March 21st Press Conference Pages
IRC Channel Report (#art_bell)
ISCNI Live Report
Bill Teauge: Conference Reported in St.Louis
Hoagland's Analysis on Art Bell Radio Show
IRC Report Live
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 1996 12:09:00 EST5EDT
From: glenda stocks {}
To: Multiple recipients of list IUFO {}
Subject: Hoagland Conference as reported on IRC Channel
Session Start: Thu Mar 21 07:37:24 1996
*** Now talking in #art_bell(summarized and edited by various sources ... Illinois,
RCH = Richard Hoagland)Richard Hoagland is at the podium and has invited the press to come up and view the giant photos and murals of the lunar landscape that has been made.
Richard Hoagland is explaining to the press about the initiation of the investigation of the Viking images, which begain his journey.
Richard Hoagland is discussing the high sun angle of the Face on Mars.
We have at least 60 members of the press.
Mars is still being discussed. Wait.
The geometric placement of the city at cy==cydonia on Mars is being described with the concomitant geometrical constant relationships. The message of the mathematical layout of the artifacts on Mars is being described.
We have a full try of slides of the data from Mars that must be given as a segue to the lunar data.
RCH is explaining that the artifacts on Mars were layed out in a geometrical symmetry as a language to anyone who happened to find them in the future.
RCH is discussing the significance of the 19.5 latitude and its relationship to hyperdimensional physics.
RCH is discussing the great dark spot on Neptune and how he and his colleagues predicted that Voyager would see this based on the great spots on Jupiter at 19.5, sunspots at 19.5,Uranus's great spot at 19.5.
RCH is explaining how the lunar project is an extension of the Mars data.
RCH is explaining that the mathematics at Giza is the same math that is found at the cydonia region of Mars.
Is the tetrahedral mathematics apparent on the lunar plane--yes. RCH is now introducing Marving Czarnik - our retired aerospace engineer.
Mr. Czarnik is at the podium.
He was formerly with Grumman.
Mr. Czarnik has formed a group independent of Hoagland's group looking into the anomalies on the Moon.
He is concerned about the value of the monies spent since the founding of the NASA.
He is concerned about how more money is spent to preserve entertainment motion pictures than is spent on preserving the lunar photos at NSSDC.
Mr. Czarnik is concerned about how he could have participated in sending men to the moon without knowing what is on the moon.
Mr. Czarnik claims he has accepted Hoagland's challenge to verify his finding.
He has reviewed Hoagland's work by ordering the same prints and negatives from the NSSDC.
Washington University has been one of the archives that he has ordered from.
He has focused on the Shard, the Crystal Palace and other objects, but they believed that the Shard is the most interesting because it does not have to be enhanced.
Czarnik is now presenting a slide show.
His first image is the distance shot of the Shard.
It is protroduing above the surface of the Moon.
His findings have revealed that the Shadow underneath the Shard is not a shadow at all but an object.
He has multiple images from NASA of this image.
He has correlated some of the comments that the astronauts have made in describing the lunar surface.
And has had lengthy conversations with Mr. Shabaz the chief trainer of the astronauts.
Czarnik is now discussing the Brookings report.
Hoagland is back at the podium.
RCH is describing the Shard as having been photographied from 250 miles away.
RCH is about to introduce the next speaker.
He has on screen the triangular shadow of the crater Ukert. There are technical difficulties, please wait.
RCH is at podium and speaking.
The next speaker is Ken Johnston, formerly with NASA, currently with Boeing.
Mr. Johnston is at the podium.
He is giving his background.
In 1966, he left the Marines and was a consultant and test pilot with Grumman.
He amassed 3,000 hours as a spacepilot himself.
He was the test command pilot, at the Johnson Space Center.
Mr. Johnston is describing photos that he saw while he was in charge of the photo archive at the Johnson Space Centre.
He is describing a viewing of the one of the films taken by the astronauts on Apollo footage with plumage that was removed from this film within 24 hours--mysteriously.
He was at Johnston through all the missions.
Johnston is showing letters verifying that he gave Hoagland the photos of Apollo 14 that he has here at the conference.
The next speaker is Ron Nicks a geologist (formerly with Battelle Institute).
As prelude to Mr. Nicks, Hoagland is discussing an Earth-based photo of the Moon.
In the center of the Moon, there is a l6 mile diametre crater with an equilateral triangle, which links Mars to the Moon.
The Shard is being discussed again at an important frame from Lunar Orbiter 4.
