Sent by Dave Vetterick & I_UFO-L
Trusty old Dave alerted me to another scoop and that being that purportedly a new metal sample had been discovered that was from the Roswell Crash. Below find a jpg graphic that Dave was able to send to me that was posted on Art Bell's web site: Below is the image followed by Dave's message:
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 23:52:23 -0600
From: "David T. Vetterick" {}
Subject: URGENT ROSWELL UPDATEA person who was supposedly in the military and part of the clean-up crew at the Roswell crash site, delivered a small peice of the debris, which he has kept mounted in a frame for nearly 30 years, to the Roswell museum.
The curator has taken the piece to a lab for analysis. The results should be available soon.
Attached is a photo of this piece of debris, which appeared in the Roswell paper and subsequently posted to Art Bell's WWW site at This is where I got this .jpg file for posting to this site. Please see Art Bells site for additional information.
In the following sections, is more communications shared on the I_UFO-L mailing list about this metal sample. Is it a hoax to take us off the track like some say the Santilli Film? You decide .... we must be gettin' close now to the Truth .... at last?
Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 22:43:37 -0600
To: Multiple recipients of list IUFO {}About a week ago, a man brought in a piece of metal to the Roswell museum claiming it to be a piece from the UFO crash in 1947.
It was sent to the New Mexico Tech lab in Socorro.
Turns out its a silver & copper alloy, but they aren't able to detect anything in it which is less than 1%. This 1% could make rather large differences in it's physical, electrical, etc., properties.
Stan Friedman is urging they do a more thorough analysis.
You could speculate all day on possible applications, but the proof will be in a more detailed study. Silver & copper are most commonly used in electrical applications because of their conductivity.
Just to prod you all a bit does a thin copper skin remind anyone of anything in Tesla's work ? ..... Hmmmmm ?
Stan Friedman, one of the most credible researchers in the UFO arena, is offering some suggestions on testing and following up on the piece's source. Lets hope the museum people follow his advise.
This info is from the Sunday 3/31 Roswell paper if you want to check it out.
A photo of the actual piece that was turned in can be seen on Art Bells www page at
Dave Vetterick
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Date: Mon, 01 Apr 1996 16:59:16 EST5EDT
From: (mike pell)
Organization: SearchNet HeadQuarters
Reply-To: Mike Pell {}
To: Multiple recipients of list IUFO {}Hello Everyone!
I found these two interesting posts on AAV and was wondering if anyone accessing I_UFO has heard anything further about this as to the validity of the story?
[begin quote]-----------------------
Subject: Roswell UFO Proof?The local fish-wrapper had an article this morn about a Mysterious pice of metal which was turned into Roswell's UFO museum and supposedly was from the UFO crash.
The owner of the piece apparently did not wish to be indentified, which may be a good sign. Supposedly, he was part of the crew that cleaned up from the crash, according to Max Littell of the Museum.
I encourage all believers to contact either the museum or one of the major UFO organizations to ensure that this material is properly tested in a reputable lab! If this is true, this is the smoking gun and apparently there isn't a large piece of this available. Not testing it in a reputable lab will lose any credibility it may have.
There are excellent labs in both Albuquerque and Los Alamos. (I assume that they won't want to use the Los Alamos lab since it is a gov't national lab!) Lubbock also has some world quality labs at TTU. (Stay away from El Paso!)
Failure to have it properly tested will ruin any value it has in the eyes of skeptics! And this skepticism will be legitimate if it is not properly tested. I wouldn't be surprised that one of the university labs will test it for free and allow the owners to watch to ensure it is not switched or some game played. It is to all our interests to have it tested! And properly tested!
(reply to above message)
From: (Keith C Carmen)
Subject: Re: Roswell UFO Proof?
Organization: Cray Research, Inc., Eagan, MNSupposedly Paul Harvey mentioned it on his radio news report today (3/29) and the University of New Mexico had tested it. They were unable to identify it's complete composition. Definitely not rice paper "Fugo" balloon material, or "Mogul" foil.
[end quote]
Any information on this Roswell developement would be appreciated.
Cheers! - .\\ike -==o==-
* OFFLINE 1.58
* Origin: Dave's Place - Burlington, ON - (905)526-8319 (1:244/402)
Date: Thu, 04 Apr 1996 11:10:16 EST5EDT
From: (chris terraneau)
Sender: IUFO Mailing List {}
To: Multiple recipients of list IUFO {}-=> Quoting Mike Pell to All <=-
MP> Hello Everyone!
Hi Mike!
