The Lightning - Editors' Guidelines

You are among the select few, appointed to the glorious task of being an editor of The Lightning (which means, no pay, shitty hours, and a co-ordinator always shouting at you :-)

These are a few guidelines:
  1. Deadlines
    Deadlines must be kept. All relevant material for an issue must be in the hands of the layouter, no later than the deadline (unless it's important stuff, that is - then a financial agreement must be made with the layouter :-) ...Seriously though, stuff received after the deadline will on most occasions be archived for use in the next issue.
  2. Proofreading.
    In order to minimize the amount of spelling mitsakes in the magazine, all material should be proofread by the editor *and* by one other member of the Lightning crew.
    It is especially important to proofread *and* prooftranslate all sourcecode that are to be used in the magazine. One of the things I remember from the good old ZX-81/ZX-Spectrum days, was the frustration of weeding out all the typos, after typing in a magazine listing. This is important!!
  3. Content
    It is the job of the editors to check the contents of the material submitted. This means you have to read through the stuff for the sections you edit. In case something is wrong, try to contact the author, if at all possible, in order to discuss it with him/her (are there any women at all out there programming Blitz?). If it is not possible to contact the author, either change the stuff yourself (be sure you make no mistakes, or else :-) or archive the material for future use.
  4. Style
    Every author has his/her own style. Don't try to break this style in order to make the magazine look more uniform - diversity is good(tm). However, the material we write ourselves should be kept under some guidelines, providing we can agree on some... [suggestions please].