DEFINITION MODULE bgLocale ; (**************************************************** This file was created automatically by 'FlexCat 1.5' from "". Do NOT edit by hand! ****************************************************) IMPORT y : SYSTEM; CONST MSG_PLAYER1 = 0 ; MSG_PLAYER1Str = "Player1" ; MSG_PLAYER2 = 1 ; MSG_PLAYER2Str = "Player2" ; MSG_TRACE = 2 ; MSG_TRACEStr = "Trace" ; MSG_LEVEL = 3 ; MSG_LEVELStr = "Level" ; MSG_Blink = 4 ; MSG_BlinkStr = "Blink" ; MSG_Blink_Time = 5 ; MSG_Blink_TimeStr = "Blinktime" ; MSG_Board_Type = 6 ; MSG_Board_TypeStr = "Boardtype" ; MSG_KION = 7 ; MSG_KIONStr = "AI Configuration" ; MSG_SAVE = 8 ; MSG_SAVEStr = "Save" ; MSG_LOAD = 9 ; MSG_LOADStr = "Load..." ; MSG_General = 10 ; MSG_GeneralStr = "General" ; MSG_Board = 11 ; MSG_BoardStr = "Board" ; MSG_AI = 12 ; MSG_AIStr = "AI" ; MSG_USE = 13 ; MSG_USEStr = "Use" ; MSG_WHITE_STONE_PEN = 14 ; MSG_WHITE_STONE_PENStr = "White stone" ; MSG_BLACK_STONE_PEN = 15 ; MSG_BLACK_STONE_PENStr = "Black stone" ; MSG_WHITE_FIELD_PEN = 16 ; MSG_WHITE_FIELD_PENStr = "White field" ; MSG_BLACK_FIELD_PEN = 17 ; MSG_BLACK_FIELD_PENStr = "Black field" ; MSG_PLAY = 18 ; MSG_PLAYStr = "Play" ; MSG_NEW = 19 ; MSG_NEWStr = "New" ; MSG_MODE = 20 ; MSG_MODEStr = "Mode" ; MSG_PLAY2 = 21 ; MSG_PLAY2Str = "play" ; MSG_SET = 22 ; MSG_SETStr = "set" ; MSG_HUMAN = 23 ; MSG_HUMANStr = "human" ; MSG_COMPUTER = 24 ; MSG_COMPUTERStr = "computer" ; MSG_WHITE_GOES_ON = 25 ; MSG_WHITE_GOES_ONStr = "White goes on..." ; MSG_BLACK_GOES_ON = 26 ; MSG_BLACK_GOES_ONStr = "Black goes on..." ; MSG_WHITE_WINS = 27 ; MSG_WHITE_WINSStr = "White wins!" ; MSG_BLACK_WINS = 28 ; MSG_BLACK_WINSStr = "Black wins!" ; MSG_THE_DICES_ARE = 29 ; MSG_THE_DICES_AREStr = "The dice are:" ; MSG_ITS_YOUR_TURN = 30 ; MSG_ITS_YOUR_TURNStr = "It`s your turn..." ; MSG_CALCULATE = 31 ; MSG_CALCULATEStr = "Calculate next move..." ; MSG_BACK = 32 ; MSG_BACKStr = "Back" ; MSG_MOVES = 33 ; MSG_MOVESStr = "Moves" ; MSG_WHITE_TARGET = 34 ; MSG_WHITE_TARGETStr = "White target" ; MSG_BLACK_TARGET = 35 ; MSG_BLACK_TARGETStr = "Black target" ; MSG_BAR_LEV = 36 ; MSG_BAR_LEVStr = "Bar" ; MSG_SINGLEPROB_LEV = 37 ; MSG_SINGLEPROB_LEVStr = "Singleprob" ; MSG_SINGLE_LEV = 38 ; MSG_SINGLE_LEVStr = "Single" ; MSG_DISTRIBUTION_LEV = 39 ; MSG_DISTRIBUTION_LEVStr = "Distribution" ; MSG_DISTANCE_LEV = 40 ; MSG_DISTANCE_LEVStr = "Distance" ; MSG_SIX_LEV = 41 ; MSG_SIX_LEVStr = "Six and more" ; MSG_BLOCK_LEV = 42 ; MSG_BLOCK_LEVStr = "Block" ; MSG_TARGET_LEV = 43 ; MSG_TARGET_LEVStr = "Target" ; MSG_HOME_LEV = 44 ; MSG_HOME_LEVStr = "Home" ; MSG_KIWIN = 45 ; MSG_KIWINStr = "MUIBackgammon AI Configuration" ; MSG_LEFTCOPY = 46 ; MSG_LEFTCOPYStr = "Copy >" ; MSG_RIGHTCOPY = 47 ; MSG_RIGHTCOPYStr = "< Copy" ; MSG_WHITE = 48 ; MSG_WHITEStr = "White" ; MSG_BLACK = 49 ; MSG_BLACKStr = "Black" ; MSG_RATING = 50 ; MSG_RATINGStr = "Rating" ; MSG_LOAD_FILE = 51 ; MSG_LOAD_FILEStr = "Choose file to load" ; MSG_SAVE_FILE = 52 ; MSG_SAVE_FILEStr = "Choose file to save" ; MSG_ON = 53 ; MSG_ONStr = "on" ; MSG_OFF = 54 ; MSG_OFFStr = "off" ; MSG_Prev_Win = 55 ; MSG_Prev_WinStr = "MUIBackgammon Preferences" ; MSG_Prev_On = 56 ; MSG_Prev_OnStr = "Preferences..." ; MSG_Black_Begins = 57 ; MSG_Black_BeginsStr = "Black begins..." ; MSG_White_Begins = 58 ; MSG_White_BeginsStr = "White begins..." ; MSG_ABOUT = 59 ; MSG_ABOUTStr = "About..." ; MSG_WELCOME = 60 ; MSG_WELCOMEStr = "\033uWelcome to MUIBackgammon!!!" ; MSG_ABOUT_MES = 61 ; MSG_ABOUT_MESStr = "\033cThis is Version 1.0 of \033bMUIBackgammon\033n,\n\033can MUI based Backgammon Game.\nIt was written by \033bMarc Ewert (© 1996)\033n\n\033cand is Freeware (at least this version)." ; MSG_SAVE2 = 62 ; MSG_SAVE2Str = "Save..." ; PROCEDURE GetString ( num : LONGINT ) : y.ADDRESS ; PROCEDURE GetKey ( num : LONGINT ) : CHAR; PROCEDURE GetKeyPtr ( num : LONGINT ) : y.ADDRESS; END bgLocale .