 60-70 cm,but those offered as house plants are of a dwarfer strain.Although even these can grow quite large sideways,but they are well worth accomodating. I have had one for six years,and it is now in a 12 inch pot and the sight of it when it flowers,to my eyes is breathtaking.I have had it flower 3 times in one year in a cool summer.Don't repot until it starts to push itself out of the old one. SEE PICTURE. E N D