Behind the Shard is what is called the Cube, it is over seven miles high.
Seven miles sounds outrageous by terrestrial standards, however in the l930s mile high Earth constructed buildings were being discussed as being possible.
Surveyor 6 photo of the "brilliant beads" is being described for the press.
Photo enhancing reveals geometric structure in the solar light being cast with the sun being l hours below the horizon.
With the sun below the horizon, there should be no patterns visible in the corona.
Apollo frame 4822 is being shown.
Hoagland is discussing the haze around the landscape as not being an artifact of the processing.
Why is the material so reflective and diverse. How can you account for the hazing?
Why after so many years and so much money, why are there no answers to the persistent claims of anomalies. As a geologist, he can not come up with a geometric model for these objects.
Clear to the horizon where the detail is, the sky should be clear, but it is hazy.
Mr. Nicks is excited about the possibility of these objects being artificial and is calling for more work to be done with a review of the old NASA data bases with 1990s technology (with scanners and photo optic software).
Hoagland is describing Cernan and Stafford's Apollo photos taken with the Hassleblad photos of frame AS10-32-4822.
The frame 4822 is blanked out in the NASA catalogs, which encouraged Hoagland and his associates to order this frame.
Near Manileus there is a retilinear feature hanging 9 miles above the surface of the Moon which is being shown to the press.
A large fragment of glass Hoagland calls the Castle.
Hoagland is showing the frame and how the sun is coming up on the right, but the photo is very dark where the Sun is, which is highly improbable without something blocking the view.
Alex Cook, a student and amateur astronomer is one of the MarsMission associates who ordered the 4822 frame from NASA's blacked out catalog.
He ordered 4822 from NSSDC at Goddard.
He received a negative from NSSDC and took it to the lab at his college to process.
He is giving the frame numbers from apollo 1. correction apollo 10 He found that on order 4822 several times that he received more than one version of it.
He subsequently found a confirming photo of the Castle on AS10-32-4822.
This print was taken a second or two after the first frame analyzed by Hoagland.
He discovered that there are 10 different versions of 4822 in NASA's catalog.
Hoagland is now describing the city Square on 4822.
He is now showing the press what is called the "crystal palace", just above the Square.
Hoagland is digressing to discuss the strange case of the 10 separate versions of AS10-32-4822.
NASA seems to be underreporting in its catalog the number and designations of its images.
There are vast fields of reflective material which is catching sunlight as the command module is flying by and the astronauts are photographing the landscape.
The crystal palace is a sun-glint over a mile wide. What geological model do we have for this if it is purely natural?
Hoagland is showing the press how the shadows on 4822, which should be pitch black, are in fact light grey.
What is the geological model of light grey shadowing without atmosphere to scatter light?
Hoagland is describing some of the cabelling on the surface of the Moon.
For those who think it is a scratch, how do three scratches make the same curve and know where it is on the surface.
Hoagland is showing the hazing on 4822 when the contrast is simply turned up.
Hoagland is showing the difference between an objected and a scratch. When the structures are enhanced, geometric markings, layerings and cells show up (way above the pixel level).
Hoagland is showing the top of the Castle with cabelling aligned at the top of the object.
Hoagland is showing the top of the enhanced version of the Castle, showing the layering and cellular structure inside the Castle. This frame was given to Hoagland by someone inside NASA. When Hoagland took the leaked photo to NSSDC, he was told that the image original had disappeared from the NSSDC library.
Brian Moore, Ph.D., lunar construction techniques, Moore space, Inc., is at the podium.
Dr. Moore worked at Kennedy Space Center for two years.
Dr. Moore is giving his background, both educational and professional.
Dr. Moore has also examined some of the prints that Hoagland has been looking at for verification.
Moore verifies that he has seen the same geometric patterns show up on these frames.
He is here to encourage further research of the old NASA databases. He does not have the geologic backround to verify or disproove, but verifies that he has seen all of the images and there are anomalies on the photos that beg to be explained.
Robert Fiertek, architect, Fiertek Design is at the podium.
Fiertek's interest spans 9 years in the anomalies of both the Moon and Mars.
He began with Mars.
He is showing the press the catenary shapes visibile in 4822. Fiertek is explaining how the special formulation of film used for photographing the lunar landscape.
For a grey landscape with a black sky only black and white should be necessary.
The Astronauts on the apollo 14 mission, used color film. Color frames are now being shown.
The color was used for infrared photography, on photos being show of a grey surface and black sky, why.
