RESUSITATION -------------------------------------------------------- If the casualty is not breathing and the heart is not beating, it is vital that you take over respiration and circulation, so that the flow of oxygen to the brain is maintained. Remember your A B C's. ---------------------- First, ensure an open AIRWAY. Second, BREATHE for the casualty by inflating the lungs and oxygenating the blood (Artificial Ventilation) Third, CIRCULATE the blood by compressing the chest, (External Chest Compression). OPENING THE AIRWAY -------------------- If the casualty is unconscious the airway may be narrowed or blocked, making breathing difficult or impossible. This occurs for several reasons. The head may be tilt forward narrowing the air passage; muscular control in the throat will be lost, which may allow the tongue to slip back and block the air passage. As a result, saliva or vomit may lie at the back of the throat blocking the airway. Any of these situations can lead to the death of the casualty so it is imperative that you establish a clear airway immediately. With an open airway, the casualty may begin breathing spontaneously. If the casualty does begin breathing, place in the Recovery Position. If the casualty still does not breathe, you will have to begin resusitation.