MP> I found these two interesting posts on AAV and was wondering if
MP> anyone accessing I_UFO has heard anything further about this as to
MP> the validity of the story?MP> The owner of the piece apparently did not wish to be indentified,
MP> which may be a good sign. Supposedly, he was part of the crew that
MP> cleaned up from the crash, according to Max Littell of the Museum.Art Bell was talking about this Sunday night. And Linda Howe had an interview with someone at the museum, as well as a scientist who did X-ray spectrography on the piece.
The situation is, someone who owned a framing shop in Texas gave the specimen to someone who turned it over to the museum. The framing shop guy supposedly got it directly from someone who was there cleaning up the site in 1947. They were unable to confirm which site it came from, and have not identified the person who removed it from the crash site.
The University of New Mexico ran the X-ray test on it a couple of days later. The specimen is apparently roughly triangular in shape, a few inches across. It appears to have been torn from a larger piece. There is an oval section, about 1" across, missing from the middle of it. It is foil-like, about the thickness of a piece of paper. And, apparently, it CAN be torn easily, unlike the rumors of the tough, indestructable foil from the Roswell crash witnesses.
The X-ray spectroscopy done on it reveals that it contains copper and silver. It was said that it appears as if some of the silver has worn off in spots, revealing the copper underneath. The scientist at the U of NM said he though it reminiscent of a microphone diaphram, which would be made of a thin metal. Linda Howe asked him if he had ever seen a microphone diaphram like that, and he replied that he hadn't.
They said more elaborate tests would be done on it this week.
My personal opinion is that this will turn out to be a hoax, could even be more disinformation designed to make Roswell look bad, stir up controversy, etc., just like the autopsy film did.
... Catch the Blue Wave!
* Origin: Zooming in San Diego, 619-277-4140 (1:202/746)
Date: Sun, 07 Apr 1996 21:17:10 EST5EDT
From: (don allen)
Sender: IUFO Mailing List {}
To: Multiple recipients of list IUFO {}* Forwarded from BAMA
* Originally By: John Powell
* Originally To: All
* Originally Re: Info on Roswell Metal
* Originally Dated: Sunday April 07 1996 10:05______________________________________________________________________
The Roswell Dailly Record- April 5, 1996
Jason Bunch-Staff Reporter"Analysis of metal fails to refute claims of crash" Wherever it came from, somewhere along the line it fell down and went boom. Analysis of the piece of metal reportedly linked to the alleged 1947 Roswell UFO crash reveals that the sample was part of a larger object that did indeed suffer some kind of disaster. "It obviously came from a larger piece and the way it came from there was from a catastrophic event," Analyst Chris McKee said. "What that really means, I have no idea. It could be from an explosion, it could from a crash." The piece, which was turned into the International UFO Museum and Research Center March 24 by an anonymous source, was tested last week by McKee at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology in Socorro. Initial results revealed that the sample was composed of silver and copper, but a written report lists traces of sodium, aluminum, silicon, iron, chromium, sulfer and chlorine as also present on the piece.
According to McKee, the origin of those elements is unknown. "It could just come from handling or soil, we didn't clean the sample or anuthing so we have no idea what was on the surface," McKee said. Since the components of the piece are all natural elements, and could be found throughout the universe, the composition of the metal does not provide proof one way or another about what crashed in 1947."It doesn't really help decide whether it is extraterrestrial or not," McKee said. One thing is for sure though, it did not come directly from the weather balloon experiments known as Project MOGUL that the United States Air Force claim is responsible for the crash. According to Max Littell of the UFO Museum, Charles Moore, a member of the team that designed and worked on Project MOGUL, was at the test in Socorro. "He said it was not a part of the balloon, and he worked on the project before it was even known as MOGUL," Littell said. "It could have been part of extra instrumentation attached to it, but it wasn't part of the balloon, nor was it part of its inner-workings." Although the findings are promising, Littell noted that there is still no conclusive evidence that what crashed in the desert all those years ago was a UFO. "There are still a lot of 'could bes' and 'maybes' but no absolutes in this yet," Littell said. The next step in verifying the origin of the piece is tracking it back to its original owner. Littell said that the museum is currently working toward that end.
-+- FMail/386 1.02 + Origin: Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence BBS (1:261/1201) ... "It's not the years, it's the mileage." - Indiana Jones * Origin: A bad day at the beach beats a good day at work (1:3618/2)
Date: Sun, 07 Apr 1996 21:17:22 EST5EDT
From: (don allen)
Sender: IUFO Mailing List {}
To: Multiple recipients of list IUFO {}* Forwarded from BAMA
* Originally By: John Powell
* Originally To: All
* Originally Re: More Roswell Metal
* Originally Dated: Sunday April 07 1996 10:05______________________________________________________________________
Roswell, New Mexico
400 North Main
(606) 625-9495
FAX 1 505 625 1907In answer to many, many calls concerning the piece of metal brought into our Museum concerning the 1947 Incldent, this information ls to glve an answer to the inquirys that have been made.
