Money97 - Error Messages ------------------------ Error #0 : Not enough memory for operation. Memory is or became loss during the operation. In most cases the operation is simply made undone and the program continues to run. Perhaps some events may cause Money97 to terminate running. Sometimes a more precise error message will be displayd. This error may occur during load processes or when adding entries. Hints: -> Make more memory available, for example try: - Quitting other running applications. - Reducing screen resolution and/or depth. - Buy more ram (and feed your amiga with it! :o) Error #1: Unknown file format for project. The file you attempted to load is not a Money97 project file. Hints: -> Don't try to load files that are no project files of Money97. This special file was recognized as not being a Money97 file, but if for some reason a file is not, you may run into problems. Error #2: Project was written by a newer version of Money97. The project file you attempted to load was created with a newer version of Money97 and won't be loaded since changes to the file format may have been made. Hints: -> You should look for a newer version of the program. -> You can find out what version your copy of Money97 is by typing "version Money97" (without quotes) in CLI and in the Money97 drawer. Error #3-#14: Chunk mismatch. File is corrupt. Hints: -> Don't try to load this file. Sorry, there are no roundabouts to solve this problem. Always make safety copies of important data. Detailed desctiption of errors 3 .. 13: #3 -> TITL chunk in project file is missing. This chunk marks the start of the title list which is displayd in the pop up lists at title entries. #4 -> SECT chunk in project file is missing. This chunk marks the start of the section list which is defined in preferences editor. #5 -> PREF chunk in project file is missing. This chunk marks the start of the preferences block in the project file. #6 -> YEAS chunk in project file is missing. This chunk marks an info block over the amount of year entries to be loaded. - Some kind of header. #7 -> YEAR chunk in project file is missing. This chunk marks the start of a year description in the project file. #8 -> MONT chunk in project file is missing. This chunk marks the start of a month description in the project file. #9 -> COST chunk in project file is missing. This chunk marks the start of a cost description in the project file. #10 -> FIXC chunk in project file is missing. This chunk is a header to the fixcost block in the project file and contains information about the amount of fixcosts to load. #11 -> FXCS chunk in project file is missing. This chunk marks the start of a fixcost entry description in the project file. #12 -> TITL chunk in preferences file is missing. This chunk marks the beginning of the title list in popup lists at title entries. #13 -> SECT chunk in preferences file is missing. This chunk marks the beginning of the section list in popup lists at section entries. #14 -> PREF chunk in preferences file is missing. This chunk markst the block of preferences data, which is displayed on the first register page in the prefs window. Error #15: Unknown file format for preferences file. This file you attempted to load is not a Money97 preferences file. Hints: -> Don't select files, that are not Money97 preferences files. In this special case, Money97 detected the difference, but if it does not for some reason, you may run into problems. Error #16: ASL Library not available. The Asl library is a system runtime shared library, which is needed for the file requester. Hints: -> Make sure asl.library is present in the libs: drawer of your system and that it works with your kickstart rom. For example datatypes.library of workbench 3.1 doesn't work with kickstart 3.0 rom. Error #17: Intuition library not of valid version. The intuition library must be of version 39 or higher for Money97 to work. This equals Kickstart 3.0 or higher. There is currently no way to get Money97 work with Kickstart 2.0 or even less. Hints: -> Buy Kickstart 3.0 or better the newest available version. Error #18: Money97 needs at least version 3.0 of MUI. Since version 3.0 the whole design of MUI has changed, it is much more powerful and many of its new functions and possibilities are used by Money97. You have to install a correct version of MUI first, before you can use Money97. Hints: -> Update your version of MUI to at least 3.0. You can always get the newest version of MUI from or from aminet. Look for a file called muiXXusr.lha where xx is something bigger than 30. Error #19: Can't open MUIMaster library. You'll get this message, if Money97 didn't even detect any version of MUI on your system. Please read the docs for more information about MUI. MUI is absolutely necessary for Money97 to work. Hints: -> Install MUI version 3.0 or higher on your system first and then retry starting Money97. Error #20: Can't create toolbutton class. Most of the time this error occurs, if the sub-directory "images" is not present in the progdir: directory or it's empty, i.e. the graphical data for the image buttons is not available. Money97 is not able to create the gui and stops running. A loss of memory may also be the problem. Hints: -> Perhaps a reinstall will help you to fix this problem, otherwise contact the author. Error #21: Can't create application. This error occurs, if MUI is not avle to create the application GUI and may have different reasons, from the loss of memory to not finding a class. Hints: -> Try to make more memory avaliable. -> Check, wether you installed all classes. -> Check if the toolbar images are in iff format or make sure the needed datatypes are present on your system. Error #22: List Corrupt. Very serious error. This one occurs, if Money97 loses track of it's internal memory lists. This might indicate a defect RAM or (better) some other program has written to memory areas it was not allowed to. Hints: -> Stop working on the current project, AT ONCE, and DON'T SAVE IT over an existing project file, since YOU MIGHT CORRUPT THE COMPLETE FILE!!! -> Check if this error also occurs, if other applications are not running at the same time. -> Run memory test programs at early system boot stage (i.e. with lots of ram free for testing!). NOTE: Not all error messages are localized nor are displayed in nice requesters. This is not a bug, but a feature. Localization is only possible, after opening locale.library. Unfortunately errors don't know this and might occur before this is done so these messages will always be in english and can only appear at programm start. Error messages in requesters are done through MUI. Errors occuring, before the application is built can't use MUI. I thought that these few errors which hopefully won't ever occur are not worth the afford and the memory used by another library I had to open to display them in requesters, too.