---------------------------------------------------------------------- CIRCULATION - HEART ATTACKS & CARDIAC ARREST ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Sudden interference with the normal action of the heart will have serious consequences. This can occur if a blood clot blocks a coronary artery preventing blood reaching the heart muscle ( Coronary Obstruction/Thrombosis ), or because the heart is stopped for another reason. Symptoms and Signs ------------------- Sudden, crushing, vice like pain in the centre of the chest ( sometimes described as severe indigestion ) which may spread to the arms, ( usually LEFT ARM ) throat, jaw or back. Sudden dizziness or giddiness causing the casualty to sit down or lean against a wall for support. Skin may ashen; lips and extremities may become blue ( Cyanosis ). Profuse sweating may develop. Breathlessness may occur. Fast pulse which becomes weaker and may become irregular. Symptoms and signs of shock. ( See previous page ) Unconsciousness may develop. Breathing and heartbeat might stop. Treatment --------- 1: If conscious, gently support and place the casualty in a half- sitting position with head and shoulders supported and knees bent. 2: Loosen any constricting clothing around the neck, chest and waist. 3: If the casualty becomes unconscious but is breathing normally, place in the Recovery Position. ( See Resusitation ) 4: If breathing and heartbeat stop, beging Resusitation immediately. 5: Check breathing rate, pulse and responsiveness at 10 minute intervals. 6: Remove to Hospital immediately. Transport as a stretcher case maintaining the treatment position. CARDIAC ARREST -------------- This is a very serious condition in which the heart suddenly stops beating altogether. It can be the result of an extensive coronary obstruction. Symptoms & Signs ---------------- The casualty becomes unconscious. No pulse can be found at neck. Breathing and heartbeat will cease. Skin becomes ashen. Aim --- Attempt to revive the casualty by commencing Resusitation without delay. Arrange removal to Hospital, making it clear that heart attack is suspected. Treatment --------- 1: Begin Resusitation immediately. 2: Remove to Hospital immediately. If necessary, continue Resusitation on the way to the Hospital. -------------------------------------------------------------------------