Fiertek is showing a black and white image called the battleship.
He is now showing an image of the Clementine mission. This infrared image shows geometry over the same area of Sinus Medii that the old photos of 4822 did.
Fiertek is explaining how false color was added to show the various regions, densities and mineral content.
Fiertek is showing his architectural geometric overlays between the Ukert and Triesnecker craters from the Clementine image, over the same area as 4822.
Fiertek is showing the rectilinear alignments in the blow ups of Triesnecker.
He has done CAD programs tto drawn architectura l overlays of the Clementine image in order to rectify it with 4822 and there is correspondence.
Fiertek is discussing how we know this material is glass.
His CAD program took 27 hours to generate the same rectilinear patterns as the analog enhancements.
In other words, the computer program is generating perfect replicas of the gridwork which seems to be rectilinear and gridlike to the eye.
Hoagland is back at the podium and is changing slide trays-pause.
Hoagland is being asked why the astronauts have remained silent about this.
Hoagland is reminding the press that the Brookings report warned of the destruction of civilization if we were to find artifacts on the Moon or Mars.
Back to the astronauts.
He doesn't know why the astronauts have remained silent.
Sara McLendon is asking about who constructed these artifacts. Another journalist is wondering why the SETI programme appears to search for extraterrestrial life, yet ignores this data.
Hoagland is discussing how all the NASA missions are showing the same type of haze and glass like structured objects on its surface. You only have to have a home office computer and image software to scan and enhance the data.
The NSSDC has been the most cooperative.
(This transmission has been interfeered with over and again. I cannot give this information on this channel. Much information has been lost.)
----The press conference is now over---
Session Close: Thu Mar 21 10:20:30 1996
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ISCNI Live Report
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 1996 02:48:32 GMT
To: Multiple recipients of list IUFO {}
Subject: ISCNI: Report of Hoagland Press Conference
Richard Hoagland, researcher of possible anomalous structures on the moon and Mars, held his long anticipated press conference in the Ballroom of the National Press Club in Washington, DC, this morning. The event began almost on schedule, a few minutes after 9 a.m. eastern time, and ran for a little over two hours. CNI News correspondent Rebecca Schatte was on the scene and called in her report at the conclusion of the event. CNI News - Volume 16.6
Published by the ISCNI News Center
(c) March 21, 1996 by ISCNI
Editor: Michael Lindemann
CNI News Was There To Bring You This Eyewitness ReportReported by Rebecca Schatte in Washington
Written by Michael Lindemann
A number of large news organizations attended the briefing, including C-Span, USA Today, the AP and the New York Times. Reporters from a number of smaller and independent news organizations were also there. Altogether, under 100 people were in the room.
The mood in the room was hostile from the beginning, Schatte said. Hoagland, perhaps unnerved by the gravity of the moment, seemed less prepared than expected. At one point in his presentation, he started showing slides of crop circles, and an audible groan was heard throughout the room. He quickly advanced through those slides. Schatte wasn't sure if they were in the slide tray by accident, or if Hoagland decided to change his presentation when the crowd's hostility became obvious. It seemed, Schatte said, that many of those attending the event were already familiar with material Hoagland has presented in the last few years regarding possible geological and architectural anomalies on the moon. Schatte said Hoagland did not present anything distinctly new, and this was not lost on the crowd. At one point, she said, a reporter yelled aloud, "Are you going to tell us anything new?" Hoagland replied, "I'm just getting to that" -- but the briefing ended without any startling revelations.
Hoagland made good on his promise to bring in several other credible spokesmen to discuss the evidence for moon anomalies. Chief among these was former NASA and Boeing aerospace engineer Ken Johnston, who worked with NASA executive Dr. Thornton Page during the years of the Apollo moon missions. Johnston said that he had seen photo evidence, including some 16mm movie footage, that convinced him there was something anomalous on the moon. He said that he and Thornton Page were the first people to view 16mm film from the Apollo 14 mission that showed 5 or 6 lights in a crater on the dark side of the moon, as well as a strange plume of smoke. Johnston said he showed the movie footage to other NASA personnel the next day, but when he got to the point where he had seen the lights in the crater, those frames seemed to be missing. Johnston asked Page about the missing footage, and Page said, "I don't know what you're talking about." Johnston is convinced the footage was taken out and either hidden or destroyed.
