ACHIMENES (Hot Water Plant or Cupids Bower) GESNERIACAEA --------- Type -TUBER Flower Colour -VARIED Minimum Temp 55°F 13°C ------------ -------------------- ------------------------ Average sized plants which are ideal for hanging baskets,for the stems are weak and need support if they are to be grown normally. Flowering period is June to October,pinch out the growing points occasionally to make bushier plants. The plants are grown from small tubers in Spring.Plant 1 inch apart and 1½ inches deep in a 5 inch pot.Keep at 60°F 16°C,and water with warm or tepid water.AS the plants start to grow,shade from direct sunshine,but in a well lit position,a North window is ok. After flowering is over,stop watering and when the foliage has died,cut back the stems and keep the pots dry during the Winter.Repot in Spring and repeat as above.Propagation can be by seed or cuttings. Sow seed on previously watered compost in March in a temperature of 75°F 24°C.If pot or pan needs rewatering then water from the bottom by standing pot in a bowl filled with 1 inch of warm water,at no time let the surface of the compost dry out or seeds may fail to germinate. Cuttings are taken in April from new shoots.See PROPAGATION on MENU page. --- END.