On Sunday, March 24th, this gentleman brought in the iem, in a frame with a glass face so it was protected. His story was that he received it from a party we will refer to as No. 2. No. 1 was the person in the Military stationed at Roswell Army Air Field in 1947 and was one of the GIs who helped clean up the debris. It is obvious to accomplish getting the piece of wreckage he did, it had to be small enough to be placed in a pocket to avoid detection. So, No. I gave the material to No. 2, who placed lt in a frame. No. 2 then gave the Item to No. 3 who brought the material to this Museum on March 24th, 1996. No. 3 has presented the Museum with the item and it will remain in our possession permanently. On Friday, March 29th, The Roswell Chief of Police and one of the volunteers of the Museum took the item to New Mexico Tech in Socorro New Mexico for an analysis that had been scheduled at our request. The formal results will be available in a few days, but it was determined the metal was copper with silver on each surface. All metals were very thin and when all three were as indicated, the thickness was still I less than a dime would be in thickness.
When the formal results are obtained (and we ask also for a layman's interpretation also) the experiments and search can and will continue in any direction that might lend informdtion.
Stan Friedman, who most of you know, faxed us suggestions, and one paragraph of his letter is reproduced here. We solicit any additional information or proceedure that could be of help.
Further, we will not release the names as indicated above as NO 1,2 & 3 to ANYBODY, as we all know the press would crucify anyone to get one of their "Scoops" and above all, the Military could appear and offer bodily harm to anyone who might be in their way--whatever that is..
2. He didn't make any other measurements because they are not metallurgists. They do this test occasionally. Hardness, strength, structure, uniformity of thickness, etc. would all be useful. Certainly the tests tell us the samples is not a conventional iron, nickel, aluminum, magnesium, or titanium alloy. They don't tell us the exact composition or any information about special or non-special characteristics. Silver and copper are both normally thought of as soft with relatively low melting points. They are excellent conductors of heat and electricity, but relatively dense materials. The specific gravity of silver is 10.5gm/cc and copper is 8.96.. As oppossed to aluminum at 2.7 Mg at 1.74, stainless steel about 8.0 and titanium 4.64. Normally silver and copper are not thought of as structural materials. The piece could be part of a sophisticated special part of nuclear weapons or explosive generators requiring carrying a large electrical current...
PO Box 2221 Roswell NM 88202
-+- FMail/386 1.02 + Origin: Absence of Evidence is not Evidence of Absence BBS (1:261/1201) ... "It's not the years, it's the mileage." - Indiana Jones * Origin: A bad day at the beach beats a good day at work (1:3618/2)
New Test on Metal Fragment
(August 1996)From:
Date: Tue, 13 Aug 1996 20:42:17 -0400
Subject: Fwd: Suspected UFO fragment matches Earth metals - test
-> SearchNet's iufo Mailing List
Forwarded message:
Date: 96-08-13 17:35:54 EDTSANTA FE, N M, Aug 13 (Reuter) - A fragment of wreckage from a supposed spaceship crash in New Mexico is composed of metals found on Earth, a scientist said on Tuesday, casting doubt on claims it was once part of an alien craft.
Larry Callis, a scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory, said his tests confirmed that copper and silver in the fragment matched the metals' earthly composition.
``I sort of expected it to be terrestrial,'' said Callis, who conducted the isotopic tests on the fragment for a Roswell UFO museum. ``(But) it was fun doing something different,'' said Callis, who normally tests uranium and plutonium for the lab's nuclear research facility.
The metal fragment was found by military personnel investigating a mysterious crash in the desert outside Roswell, New Mexico, on July 4, 1947, said Deon Crosby, director of the Roswell International UFO Museum and Research Centre, which paid for the tests.
The crash inspired the summer blockbuster ``Independence Day'' and is considered by many as evidence of alien life. But the U.S. Air Force has said the wreckage was remnants of a spy balloon used to detect the launch of Soviet nuclear missiles.
Museum officials were undaunted by the lab tests and said they believed the fragment was part of an unidentified flying object, or UFO. ``We may not yet, as a nation, have the scientific tools to recognise materials from out of this universe,'' Crosby said.
(c) 1996, Reuters Limited. This material is for personal use only. Republication and redissemination, including posting to news groups, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters.
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Metal Analysis Update
(Art Bell Show, 5/96)
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