Johnston also said that Page had ordered copies of many moon images from the Apollo missions to be destroyed, leaving only the originals in a vault in Houston. However, Johnston said he had received permission to put a set of copies in a university library archive in Oklamoma City, where they reside today. Some of these photos, he said, show features which might be anomalous, though they are neither clear nor close-up. Presumably these photos can be accessed for study by interested researchers. Another man who spoke briefly was retired NASA and McDonnell Douglas engineer Marvin Czarnik, who said he had set out on a private project to discredit early reports of anomalies on the moon, such as those published by Fred Steckling in the book, "We Discovered Alien Bases on the Moon." However, after much effort, Czarnik said, he became convinced that the anomalies were real. Ronald Nicks, a geologist, said he had tried to determine what kind of geological process could account for such strange features on the moon as the so-called "Shard," an apparent needle of rock that sticks straight up from a surrounding flat plane. Nicks said there is no reasonable explanation for such a structure, and he said other geologists agree with him. This leaves open the possibility that, as Hoagland asserts, the structure is artificial.
Others who spoke briefly included architect Robert Fiertek and amateur astronomer and photo analyst Alex Cook. Graham Hancock, author of the recent book "Fingerprints of the Gods," was expected to speak by remote hookup from England, but the connection was not made.
Rebecca Schatte expressed the opinion that this press conference would be a disappointment and possibly a setback for Richard Hoagland.
Nonetheless, she said Hoagland announced that his research organization, formerly known as the Mars Mission, now has a new name, the Enterprise Mission. Its slogan, Hoagland says, is "To boldly go where someone has gone before."
CNI News will continue to follow this story for further developments.
Transmitted: 3/21/96 5:28 PM
Conference Reported in St.Louis
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 1996 00:41:55 -0500
From: Bill Teague {}
To: Multiple recipients of list SNETNEWS {}
Subject: Hoagland: St Louis comes through
To all,Locally here in St Louis this past Wednesday I had contacted a CBS affiliate that said their DC affiliate might be covering the conference and IN FACT they ran a story tonight on the local affliliate's evening news ... it was of reasonable length, informative and *SOBER* (YEA!!!) with a computer animated drawing of *the shard* a *dome* and *the castle* "suspended 13 miles off the surface". It was balanced at the end by a short (obligatory) blanket denial 'from a NASA spokesperson' that there was "any truth in any way shape or form that there were artificial structures on the moon or that NASA had covered up any such info".
The report ran again at 10 but in a slightly different configuration but was equally balanced and sober and similiar in length.
Also although C-SPAN and CNN declined (at least officially) to cover the event either live or to tape it Art Bell reported last night that the Discovery Channel for one was going to have a camera crew at the conference as well as a Houston station and some others. And as Hoagland said that the editor of Popular Science was *definitely* going to be there we can look for an article in that mag sometime *soon* as well.
Art also said however that there was the feeling that cspan *was* going to be there *in some capacity* which I could easily believe. I can see that it *was* probably naieve of us to think that they would just *run* with this event full tilt boogey as we would have liked ... but the snowball *definitely* made a pass through some *deep wet snow* this past week with all the publicity that did go down on the net and all the email and phone calls made to news org's around the world re this event thereby picking up *considerable* much deserved and needed *weight* as a result.
Bill (in St Louis)
"Let's give them something to talk about" ... Bonnie Raitt
-------------------------------------------------------------- ((((((((((((((((( THE WHOLE WORLD IS CRYING ))))))))))))))))) --------------------------------------------------------------
Hoagland's Analysis on Art Bell
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 1996 07:43:45 -0500
From: Bill Teague {}
To: Multiple recipients of list SNETNEWS {}
Subject: New (tired) Hoagland on Art BellTo all,
Richard was back on Art Bell tonight (the man is unbelievable ... all the incredible pressure and excitement of this day and he stays up to come on Art's show till 4:30 am or so in DC and he's got a 9am meeting today ... sheesh ... what a guy .. sorry just had to say that)
Anyway he tells us first off NOT to worry about the coverage (*screw* *you know who* iow though he didn't say *that*) because there were 16 or so cameras up front besides his own 3 camera crew. MondoVision went live all over the world practically (but not here of course), there was German tv, and others that I have now forgot ... so not to worry 'boys and girls' as he would say the CAT IS OUT OF THE BAG ... bigtime.
