The Leading Edge Journal

An Alternative Newspaper Offering New
Global Perspectives in Spirituality,
Creativity, Healing & the Environment

( Jan./Feb. 1996 issue )






Join co-founder of V J Enterprises,
Joshua Shapiro, in his column called


The Leading Edge is published bi-monthly and
all material is copyrighted in the U.S. and Internationally
on behalf of the authors and The Leading Edge.

EDITORIAL (Jan/Feb 1996)

We welcome all of you ... readers, writers, advertisers, and distributors. You are all equally important! It is only because of your interest does The Leading Edge exist!

Our intention will be to continue to bring you the very best, most interesting, newest perspectives available in the areas of spirituality, creativity, healing and the environment. We will continue to offer interviews with and stories about well-known and/or innovative authors, teachers, inventors, therapists and others who share the new point of view with us. We will share new perspectives in a society where many of our "old" ways of doing things no longer work. Alternative ways of living and doing things will be presented in our pages. Our focus is global.

We will continue to print what we consider to be relevant information on UFO's and extra-terrestrials. We consider this an important subject at this time. We will carry ongoing astrological reports, which we also consider helpful now. We are open to new subjects and ideas.

If you know of someone who has something useful, helpful and interesting to share, and you feel this information will fit our cutting-edge format ... put them in touch with us. We know there are a lot of new things unfolding on the planet right now ... and it is our desire to present them to you. Some of these things may be carry-overs from Atlantis or another dimension. That's fine. If the information is new to present-time third-dimensional reality ... where we all happen to live ... send it on.

If you like what you read here, we invite you to subscribe,

Kenneth & Diane Burke, Publishers

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VJ Enterprises
Attn: Joshua & Vera Shapiro
9324 Home Court
Des Plaines, IL 60016
TEL : (847) 699-8240
FAX: (847) 699-9701

Designed exclusively for VJ Enterprises by Don Bright ©1996 A Bright Design