THE AMAZING WATER DRINK ------------------------- 1: Place a glass of water onto a table and find any old hat lying around the house and place it over the top of the glass. Announce to your friends that you are going to drink the water without even touching the hat. Amidst the sounds of dibelief, you crouch down with your face behind the hat and make slurping sounds as though you are drinking the water. Then you stand up and say, "There you are." Nobody will believe you have done it so someone is bound to lift the hat to see if the water has indeed gone. Once they have taken the hat off, pick up the glass of water and drink it. You haven't touched the hat as promised. 2: You can follow this by placing the glass on the table upside down. Place three matches on the table and ask one of your friends to place one of the matches on top of the glass, using the other two matches. Of course, your friend will find this very easy indeed. That is until you tell him, "I told you to put it on TOP of the glass, you've put it on the bottom." Please remember that matches are Dangerous. Ask permission before using Them or better still use dud ones. Always be safe than sorry!