Sara McClendon grand dame of the Wash. Press Corp who earlier in the day in personal conversation with Richard was hemming and hawing about coming *did* come (in a wheelchair as she was not feeling well) and was SO blown away that afterwards (and VERY excitedly) she has insisted that Richard come back *soon* and give a mini presentation to her personal little circle of super investigators and journalists that she is grooming in her style of old school 'correct' jump-in-with-both-feet-and-get-your-hands-dirty journalism AND she will buy him LUNCH! (g)
*ALSO* after the event and he was back at his hotel he got an excited call to the phone. It seems that CNN science editor John Holloman (sp?) though NOT at the event seemed now certainly stirred up and invited Richard to further discussions because he (and CNN) were now *definitely* interested in 41%NOT at the event seemed now certainly stirred up and invited Richard to further discussions because he (and CNN) were now *definitely* interested in producing a *special* on *the story*.
On the show with Richard tonight was ex-NASA contract photo data supervisor Ken Johnston (also one of the presenters today) who personally oversaw ALL the data that was brought back from the moon during Apollo. He told of his meeting Richard only a year ago at one of the presentations. He went with a letter of introduction hoping to meet him and 'get his booked signed' (
). When Hoagland's people found out who he was they immediately took him 'back stage' and directly to Richard. A day after the event Hoagland and some others were at Johnston's house looking at his personal collection of neg's and prints that were made from the original's as he processed the stuff when the stuff was 'fresh'. He had over 1,000 pcs at home and in an archive at his alma mater he's got copies of ALL of it that he handled personally. On the little bit of his stuff that they went through that first night at Ken's house in fact his wife found one of the first ones they stumbled on that showed *REFECTED* *clearly* *IN THE ASTRONAUT'S HELMUT VISORS* scenes of the ruins with *ladders* and *portals* and *stepped buttressed constructions* ..... !! ... In other words the astronauts were taking pictures of each other with the stuff looming behind the guy holding the camera!! ... ar ar ar! He told a story about when he was at Houston and was told to prepare a private viewing of some brand new data for the top project head Astronomer and he gave his name (?
) .. anyway as this man and a couple of his guys were looking through the stuff that Ken Johnston was showing them on a projector that had the ability to go forward and backward and zoom it for close ups and all that ... they came on one frame that they asked to see again and to zoom in on and so forth ... it was a crater that had some *lights* visable in the bottom and a *plume* of smoke or steam or *out-gassing* of some kind rising up from it. Ken was asked to *stop and go back* and to zoom in and all and they looked at this frame for some time and finally the head guy turned to his buddies and chuckled and said "well isn't that interesting" and then they went on. Well the next day Ken was to prepare the same data for another viewing for the general staff and as they were going through it he was telling a few of them "wait till you see this *one* " .. blah blah blah ... when he got to that frame *no lights in the bottom* and *no plume* ... ?
The next day he dropped by the project head astronomer's office (what WAS his name? .. damn!) and told him about the viewing the next day that showed the frame as completely different. The project head astronomer tells him "there were no lights ... there was no plume" ... "you didn't see anything" ... !!
So revelations there were aplenty folks and the deal was a HUGE success it seems to me. They didn't even get to the Russian pictures (!!!) .. ran out of time they did and still went 20 minutes over their alloted time and got booted out 'cause they were occupying the main banquet space that was booked 81%of time they did and still went 20 minutes over their alloted time and got booted out 'cause they were occupying the main banquet space that was booked for a luncheon ... soooooooo
Oh and he gave a HUGE and sincere *thank you* to the Art Bell crowd that got on their phones, fax machines, and computers and spread the word .... it was he said MOST helpful and APPRECIATED ... this thing is NOT going to go anywhere if people don't get involved which Art's crowd has done and will no doubt keep on doing.
So everyone that did pat yourselves on the back and keep it up ... "IT'S WORKING" .... so says Mr Richard Hoagland anyway and that's a quote! And of course this show will get repeated Saturday (or Sunday perhaps .. my guess would be Sat) and IMO though it wasn't one of H's marathon Art Bell 'performances' this one was *special*, a real jaw dropper, and would be worth taping or ordering a copy from 800-917-4278.
ps ... Marving Czarnik - a retired aerospace engineer and another presenter at the conference (who is an important guy because he has assembled his own group to independently obtain and look at the data) it turns out is from *right here* IN ST LOUIS !!! (damn right under my nose and didn't even know it ... *heh heh* .. but I do now! .. hmmm .. no wonder St Louis came through with an intelligent local news spot on the conf.) and SO ... I will get going on that lead in the days to come and will *get back to you* ....
"Let's give them something to talk about" ... Bonnie Raitt
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